Research Abstract |
It is a necessary approach from the view point of solving global environmental issue to pursue more comfortable and more energy saving method in the selection of heating systems. It is usually noted that floor heating in comparison with warm air heating, maintains lower room temperature, which shows higher energy saving. We regret, however, that we don't find any research certifiyng the result. It can be attributable to the lack of a suitable method to clearly evaluate the difference of indoor thermal environment by heating method, in other words, that of thermal comfort. The final aim of this research is to establish a comparative evaluation of energy saving by heating systems. As the first step, we picked up such evaluation between floor heating and air heating, perusing a combination of floor and air temperature which gives thermal comfort through the experiments for evaluation, using quite number of subjects. Based on these experiments we tried to make equivalent thermal comfort lines by jointing the points which hold same thermal comfort. Following are the summary of the results. 1. The experiments were proceeded with more than 900 subjects. It was concluded that the range of thermal comfort under the condition where predicted percentage of dissatisafaction is restraint under 20%, lies with air temperature being 20-25゚C,floor temperature 25-30゚C in the case of sitting on the chair. 2. Based on the experimental data, we provided a forecasting formula of thermal comfort in combination of floor and air temperature, and established an equivalent thermal comfort line for the case of sitting on the chair. 3. As a result of making a comparison with the existing index for thermal environment, it was confirmed that firstly we did not see any clear difference with PMV etc. for thermal sensation, secondly predicted percentage of dissatisfaction could not be properly evaluated through the calulation based on PMV.