Research Abstract |
It is very hard to reach the last page when we read the CAI software which is almost written by letter and no accents. When we are reading the monotonous CAI software, we are tired of them. So, we need the rhetoric technique (appeal against a person). We developed icon, button, various character fonts, animations, motion pictures, sounds, objects so on under the CUI type environments for past two years. Today we standardized sounds to a certain degree, but bideo pictures are not standardized. There are JPEG,Motion-JPEG,MPEG,INDEO methods when we manipulate bideo pictures. We also argued software compression and hardware compression when we manipulate the bideo pictures. When we capture the bideo pictures, there are two methods. One is interactive capture method. By this method, we appropriately capture the bideo pictures by laser-disc medium which is connected to personal computer. Another is digital-bideo method. By this method, we stored the datas which is converted to digital datas from analog datas to hard-disk. Two methods are not standardized now. So we experimented these methods on the personal computer one by one, and we reached one conclusion. When we manipulate the bideo pictures, the time which takes during the compression and restore is important. How much degree the restored pictures are restored is important. We argued this problem also.