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[Publications] I.Takayanagi.: "Eicosanoid-induced Ca^<2+> release and sustained contraction in Ca^<2+>-free media are mediated by different signal transduction pathways in rat aorta." Brit.J.Pharmacol.110. 875-881 (1993)
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[Publications] N.Yamaotsu,et al.: "Estimation of stabilities of staphylococcal nuclease mutants (Met-32→Ala and Met-32→Leu)using molecular dynamics/Free energy" Biochim.Biophys.Acta.1203. 243-250 (1993)
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[Publications] 宮本英七: "「生体における情報伝達」:タンパク質リン酸化反応とその調節" 南江堂, 209-215 (1993)
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[Publications] N.Toda,et al.(ed.J.W.Phillis.): "The Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow.:Role of nitric oxide in cerebroarterial relaxation." CRC Press,Inc.,London, 233-246 (1993)
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