[Publications] Nishiyama,H.: "Determining the no-observed-adverse effect level in categorical data," Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics. 26. 141-152 (1994)
[Publications] Yanagawa,T.: "Projection method Mantel-Haenszel estimator for K 2xJ tables," J.American Statistical Association. 90. in press (1995)
[Publications] Yanagawa,T.: "Generalized Mantel-Haenszel procedures for 2xJ tables," Environmental Health Perspectives. 102,Shpple8. 57-60 (1994)
[Publications] Yanagawa,T.: "Mantel-Haenszel type test for testing equivalence or more than equivalence in conparative clinical trials," Biometrics. 50. 859-864 (1994)
[Publications] Jayasekara,L.: "A location-dipersion test for 2xK tables," Bulletin of Informatics and Cybernetics. 26. 126-139 (1994)
[Publications] Yanagawa,T.: "Statistical issues on the no-observed-adverse-effect level in categorical response," Environmental Health Perspectives. 102,Shpple1. 95-101 (1994)
[Publications] 佐藤俊哉: "ランダム化にもとづいたintent-totreat解析" 応用統計学. 23. 21-34 (1994)
[Publications] 佐藤俊哉: "疫学研究における交絡と効果の修飾" 統計数理. 42. 83-101 (1994)
[Publications] Sato,T.: "Risk ratio estimation in case-cohort studies." Environmental Health Perspectives. 102,Supple8. 53-56 (1994)
[Publications] 佐藤俊哉: "「椿広計:同等性推論のさまざまな不都合について」へのコメント" 第1回計量生物セミナー「同等性の評価」プロシ-ディングス. (掲載予定).
[Publications] Sato,T.: "An equivalence test between the Mantel-Haenszel rate ratio and standardized mortality ratio." Journal of Epidemiology. (to appear).
[Publications] Nakamura,T.: "Corrected likelihood for proportional hazards measurement error model and its application," Environmental Health Perspectives. 102,Supple8. 21-24 (1994)
[Publications] Mori,H.: "Early mortality of Atomic Bonb survivors based on house reconstruction survey," International J.of Radiation Biology. 66. 267-275 (1994)
[Publications] 中村 剛: "統計的方法の10年と求められている新手法" 医療情報学. 13-2. 82-83 (1994)
[Publications] Nakamura,T.: "Computer program for the proportional hazards measurement error model," Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. (in press).
[Publications] Shohoji,T.: "In the book"Longitudinal methods and growth curves"" P.S.S.Sundar Rao(ed.). (印刷中).
[Publications] Shohoji,T.: "On a growth prediction of Japanese height," (投稿中).
[Publications] Shohoji,T.: "Asymptotic postantal physical growth models," Hiroshima University Statistics Group TR. 94-22. (1994)
[Publications] Yoshimura,I.: "A note on the use of historical controls," Environmental Health Perspectives,. 102,Supple1. 19-23 (1994)
[Publications] Yoshimura,I.: "Statistical analysis of data in mutagenicity assays in the case of rodent micronucleus assay," Environmental Health Persepectives,. 102,Supple1. 49-52 (1994)
[Publications] Tsuda,T.: "Ingested arsenic and internal cancer:A historical cohort study followed for 33 years." American Journal of Epidemiology. (in press).
[Publications] Yoshimura,I.: "Prediction of Draize rabbit eye irritation scores based on a battery system of seven alternatives," Toxicology in vitro.(submitted).
[Publications] 佐久間 昭: "臨床試験の計画と統計解析" 臨床薬理. 26-2(掲載予定).
[Publications] Ymamoto,E.: "Evaluation of estimators with the KL loss or risk in the normal distribution," The Fifth Japan-China Symposium on Statistics(Ichimura,M.,Mao,S.,and Fan,G.eds.). 316-319 (1994)
[Publications] Yamamoto,E.: "Statistical methods for the beta-binomial model in teratology." Environmental Health Prespectives. 102,Sopple1. 25-31 (1994)
[Publications] Yanagimoto,T.: "The Kullback-Leibler risk of the Stein estimator and the conditional MLE." Ann.Inst.Statist.Math.46. 29-41 (1994)
[Publications] 柳本武美: "確率空間上の平均ピタゴラス関係による推定量の評価" Research Memorandum. 496. (1994)
[Publications] Yanagimoto,T.: "Discrete first passage time distribution for describing inequality among individual," Lifetime Data:Models in Reliability and Survival Analysis(eds.N.P.Jewel et al.). (in press).
[Publications] 吉村 功: "動物実験代替法における統計処理" 動物実験代替法マニュアル--培養細胞を用いた理論と応用--(大野忠夫編著). 第6章 (1994)
[Publications] 吉村 功: "医学統計の発展と課題" 数理統計学の理論と応用(竹村彰道,竹内啓 編),. 第13章 (1994)
[Publications] 久島公夫: "勤労中年男性の日常の身体活性が体力ならびに血清コレステロールプロフィールに及ぼす影響" 日本公衛誌. 41. 341-351 (1994)
[Publications] 大瀧 慈: "早期に被爆者手帳を取得した集団での1972-1989年における死亡危険度--被爆距離および被爆時年齢との関連性について." 広大原医研年報. 35. 194-196 (1994)
[Publications] Hashimoto,T.: "Estimation of chronic phase duration in Ph-positive chronic myelocytic leukemia treated with busulfan-" International J.of Hematology. 60. 59-69 (1994)
[Publications] Yamaguchi,N.: "Ecaluation of cancer prevention strategies by computerized simulation model:Methodological issues," Enviromental Health Perspectives. 102,Supple8. 67-71 (1994)
[Publications] Tsuda,T.: "日本病理解剖検輯報を用いた分析疫学研究方法-症例対照研究デザインを用いて-" 日本衛生学雑誌. 49. 753-761 (1994)
[Publications] Babazono,A.: "Risk factors for low birth weight infants in Japan." Journal of Epidemiology. 4. 91-98 (1994)
[Publications] 吉村 功、大橋靖雄(責任編集): "毒性試験データの統計解析" 地人書館, 310 (1993)
[Publications] Sakuma,A.,Yanagawa,T.,Yoshimura,I.,Hoel D.G.(eds.): "Proceedings of the International Biostatistics Conference in the Study of Toxicology,Vol 102,Supplement 1" Environmental Health Perspectives, 120 (1994)
[Publications] Yanagawa,T.,Ohashi,Y.,Tango,T.,Yanagimoto,T.,Hoel,D.G.(eds): "Proceedings of the Fourth Japan-US Biostatistics Conference in the Study of Human Cancer,Vol 102,Supplement 8" Environmental Health Perspectives, 90 (1994)
[Publications] 坂田年男、柳川 尭 訳: "臨床医学のためのバイオ統計学" サイエンティスト社, 300 (1995)