[Publications] Yamamoto,M.,Ishiguro,T.,Tazaki,K.: "Neptunium-237 in hemp-palm leaves of "Bontenchiku"for the fishing gear used by the Fifth Fukuryu-maru:" Health Physics. (Accepted,in press). (1996)
[Publications] Zhou,G.and Tazaki,K.: "Seasonal variation of gypsum in aerosol and its effect on the acidity of wet precipitation." Atmospheric Environment. (Accepted,in press). (1996)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,Zhou,G.and Makaino,K.: "Effect on narcissus plant by exhaust emissions derived from diesel engine." Earth Sciens(Chikyu Kagaku),. 50,(Accepted,in press). (1996)
[Publications] 田崎和江,周国平,牧野裕,: "河川の生物地球科学-金沢市の河川の環境例として-" 地質学雑誌. (査読中). (1996)
[Publications] 堀信雄,田崎和江: "卵殻の微細構造-現生鳥類,は虫類,恐竜類との比較-" 地質学雑誌. (査読中). (1996)
[Publications] Zhou,G.and Tazaki,K.: "Transportation and neutralization of acid pollutants by mineral aerosols." 地質学雑誌. (査読中). (1996)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,Ishida,H.and Fyfe,W.S.,: "Bacteria as nucleation sites for authigenic minerals." 地質学雑誌. (査読中). (1996)
[Publications] 石渡明,笹谷啓一,田崎和江: "1995年2月18日落下<根上隕石>概報," 地球科学,. 49-2. 71-76 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "地球環境問題と環境地質学" 中部土壌肥料研究会. 82. 1-11 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江,山村健,長井広恭: "バクテリアがつくりだす縞模様" 月刊地球. 18. 9-17 (1996)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "バクテリアによるイオンの濃集と実験生体鉱物学" 鉱物学雑誌. 25(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] Tazaki,K,and Dissanayake,C.B.: "Transformation of carbon to graphite." Allied press in honour of Prof.W.S.Fyfe,The National Academy of Sciences India,. (Accepted,in press). (1996)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.: "Biomineralization of layer-silicates and hydrated Fe/Mn oxides in microbial mats; an electron microscopical study." Clays and Clay Minerals. 44,(Accepted,in press). (1996)
[Publications] 北世晃一,田崎和江: "大気汚染物質の植物への影響実験" 金沢大学附属植物園報告. (印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] 馬飼野光治,田崎和江: "金沢大学角間キャンパスにおける冬期降水状況の観察とその特性" 金沢大学附属植物園報告. (印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "微生物関与による淡水性マンガンノジュールの初期生成." 地質学雑誌,. 101. 87-98 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "電子顕微鏡で見るスメクタイトの三態-" スメクタイト研究会誌 SMECTITE,. 4. 12-26 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "間欠泉バイオマット中のバイオミネラリゼーションの電子顕微鏡観察-" 地質学雑誌,. 101. 304-314 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江 他12名: "酸性降下物の特性-金沢市の大気汚染を例にとって-" 地質学雑誌,. 101. 367-386 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "微生物がつくる鉱物-" 地質ニュース,. 17-30 (1995)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,Zhou.G.and Koiwasaki,K.: "Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of biomats from the mining and drainage area." The Science Reports of Kanazawa University,. 39. 47-63 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,Fyfe,W.S.,Iizumi.S.,Sampei,Y.,Watanabe,H.,Goto,M.,Miyake,Y.and Noda,S.: "Aerosol nutrients for Arctic ice algae." Research and Exploration. 10. 116-117 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.: "We can see global change with electron microscopy." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geo-environments, the Road from Rio.19-24 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,W.S.Fyfe,S.Iizumi et al.: "Clay aerosols and Arctic ice algae." Clays and Clay Minerals. 42. 402-408 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,Kazue: "Observation of carbon by electron microtechniques." Earth Science(Chikyu Kagaku). 48. 395-411 (1994)
[Publications] 田崎和江,高須晃: "地球における炭素の環境" 地球科学. 48. 275-278 (1994)
[Publications] 高須晃,田崎和江: "スリランカ産グラファイトの元素カラーマップ分析" 地球科学. 48(フォトxvi-xix). (1994)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "バクテリアを用いた環境汚染の浄化" 地質学雑誌. 100. 436-441 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,W.S.Fyfe,M.Artani,S.Noda and P.J.Curie: "Microstructure and chemical composition of duck billed dinosaur eggs hell" Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 39. 17-37 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.and C.B.Dissanayake: "Transformation of carbon to graphite" The National Academy of Sciences.India.Special issue of honour of Prof.W.S.Fyfe,Allied Press. (in press). (1994)
[Publications] Bird,M.I.F.,I.Longstaffe,W.S.Fyfe,Kazue Tazaki and A.R.Chivas: "Oxygen-isotope fraction in gibbsite:Synthesis experiments varsus natural sanples" Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta., Acta. 58. 5267-5277 (1994)
[Publications] Zara Lindenmayer and Kazue Tazaki: "Microfossils in the Carajas Basin. Brazil: The first record of Archan Life in South America?" Chemical Geology. (in press).(1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,H.Ishida and W.S.Fyfe: "Calcite deposition in a hot spring microbial mat from Iceland." Proceedings of Inter. Clay Cong. in Adelaide. 30-37 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "ミクロの世界が示すグローバルチェンジ" 写真測量とリモートセンシング. 33. 50-57 (1994)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,H.Ishida and W.S.Fyfe: "Microbial concentration of Si, Ca and Fe in hot springs, Iceland." Jou. Volcanology and Geothermal Research. (in press). (1995)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,and W.S.Fyfe: "Biomineralization of iron in ammonite. Proceeding of Inter. Cong." Biomineralization in Monaco. (in press). (1995)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.,and T.Hattori: "Bacterial contribution to manganese nodules precipitation in fresh water environments: An electron microscopic study of experimental biominelization by cultured bacteria" Applied and Environmental Microbiology. (in press). (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "地球環境中のイオウと微生物-人間活動と環境地質学の接点" 地球科学. 47. 251-270 (1993)
[Publications] 後藤仁敏,田崎和江,飯泉滋,三宅康幸: "カナダ北極圏の環境調査" 地球科学. 47. VIII-XI (1993)
[Publications] 高須晃,田崎和江: "環境地質学" 地球科学. 47. 175-178 (1993)
[Publications] 堀坂明生,田崎和江: "生体鉱物化作用によるパイライトの生成" 粘土科学. 33. 36-43 (1993)
[Publications] 小岩崎浩一,本坊好正,田崎和江,森忠洋: "Thiobacillus ferroxidansによるジャロサイトおよびアンモニオジャロサイトの生成実験" 地球科学. 47. 493-506 (1993)
[Publications] 大島智子,田崎和江,高須晃: "炭質物の微細形態-透過型電子顕微鏡による四国中央部の秩父帯・御荷鉾緑色岩帯,三波川帯の泥質岩中の炭質物の観察-" 地質学雑. 99. 91-104 (1993)
[Publications] Tazaki,K.and H.Watanabe: "Electron microscopic observations of oil-derived fly ash particles from Kuwait origins oner Matsue,Japan." Proceedings of Inter. Symp. Univ. Osaka Pref. on Global Amenity(ISGA OSAKA'92). 184-189 (1993)
[Publications] Tazaki,K: "Processes of formation of bacterial iron and carbon minerals." Science Report of Kanazawa Univ.38. 59-77 (1993)
[Publications] Pries,L.C.and Kazue Tazaki: "A biomineralization of diatom in acidic stream sediments." Science Reports of Kanazawa University.XXXVIII. 95-106 (1993)
[Publications] Zhou and Kazue Tazaki: "Mineralogical assemblages and distribution trends of deep-Sea sediments from Izu-Bonin Are Leg 126, ODP. G." Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 38. 79-94 (1993)
[Publications] Tsuguhiro Nonaka,Nasir Ismail,Kazue Tazaki and Tadahiro Mori: "Significance of iron layer as indicator to determine the microbial corrosion of concertes" J. Construction Man. and Eng.474/VI-20. 125-131 (1993)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "鉱物の科学,風化作用による鉱物の生成と変化" 東海出版会 地学団体研究会編(印刷中), (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "鉱物の科学,バクテリアによる鉱物化作用" 東海出版会 地学団体研究会編(印刷中), (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "新版地学事典.12項目執筆" 平凡社,地学団体研究会編(印刷中), (1995)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "第三回応用生物,無機化学国際シンポジュウム参加報告" 地質学雑誌,101巻, 108-109 (1995)