[Publications] K.Nishioka,T.Sumida,T.Hasunuma: "Human T Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 in Arthropathy and Autoimmune Disorders" Arthritis Rheum. 39. 1410-1418 (1996)
[Publications] K.Nishioka: "HTLV-1 in Arthropathy and Sjogren's Syndrome" Human T-cell Lymphotropic Type 1. 247-261 (1996)
[Publications] K.Fujisawa,H.Aono,T.Hasunuma K.Yamamoto,S.Mita,K.Nishioka: "Activation of Transcription Factor NF-kB in Human Synovial Cell in Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha" Arthritis Rheum. 39. 197-203 (1996)
[Publications] K.Masuko,S.Kato,M.Hagihara F.Tsuchida,Y.Takemoto,K.Izawa T.Kato,S.Yamamori,Y.Mizushima K.Nishioka,K.Tsuji,K.Yamamoto: "Stable clonal expansion of T cell induced by bone marrow transplantation" Blood. 87. 789-799 (1996)
[Publications] H.Aono,T.Hasunuma,K.Fujisawa T.Nakajima,K.Yamamoto,S.Mita K.Nishioka: "Direct Suppression of Human Synovial Cell Proliferation in Vitro by Salazosulfapyridine and Bucillamine" J. Rheumatol.22. 65-70 (1996)
[Publications] S.Motokawa,T.Hasunuma,K.Tajima A.M.Krieg.S.Ito,K.Iwasaki K.Nishioka: "High Prevalence of Arthropathy in HTLV-1 Carriers on Japanese Island" Ann. Rheum. Dis.55. 193-195 (1996)
[Publications] T.Dorner,E.Feist,A.Wagenmann T.Kato,K.Yamamoto,K.Nishioka G.R.Burmester,F.Hiepe: "Anti-52 kDa (Ro) SSA Autoantibodies in Different Autoimmune Diseases Preferentially Recognize Epitopes on the Central Region of the Antigen" J.Rheumatol.23. 462-468 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Ikeda,K.Masuko,Y.Nakai T.Kato,T.Hasunuma,S.Yoshino Y.Mizushima,K.Nishioka,K.Yamamoto: "High frequencies of identical T cell clonotypes in synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis patients suggest the occurrence of common antigen-driven immune responses" Arthritis Rheum. 39. 446-453 (1996)
[Publications] K.Fujisawa,H.Asahara,K.Okamoto H.Aono,T.Hasunuma,T.Kobata Y.Iwakura,S.Yonehara,T.Sumida K.Nishioka: "Therapeutic Effect of the Ant-Fas Anti-Fas Antibody on Arthritis in HTLV-1 tax Transgenic Mice" J. Clin. Invest.98. 271-278 (1996)
[Publications] I.Matsumoto,K.Tsubota,Y.Satake Y.Kita,R.Matsumura,H.Murata T.Namekawa,K.Nshioka,I.Iwamoto Y.Saitoh,T.Sumida: "Common T Cell Receptor Clonotype in Lacrimal Glands and Labial Salivary Glands from Patients with Sjogren's Syndrome" J. Clin. Invest.97. 1969-1977 (1996)
[Publications] T.T.M.Hoa,T.Hasunuma,H.Aono K.Masuko,T.Kobata,K.Yamamoto T.Sumida,K.Nishioka: "Novel Mechanisms of Selective Apoptosis in Synovial T Cells of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis" J. Rheumatol.23. 1332-1337 (1996)
[Publications] T.Kato,Y.Ikeda,Z.Zong H.Sasakawa,M.Kurokawa,K.Masuko R.Igarashi,Y.Mizushima,K.Nishioka K.Yamamoto: "Characterization of T cell receptor beta chains of accumulating T cells in skin allografts in mice" Transplantation. 62. 266-272 (1996)
[Publications] S.Matsumoto,U.M.Ladner,R.E.Gay K.Nishioka,S.Gay: "Ultrastrucutal Demonstration of Apoptosis, Fas and Bcl-2 Expression on Rheumatoid Synovial Fibroblasts" J. Rheumatol.23. 1345-1352 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Komagata,K.Masuko,F.Tashiro T.Kato,K.Ikuta,K.Nishioka K.Ito,J.Miyazaki,K.Yamamoto: "Clonal prevalence of T cells infiltrating into the pancreas of prediabetic NOD mice" Intern.Immunol.8. 807-814 (1996)
[Publications] K.Nishioka: "HTLV-1 Arthropathy and Sjogren Syndrome" J. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retroviorology. 13. 57-62 (1996)
[Publications] T.Hasunuma,T.T.M.Hoa,H.Aono H.Asahara,H.Yonehara,K.Yamamoto T.Sumida,S.Gay,K.Nishioka: "Induction of Fas-dependent apoptosis in synovial infiltrating cells in rheumatoid arthritis" Intern. Immunol.8. 1595-1602 (1996)
[Publications] H.Asahara,T.Hasunuma,T.Kobata H.Yagita,K.Okumura,H.Inoue S.Gay,T.Sumida,K.Nishioka: "Expression of Fas antigen and Fas ligand in the rheumatoid synovial tissue" Clin. Immun. Immunopath. 81. 27-34 (1996)
[Publications] T.Sumida,I.Matsumoto,H.Murata T.Namekawa,R.Matsuura,H.Tomioka I.Iwamoto,Y.Saito,Y.Mizushima T.Hasunuma,T.Maeda,K.Nishioka: "T cell receptor of Fas-sensitive T cells from labial salivary glands of patients with sjogren's syndrome" J. Immunol.22. 1020-1025 (1996)
[Publications] T.Sumida,T.Namekawa,T.Maeda K.Nishioka: "New T-cell epitope of Ro/SS-A 52kD protein in lablal salivary glands from patients with sjogren's syndrome" Lancet. 348. 1667 (1996)
[Publications] H.Asahara,T.Hasunuma,T.Kobata H.Inoue,U.M.Ladner,S.Gay T.Sumida,K.Nishioka: "In situ expression of protooncogenes and Fas/Fas ligand in the synovium with rheumatoid artritis" J.Rheumatol.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] T.Hasunuma,N.Kayagaki,H.Asahara S.Motokawa,T.Kobata,H.Yagita H.Aono,T.Sumida,K.Okumura K.Nshioka: "Accumulation of Soluble Fas in Inflamed Joints of Patients with Rheumatoid Arhritis" Arthritis Rheum. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] K.Okamoto,K.Fujisawa,T.Kobata T.Sumida,K.Nishioka: "Selective activation of JNK/AP-1 pathway in Fas-mediated apoptosis of rheumatoid arthritis synoviocytes" Arthritis Rheum. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] T.Sumida,T.T.M.Hoa,H.Asahara T.Hasunuma,K.Nishioka: "T cell receptor of Fas-sensitive T cells in rheumatoid synovium" J. Immunol.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] H.Asahara,K.Fujisawa,T.Kobata T.Hasunuma,T.Maeda,M.Asanuma N.Ogawa,H.Inoue,T.Sumida K.Nishioka: "Direct evidence of high DNA-binding activity of transcription factor AP-1 in the synovium with rheumatoid arthritis" Arthritis Rheum. (in press). (1996)