[Publications] S.ASO and M.HAYASHI: "Experimental and Computational Studies on Dynamic Stall in Low Speed Flows" Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Fluid Dynamics on High Angle of Attack. 1992. (67-7S)
[Publications] J.MIYAKAWA,J.SHINBO and S.ASO: "Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Dynamic Stall Vortex" Proceedings of IUTAM Symposium on Fluid Dynamics on High Angle of Attack. 79-S9 (1992)
[Publications] Y.Kumamoto and S.Aso: "Computational Studies on Dynamic Stall Phenomena by Solving Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations" Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Computational Fluid Dynamics. II. 103-10S (1993)
[Publications] S.Aso and Y.Kumamoto: "Experimental and Computational Studies on Unsteady Separated Flows around Oscillating Airfoil" Proceedings of Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science. (1994)
[Publications] Shigeru Aso and Yuichi KUMAMOTO: "COMPUTATIONAL STUDY ON DYNAMIC STALL CHARACTERISTICS IN PRIMARY PARAMETERS LOW SPEED FLOWS WITH VARIOUS" Proceeding of lst Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. (1995)
[Publications] 麻生 茂,隈本雄一: "低速流中でピッチング振動する2次元翼まわりのダイナミックストール現象の実験的研究" 九州大学工学集報. 68(発行予定). (1995)
[Publications] Shigeru ASO and Yuichi KUMAMOTO: "Experimental and Computational Studies on Separated Flows around Oscillating Airfoil" Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Unstsady Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines. (1994)
[Publications] ARAI,Norio & SHIMADA,K.: "Active Control of Vortex Shedding Frequency by a Jet" Proc.of Pacific Into.Confa.on Aerospace Science and Technology. 2. 677-684 (1993)
[Publications] N.Arai,C.J.Huang: "A Numerical Calculation of Secondary Shock Wave on Blunted Bodies in Supersonic Flow" Proc.of First Asian CFD Connf.1111-1116 (1995)
[Publications] K.Sawada and O.Inoue: "Navier-Stokes Simulations of Two-Dimensional Compressible Mixing Layers" Trans.Japan Soc.Aero.Space Sci.35. 237-249 (1993)
[Publications] O.Inoue,N.Takahasi and K.Takayama: "Shock Wave Focusing in a Log-Spiral Duct" AIAA Journal. 31. 1150-1152 (1993)
[Publications] K.Sawada and O.Inoue: "Computation of Flows over a 3D Wing with a Vortex Generator" Proc.IUTAM Symp.on Fluid Dynamics of High Angle of Attack. 159-170 (1993)
[Publications] O.Inoue and S.Onuma: "Vortex Simulation of Shear Layer Control" Proc.of 2nd Int'l Symp.on Eng.Turbulence Modeling and Measurements. 643-652 (1993)
[Publications] O.Inoue and S.Onuma: "Vortex Simulation of Multiple-Frequency Forced Mixing Layers" Proceedings of 9th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows,vol. 2. 1611-1616 (1993)
[Publications] O.Inoue,S.Imuta and K.Takayama: "Shock Wave Focusing and Vortex Formation in Log-Spiral Ducts" Proc.5th Int'l Symp.on Computational Fluid Dynamics. I. 313-316 (1993)
[Publications] N.Uchiyama and O.Inoue: "Moving Cell Finite Volume Computation of Helicopter Rotor Flowfield" Proc.5th Int'l Symp.on Computational Fluid Dynamics. III. 273-278 (1993)
[Publications] T.Yamazaki,T.Bisaka and O.Inoue: "Control of Wakes around a Two-Dimensional Cylinder" Proceedings of the 3rd JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference. 583-588 (1994)
[Publications] N.Uchiyama and O.Inoue: "Numerical Study of Helicopter Rotor Flowfield" Proceedings of the 3rd JSME-KSME Fluids Engineering Conference. 737-741 (1994)
[Publications] O.Inoue,T.Bisaka and Y.Yamazaki: "Numerical Simulation of Forced Wakes around a Cylinder" Proc.int'l Symp.on Turbulence,Heat and Mass Transfer. 2041-2046 (1994)
[Publications] Aso,S.,Karashima,K.,et al.: "Intensive Studies on Unsteady Secondary Separations and Oscillating Shock Waves in Three Dimensional Shock Waves/Turbulent Boundary Layer Interaction Region Induced by Sharp/Blunt Fins" AIAA Paper 93-2939. (1993)
[Publications] Karashima,K.,et al.: "The Effect of Spanwise Blowing on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Delta Wing" Proceedings of 5th ISCFD. 2. 234-239 (1993)
[Publications] Karashima,K.,et al.: "Enhancement of the Leading-Edge Separation Vortices by the Trailing-Edge Lteral Blowing" AIAA Paper 94-0181. (1994)
[Publications] Kubota,H.,Jia,M.Y.,Watanuki,T.,and Suzuki,K.: "Asymmetric Flow Around High-Angle-of-Attack Slender Bodies" Fluid Dynamics of High Angle of attack. 277-288 (1993)
[Publications] 賈明渾,綿貫忠晴,久保田弘敏: "大迎角細長物体周りの剥離流の可視化" 可視化情報学会誌. 14. 37-46 (1994)
[Publications] M.Nagasawa,K.Kuwahara: "Smoothed Particle Simulations of the Pyroclastic Flow" Int.J.of Modern Phys.1979-1995 (1993)
[Publications] S.Komori,R.Nagaosa,K.Kuwahara,他3名: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimentional Openchannel Flow with Zero-shear Gas-Liquid Interface" Phys.Fluids A. 5. 115-125 (1993)
[Publications] S.G.Chung,K.Kuwahara: "Explicit streamline Method for Steady Flows of Non-Newtonian Matter:History-Dependence and Free Surfaces" J.of Comput.Phys.104. (1993)
[Publications] J.Zonglin,C.Yaosong,K.Kuwahara: "Approximate Nonreflecting Inflow-outflow Boundary Conditions for the Calculation of Navier Stokes Equations in Internal Flows" ACTA Mechanica SINICA. 9. (1993)
[Publications] R.Iwatsu,J.M.Hyun,K.Kuwahara: "Numerical Simurations of Three-Dimentional Flows in a Cubic Cavity with an Oscillating Lid." Transactions of the ASME. 115. 680-686 (1993)
[Publications] Akira SAKURAI and Shinnitiro HIGASHINO: "The Analysis of the Aerodynamic Characteristics Using an RPRV Flight Experiment Data" Proceedings of The Asian Pacific Conference on AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE. 521-526 (1994)
[Publications] A.Sakurai,N.Kudo,and S.Higashino: "Support Software Development for the RPRV Flight Experiments" Memories of the Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu University. 53. 89-102 (1994)
[Publications] 東野伸一郎,池松隆,瀬戸正之,桜井晃: "主成分分析を用いたRPRVの空気力解析" 九州大学工学集報. 67. (1994)
[Publications] A.Sasoh et al.: "A numerical and experimental study of sonic booms generated from high speed railway tunnels" Proc.of the 19th ISSW.
[Publications] A.Sasoh et al.: "An experimental and numerical study on von neumann mach reflection" Proc.of the 19th ISSW.
[Publications] H.Tokunaga,T.Tanaka,K.Ichinose N.Satofuka: "Numerical Solutions of Imcompressible Flows in Multiply Connected Domains by the Vortecity-Stream Function Formuration" Computers Fluids. 23. 241-249 (1994)
[Publications] H.Tokunaga: "LES of Transition in Channel Flow Using Vortecity-vector Potential Formuration" Proceedings of First Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference. 2. 767-772 (1995)
[Publications] Takashi,Nkajima,他: "Pnetration Dynamics Experiment by Swall Solid Motor" IAF-94A.3.024(proc.IAF). (1994)
[Publications] K.Nakahashi: "Adaptive-Prismatic-Grid Method for External Viscous Flow Computations" AIAA Paper 93-3314-CP. 195-203 (1993)
[Publications] K.Nakahashi: "Semi-Unstructured,Adaptive Grid Approch for External Viscous Flow Computations" Proc.5th Int.Symp.on Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2. 195-203 (1993)
[Publications] H.Kawazoe,y.Nakamura,T.Ono and Y.Ushimaru: "Static and Total Pressure Distribusions around a Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edge" AIAA paper 94-2321. 1994. (1-12)
[Publications] H.Kawazoe,y.Nakamura,Y.Ushimaru and T.Ono: "Dynamic Analysis of Thick Delta Wing with Arbitrary Motion in Wind Tunnel" AIAA paper(to appeear in 26th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference in San Diego in June,1995). (1995)
[Publications] M.Zahar,Y.Nakamura,Y.Nakajima,and T.Ono: "厚いデルタ翼の総圧分布について" 流体熱工学研究. 28. 15-25 (1993)
[Publications] Y.Nakajima,Y.Nakamaru and M.Yasuhara: "Flow Field around Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edge" IPAC,SAE. 1-246
[Publications] T.Ono,Y.Nakamura,Y.Ushimaru,and H.Kawazoe: "Static and Total Pressure Distributions around a Thick Delta Wing with Rounded Leading Edge" AIAA Paper. 1994.
[Publications] N.Nishikawa,Y.Niimura,Y.Kimura and Y.Itakura: "DEVELOPMENT of PTV SYSTEMS for DILUTE POLYMER SOLUTION with DRAG REDUCTION" 4th Triennal International Symposium on Fluid controlMeasurement and Visualization,Proc.FLUCOME'94. 431-436 (1994)
[Publications] N.Nishikawa,Y.Kimura and Y.Itakura: "ASSESSMENT of PTV SYSTEMS for SOLUTION with DRAG REDUCTION" Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 43. (213-220)
[Publications] N.Nishikawa,Y.Kimura and Y.Itakura: "ASSESSMENT of PTV SYSTEMS for SOLUTION with DRAG REDUCTION" Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 43. 213-220
[Publications] Nishida,他1名: "Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Flow Analysis in Atmospheric Entry Conditions" Proc.Initial Symp.on Aerospace and Fluid Science. 149-155 (1993)
[Publications] Nishida,他1名: "Computational Study on Shock Wave Propagation and Starting Process in a Shock Tunnel Nozzle" Proc.5th Initial Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dynamics. 120-125 (1993)
[Publications] 李民揆,西田迪雄: "衝撃波によって誘起される非定常ノズル流の数値計算" 日本機械学会論文集(B編). 60. 2267-2272 (1994)
[Publications] H.Kishige,他2名: "Focusing of Shock Waves Reflected from a Parabolic Wall" Proc.Asian-Pacific Conf.on Aerospace Technology. 503-508 (1994)
[Publications] M.G.Lee,他2名: "Computational and Experimental Studies of Unsteady Viscous Nozzle Flows" JSME International. (1995)
[Publications] M.Hatakeyama,I.Kaneko,H.Uehara: "DSMC Analysis for Highly Complicated and Interactive Flow Based on the Object-Based Mechanism and GUI Environments" 19th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics,Oxford,England. (1994)
[Publications] M.Hatakeyama,S.Sugano,A.Takaada: "Application of a Family of Function Approximation Methods to Computational Schemes for Boiltzmann Equation" 19th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics,Oxford,England. (1994)
[Publications] H.Oguchi,M.Hatakeyama and H.Honma: "Computational Aspects on Discrete-Ordinate-Velocity Description of Rarefied Gases" 19th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics,Oxford,England. (1994)
[Publications] M.Hatakeyama,I.Kaneko,H.Uehara: "Object Oriented Simulations based on the Object-Based Mechanism and GUI Computing Architecture" Proceedings of the World Conference of Computational Mechanics III. 1521-1522 (1994)
[Publications] Yumiko Inoue and A.Koichi Hayashi: "Nonequilibrium Flow Around Injection Jet into a Hypersonic Flow" Proc.of 19th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. (1993)
[Publications] A.K.Hayashi: "Numerical Study on Thrust Vector Control System Using a Jet Flows" Proc.of 19th Int Symp.on Space Technology and science. (1993)
[Publications] A.K.Hayashi: "Pulsed Jet Ignition Modeling with a Full Chemistry,Turbulence and Molecular Processes in Combustion" 199-220 (1994)
[Publications] A.K.Hayashi: "Numerical Study on Haxane Spry Jet Combustion" Archivum Combustions.
[Publications] A.K.Hayashi: "Cornstarch-Air Two-Phase Detonation Phenomena" Archivum Combustions.
[Publications] A.K.Hayashi: "Numerical Modeling of Interaction between a Cylindrical Liquid Droplet and Eddy" Lecture Notes Series of Springer-Verlag.
[Publications] Fumio Higashino: "Numerical Simulation on a Sonic Boom Simulator" Proc.4th Intr.Workshop Shock Tube Tech.
[Publications] Fumio Higashino: "Interaction of Supersonic Expansion Flow with Boundary Layer in Unsymmetrical Duct" JSME International Journal. 37-1. 77-82 (1994)
[Publications] Masashi Yamauchi,et al.: "Numerical Investigation of Supersonic Flows around a Spiked Blunt-Body" AIAA. 93-0887. (1993)
[Publications] I.Sakamoto,et al.: "Focusing of Reflected Shock Waves Analyzed by Means of Geometrical Shock Dynamics" JSME International Journal. 36. 560-566 (1993)
[Publications] Fumio Higashino: "Interaction of Supersonic Expansion Flow with Boundary Layer in Unsymmetrical Duct" Trans.Japan Sci.Aero.Space Scie.36. 36-46 (1993)
[Publications] 松尾繁、渡辺安、東野文男: "非対称超音速ノズルにおける衝撃波と境界層の干渉" 日本機械学会論文集(B編). 60. 2255-2260 (1994)
[Publications] F.Higashino,et al.: "Von Neumann Reflection of Oblique Shock Waves" Proc.19th ISSW. 311-315 (1994)
[Publications] F.Higashino,Y.Takakura,S.Ogawa: "Numerical Simulations on a Sonic Boom Simulator" 4th Int.Workshop,Shock Tube Tech.(in Print). (1994)
[Publications] F.Higashino,Y.Takakura,S.Ogawa: "Oblique Reflection of Shock Waves simulated by N-S Equations" Proc.Parallel CFD. (in Print). (1995)
[Publications] Takanobu Ogawa,Kozo Fujii: "Numerical Simulation of Compressible Flows Induced by a Train Moving into a Tunnel" Computational Fluid Dyamics Journal. 3. (1994)
[Publications] Y.Tamura.K.Fujii: "Simulation of Experimental Visualization Methods for for Computational Fluid Dynamics Research" International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2. 309-333 (1994)
[Publications] 田村善昭.藤井孝蔵: "数値流体力学における可視化(・)可視化入門" 日本数値流体学会誌. 2. 77-90 (1994)
[Publications] 田村善昭.藤井孝蔵: "数値流体力学における可視化(・)ソフトウェアの準備" 日本数値流体力学学会誌. 2. (1994)
[Publications] 田村善昭.藤井孝蔵: "数値流体力学における可視化(・)可視化手法の詳細" 日本数値流体力学学会誌. 3. (1994)
[Publications] 藤井孝蔵: "航空宇宙工学におけるスーパーコンピューティング" 情報処理(情報処理学会誌). 36. 154-158 (1995)
[Publications] Kozo Fujii: "Unified Zonal Method Based on the Fortified Solution Algorithm" Journal of Computational Physics. 117. (1995)
[Publications] Kozo Fujii and Fumio Higashino Masafumi Yamauchi: "Numerical Investigation of Supersonic Flows around a Spiked Blunt-Body" Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. (1995)
[Publications] Akiko Matsuo,Toshi Fujiwara and Kozo Fujii: "Flow Features of Shock-Induced Combustion around Projectile Travelling at Hypervelocities" AIAA Jounral. (1995)
[Publications] Lefevre,M.H.,Fujiwara,T.: "Robust Euler Code for Hypersonic Reactive Flows" Memoris of the School of Engineering,Nagoya University. 46. 1-54 (1994)
[Publications] Lefever,M.H.,Fujiwara,T.: "Detonation Induced by a supersonic conical B Body" Proceedings of the 19th Intl.Symp.Space Sci.Tech.(1994)
[Publications] ミシェル・フェーズル,藤原俊隆: "Deflagration to Detonation Transition in Shock Induced Combustion" AIAA paper 94-0764. (14994)
[Publications] Matsuo,A.,Fujii,K.,Fujiwar,T.: "Computational Study of Unsteady Combustion Around Projectiles with Emphsis on the Large-Disturbance Oscillation" AIAA paper 94-0764. (1994)
[Publications] A.Matsuo and T.Fujiwara: "Numeirical Investigation of Oscillatory Instability in Shock-induced Combustion around a Blunt Body" AIAA Journal. 31. 1835-1841 (1993)
[Publications] Kenichi Matsuno: "Actual Numerical Accuracy of a Finite Iterative Scheme for Evolution Equations with Application to Boundary-Layer Flow" Proc.4th Japan-Russian Joint Symposium on computational Fluid Dynamics. (1994)
[Publications] 松野謙一: "楕円型方程式を用いた解適合挌子生成法" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 43. 26-31 (1995)
[Publications] Itoga,N.,Yoshizawa,Y.: "Numerical Calculations of Forward Flight Rotor Floefields" Proc.of 5th Int.Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dynamics-Sendai. 1. 364-369 (1993)
[Publications] 糸賀紀晶,吉澤能政: "Unsteady Numerical Calculations of Foward-Flight Rotor Flowfields" The 4th Japanese-Russia Joint Symposium on Computational Fluid Dyamics,Preprints. 17-18 (1994)
[Publications] K.Rinoie,J.L.Stollery: "Experimental Studies of Vortex Flaps and Vortex Plates" Journal of Aircraft. 31. 322-329 (1994)
[Publications] K.Rinoie,et.al.: "Studies of the Optimum Flap Deflection Angle of Vortex Flaps" 19th Congress of ICAS. 19. 1660-1667 (1994)
[Publications] K.Rinoie: "Lowspeed Aerodynamic Characteristics of Delta Wings with Vortex Flaps-Effect of Sweepback Angles-" 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Aerospace Technology. 34 (1994)
[Publications] 李家賢一、他3名: "ボルテックス・フラップ付きデルタ翼の低速空力特性について-60°と70°の比較" 航空宇宙技術研究所報告. TR-1245. (1994)
[Publications] A.Koichi Hayashi and Takayuki Fuyuto: "Numerical Simulation of Shock Waves Through a Combustible Two-Phase Media" Proc.of 19th Int.Symp.on Shock Waves. (1993)
[Publications] Itoga,N., Yoshizawa,Y.: "Numerical Calculations of Forward Flight Rotor Floefields" Proc.of 5th Int.Symp.on Comp.Fluid Dynamics-Sendai. 1. 364-369 (1993)
[Publications] S.Komori,R.Nagaosa,K.Kuwahara,他3名: "Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimentional Openchannel Flow with Zero-shear Gas-Liquid Interface" Phys.Fluids A. 5. 115-125 (1993)
[Publications] R.T.Jones(原著)、拓植俊一、麻生茂(訳): "翼理論" 日刊工業新聞, (1994)
[Publications] 麻生茂(分担執筆): "衝撃波ハンドブック" (1995)
[Publications] Morisita,E.,Koyama,H.,Kitamori,T.and Aihara,Y.: "Unsteady aerodynamics characteristics of deformable airfoil Fluid dynamics of High Angle of Attack Edited by R.Kawamura and Y.Aihara" Spriinger-Berlag.Berlin,Heidelberg., (1993)
[Publications] 東野文男;高山和喜(分担執筆): "衝撃工学ハンドブック" (1995)
[Publications] Morisuta.E.,Koyama,H.,Kitamori,T.and Aihara,Y.: "Unsteady aerodynamics characteristics of deformable airfoil,Fluid dynamics of High Angle of Attack Edited by R.Kawamura and Y.Aihara" Spriinger-Berlag.Berlin,Heidelberg., (1993)