[Publications] Aihara,Y.,Koyama,H.and Murashige,A: "Transient Aerodynamics Characteristics of a Two Dimensional Airfoil During Stepwise Incidence Variation." AIAA Jour.Aircraft. 22,8. 661-668 (1985)
[Publications] Aihara,Y.,Koyama,H. Akashi,E: "Transient Aerodynamics Behaviors Associated With Sand tempwise-Incidence Variation of Airfoils" Chinese Jour. Aeron.4,2,. 99-108 (1991)
[Publications] ARAI,Norio & SHIMADA,K: "Active control of Vortex Shedding Frequency by a Jet" Proc.of Pacific Into.Confa.on Aerospace Science and Technology. 2. 677-684 (1993)
[Publications] N.UCHIYAMA & O.INOUE: "Moving Cell Finite Volume Computation of a Helicopter Rotor Flow Field" Proc.5th Int'l Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dyna.3. 273-278 (1993)
[Publications] A.Matsuo and T.Fujiwara: "Numerical Investigation of Oscillatory Instability in Shock-induced Combustion around a Blunt Body." AIAA Journal. 31. 1835-1841 (1993)
[Publications] S.ASO and M.HAYASHI: "Experimental and Computational Studies on Dynamic Stall in Low Speed Flows" Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Fluid Dynamics on High Angle of Attack,held at Tokyo. 67-78 (1993)
[Publications] J.MIYAKAWA, J.SHINBO and S.ASO: "Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Stall Vortex" Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Fluid Dynamics on High Angle of Attack. 79-89 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Kumamoto and S.Aso: "Computational Studies on Dynamic Stall Phenomena by Solving Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations" Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics. 11. 103-108 (1993)
[Publications] A.Sasoh et al.: "A numerical and experimental study of sonic booms generated from highspeed railway tunnels" Proc.of the 19th ISS^W.
[Publications] A.Sasoh et al.: "An experimental and numerical study on von neumann mach reflection" Proc.of the 19th ISS^W.
[Publications] M.Zahar, Y.Nakamura Y.Nakajima,and T.Ono: "厚いデルタ翼の総圧分布について" 流体熱工学研究. 28. 15-25 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Nakajima,Y.Nakamura and M.Yasuhara: "Flow Field around Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edge" IPAC,SAE P-246. 393-414 (1991)
[Publications] T.Ono, Y.Nakamura,Y.Ushimaru and H.Kawazoe: "Static and Total Pressure Distributions around a Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edge" AIAA Paper. (in press). (1994)
[Publications] Yumiko Inoue and A.Ioichi Hayashi: "Nonequilibrium Flow Around Injection Jet into a Hypersonic Flow" Proc.of 19th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. (1993)
[Publications] A.Koichi Hayashi and Takayuki Fuyuto: "Numerical Simulation of Shock Waves Through a Combustible Two-Phase Media" Proc.of 19th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. (1993)
[Publications] A.Koichi Hayashi,Masaru Unno and Toshi Fujiwara: "Numerical Study on Thrust Vector Control System Using a Jet Vane in Rocket Exhaust Jet Flows" To be presented at 19th Int. Symp.on Space Technology and science. (1994)
[Publications] Itoga,N,Yoshizawa,Y.: "Numerical Calculations of Forward Flight Rotor Flowfields" Proc.of 5th Int.Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dynamics-Sendai. 1. 364-369 (1993)
[Publications] 糸長紀晶、吉澤能政: "非定常回転翼まわりの流れ場の計算" 第7回数値流体力学シンポジウム講演論文集. 111-114 (1993)
[Publications] 辛島桂一、他2名: "超高速パラシュートの開傘荷重特性" 第37回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集. 265-266 (1993)
[Publications] 辛島桂一、他2名: "高迎角低縦横比翼の空力特性に及ぼすLateral Blowing の効果" 第25回流体力学講演会講演集. 1-4 (1993)
[Publications] 辛島桂一、他2名: "デルタ翼の空力特性に及ぼすTrailing-EdgeLateral Blowing の効果" 第25回流体力学講演会講演集. 97-100 (1993)
[Publications] Aso,S.,Karashima,K.,et al.: "Intensive Studies on Unsteady Secondary Separations and Oscillating Shock Waves in Three Dimensional Shock Waves/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction Region Induced by Sharp/Blunt Fins" AIAA Paper 93-2939. (1993)
[Publications] Karashima,K.,et al.: "The Effect of Spanwise Blowing on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Delta Wing" Proceedings of 5th ISCFD. 2. 234-239 (1993)
[Publications] Karashima,K.,et al.: "Enhancement of the Leading-Edge Separation Vortices by the Trailing-Edge Lateral Blowing" AIAA Paper 94-0181. (1994)
[Publications] Fumio Higashino: "Interaction of Supersonic Expansion Flow with Boundary Layer in Unsymmetrical Duct" ISME International Journal. 37-1. 77-82 (1994)
[Publications] Masashi Yamauchi: "Numerical Investigation of Supersonic Flows around a Spiked Blunt-Body" 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit AIAA 93-0887. (1993)
[Publications] I.Sakamoto: "Focusing of Reflected Shock Waves Analyzed by Means of Geometrical Shock Dynamics" JSME International Journal. 36. 560-566 (1993)
[Publications] Fumio Shimizu: "Ground Surface Effects on the Blast Wave Propagation in Two Dimensions" Trans.Japan Sci.Aero.space Scie.36. 36-46 (1993)
[Publications] Nishida 他1名: "Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Flow Analysis in Atmospheric Entry Conditions" Proc.Initial Symp.on Aerospace and Fluid Science. 149-155 (1993)
[Publications] Nishida 他1名: "Computational Study on shock Wave Propagation and Starting Process in a Shock Tunnel Nozzle" Proc.5th Initial Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dynamics. 120-125 (1993)
[Publications] M.Nagasawa, K.Kuwahara: "Smcothed Particle Simulations of the Pyroclastic Flow" Inn.J.of Modern Phys.B.Vol.7 No.10,9. 1979-1995 (1993)
[Publications] S.Komori,R.Nagaosa, K.Kuwahara,他3名: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Openchannel Flow with Zero-shear Gas-Liquid Interface" Phys.Fluids A. Vol.5 No.1. 115-125 (1993)
[Publications] S.G.Chung, K.Kuwahara: "Explicit streamline Method for Steady Flows of Non-Newtonian Matter:History-Dependence and Free Surfaces" I.of Comput.Phys.Vol.104 No.2. (1993)
[Publications] J.Zonglin,C.Yaosong, K.Kuwahara: "Approximate Nonreflecting Inflow-outflow Boundary Conditions for the Calculation of Navier Stokes Equations in Internal Flows" AOTA Mechanica SINICA. Vol.9 No.4. (1993)
[Publications] 桑原邦郎: "流れのシミュレーションとその可視化" 画像工学コンファレンス. (1993)
[Publications] R.Iwatsu, J.M.Hyun,K.Kuwahara: "Numerical Simulations of Three-Dimensional Flows in a Cubic Cavity with an Oscillating Lid." Transactions of the ASME. Vol.115. 680-686 (1993)
[Publications] A.Sakurai,N.Kudo,and S.Higashino: "Support Software Development for the RPRV Flight Experiments" Memories of the Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu University. Vol.53 No.2. 89-102. (1994)
[Publications] 東野伸一郎,池松隆,瀬戸正之,桜井晃: "主成分分析を用いたRPRVの空気力解析" 九州大学工学集報. 67巻3号. (1994)
[Publications] Kubota,H.,Jia,M.Y.,Watanuki,T.,and Suzuki,K.: "Asymmetric Flow Around High-Angle-of-Attack Slender Bodies" Fluid Dynamics of High Angle of attack.Springer-Verlag. 277-288 (1993)
[Publications] 久保田弘敏、綿貫忠晴、鈴木宏二郎: "高迎角細長物体空力特性のマッハ数効果" 第25回流体力学講演会講演集. 17-20 (1993)
[Publications] K.Nakahashi: "Adaptive-Prismatic-Grid Method for External Viscous Flow Computations" AIAA Paper 93-3314-CP. 195-203 (1993)
[Publications] K.Nakahashi: "Semi-Unstructured,Adaptive Grid Approach for External Viscous Flow Computations" Proc.5th Int.Symp.on Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2. 195-203 (1993)
[Publications] 吉田昭彦、中橋和博、藤井昭一: "近傍場でのソニックブームの数値計算" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 41. 584-589 (1993)
[Publications] Morisita,E.,Koyama,H., Kitamori,T.and Aihara,Y.: "Unsteady aerodynamics characteristics of deformable airfoil,Fluid dynamics of High Angle of Attack Edited by R.Kawamura and Y.Aihara" Spriinger-Berlag,Berlin,Heidelberg,(1993)