Research Abstract |
During the 1995 fiscal period, I did the following research activities : (1) In March 1995, professor Tetsuji Yamada, coauthor, presented a paper entitled "Japanese Pharmaceutical Industry, its Performance and the Government Deregulation, " at the Eastern Economic Association 21st Annual conference in New York. (2) In January 10-15,1996, I presented a paper entitled "Health and Time Allocation in Japan, " at the Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations 2nd Biennial conference in Hong Kong. This presentation is based on our paper, which is coauthored with Tetsuji Yamada and J.M.Kang, under the same title printed as SRPNIS Discussion Paper, No.28, University of Tsukuba, December 1995. (3) As an extention of our previous paper entitled "Health Characterisitcs of Japanese Elderly People and their Preference for Types of Formal Home Health Care, " SRPNIS Paper No.17, February 1995, we have extended its analysis by combining the micro data with city (or prefectural) -level aggregate data on medical supply. The econometric analysis is currently planned at the end of August, 1996. (4) Besides the above research activities, our previous research papers are accepted for publication in international journals, two of which are already in print and two others are to appear sometime in 1996.