Research Abstract |
Chromosome numbers were determined for 1556 plants of Carex conica from 146 populations in Japan. Seven aneuploids, 2n=32,33,34,35,36,37 and 38, were found. Plants with even diploid chromosome numbers 2n=32,34 and 36 were the most common and had different geographical distributions. Genetic divergence was examined in the four aneuploids of C.conica (2n=32,34,36 and 38) by electrophoretic analysis of nine enzyme systems. Horizontal polyacrylamide gel was used for electrophoresis. Ten interpretable loci were scored for nine enzyme systems. Allozyme frequencies were calculated for each population. Genetic distances (Nei, 1972) among 17 populations were calculated from the allele frequencies. Relationships among populations were determined by clustering the genetic distances using NJ and Fitch-Margoliash methods. Four clusters were recognized : (1) 2n=32 from coastal areas of Seto Inland Sea, (2) 2n=34 from eastern Honshu of Japan, (3) 2n=36 from the mountainous areas of Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu, (4) 2n=38 from Tochigi Prefecture. Intraspecific genetic distances among 20 populations of 2n=36 (0.113) and 24 of 2n=34 (0.099) were relatively high, but 14 of 2n=32 (0.039) and two of 2n=38 (0.030) were low. These results suggested that 2n=32 and 2n=38 plants have been differentiated in recent speciation.