Research Abstract |
This summary is about a research dane into the arts learning and education through wood, which exists as arepresentative of the nature, as a media, being based on the movement of modern arts. Modern arts has been expanding its ways of expressing, places for exhibition and thoughts, and throbbing towards formation of its meaning of creation in ones own self. In this tidal movement, the originality of craft should be sought after in its manner of relationship with the nature that has always been in its conscious. Craft should be recognized to be a skillful act and an inguest into the nature and universe. Arts, for its ability in nurturing a capability of thinking, ingiring and expressing, should be situated as a truck for the lifetime study. Craft, particularly, is a very signifcant existence, since its relation with the natural andcultural heritage handed down to the present time, and since its profound and wide expression with sersitivity. The word "TENNEN" has been replaced by the word "
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GINENN" , and an accordingly change in notion in its back ground, it agitates an anxiety about an inertia of modarn culture forcing forward. The nature has foundamentaly assisted our sence of beauty. This fact is obviousby looking turough a history of paintings and a development and succession of crafts in Japan. Through woodcraft, that employs a wood as a material which represents the nature, a cognition achieved by repetition of contact whith sensitivity and analys is made by intellect of today's, and it can lead to the comfirmation of entity of oneself that The Life Time Study aims. Now, Once again, craft learning and education will need to be reconsidered through its then, material and skill. Its can widen the world of creation when it is sought for a possibility of concept based on each of these, and by repetition of "Thinking while Making" and "Making while Thinking" , thinking , seaching and expressing. Then, it is necessary to reconsider about a wood, a natural material, through its significance, regeonality, charactor, expression, form. And, skillfulness is concerned, it can be searched for widening the conception by separeting method and tools and simplifining the method. I hereby present examples made by using branches from roadside trees as the nature at near by. Less