[Publications] Takeuchi,K.: "Preliminary report of observation by Hakuho-maru during the IOP of TOGA-COARE" Proceeding of the Korean-Japan Joint Workshop of TOGA-COARE.
[Publications] Yasunari,T.and S.Kodama: "Intraseasonal variability of katabatic wind over east Antarctica and planetary flow regime in the Southern Hemisphere" Jour.Geophys.Res.98. 13063-13070 (1993)
[Publications] Tomita,T.,and T.Yasunari: "On the two type of ENSO" Jour.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 71. 273-284 (1993)
[Publications] Takahashi,T.,and K.Kuhara: "Precipitation machanisms of cumulonimbus clouds at Pohnpei,Microneshia" Jour.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 71. 21-31 (1993)
[Publications] Tsukamoto,O.: "Comments on "Peculiar Downward Water Vapor flux over Gobi Desert in the Day-time by J.Wang and Y.Mitsuta" Jour.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 71. 161-162 (1993)
[Publications] Takahashi,N.,H.Uyeda,and K.Kikuchi: "Doppler Radar Observation on Wave-like Echoes Generated in a Strong Vertical Shear" Jour.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 71. 357-365 (1993)
[Publications] Takahashi,N.,H.Uyeda,Y.Asuma,S.Shimizu,S.Sato,T.Endo,K.Takeuchi,Y.Fujiyoshi,R.Shirooka and A.Sumi: "Radar Observations of Tropical Clouds on the Manus Island,Papua New Guinea" Proceedings of IGARSS'93. 615-617 (1993)
[Publications] Kubota,M.: "A new cloud detection algorithm for nighttime A VHRR/HRPT data" Jour.Oceanogr.50. 31-41 (1994)
[Publications] Kubota,M.: "A mechanism of the accumulatin of floating marine debris North of Hawaii" Jour.Phys.Oceanography. (in press). (1994)
[Publications] Mayeda,A.,T.Yamashiro,and M.Sakurai: "Fluctuation in Volume Transport Distribution Accompanied by the Kuroshio Front Migration in the Takara Strait" Jour.of Oceanography. 49. 231-245 (1993)
[Publications] Sumi,A.and R.Oki: "Simulation of TRMM Observation using Radar-AMeDAS composite" Proceedings of IGARSS'93. 623-625 (1993)
[Publications] Fujiyoshi,Y.: "Dual Doppler radar Observation of a tropical convective band developed from two small convective clouds" Proceedings of the "Korea-Japan Joint Workshop for TOGA-COARE"1993.
[Publications] Matsuno,T.,S.Kanari,C.Kobayashi and T.Hibiya: "Vertical Mixing around the Bottom Mixed Layer near the Continental Shelf Break in the East China Sea" Jour.of Oceanography. (Submitted). (1994)
[Publications] Kaneko,A.: "Towed ADCP Fish with Depth and Roll Controllable Wings and Its Application to the Kuroshio Observation" Jour.of Oceanogr.(in press). (1993)
[Publications] Adachi,T.: "Effects of the Acoustic and Radar Pulse Length Ratio on the Accuracy of RASS Temperature Measurements" Radio Sci.28. 571-583 (1993)
[Publications] Tsuda,T.: "Observations of Tropospheric Temperature Fluctuations with the MU Radar/RASS" J.Ocean.Atmos.Tech.(in press). (1994)
[Publications] Nakamura,T.: "Characteristics of Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere Observed with the MU Radar:1.Momentum flux" J.Geophys.Res.98. 8899-8910 (1993)
[Publications] Nakamura,T.: "Characteristics of Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere Observed with the MU Radar:2.Propagation Direction" J.Geophys.Res.98. 8911-8923 (1993)
[Publications] Tsuda,T.: "Vatiations of the Gravity Wave Characteristics with Height,Season andLatitude Revealed by Comparative Observations" J.Atmos.Terr.Phys.56. 555-568 (1994)
[Publications] Nakamura,T.: "Comparison of the Mesospheric Gravity Waves Observed with the MU Radar(35°N)and the adelaide MF Radar(35°S)21GC20:Geophys.Res.Lett." 20. 803-806 (1993)
[Publications] Yamanaka,M.D.: "A Simple Model of Gravity-Wave Momentum and Energy Fluxes Transferred through the Middle Atmosphere to the Upper Atmosphere" J.Atmos.Terr.Phys.(In press). (1994)
[Publications] Fuako,S.: "Seasonal Variability of Vertical Eddy Diffusivity in the Middle Atmosphere,Part I:Three-Year Observations by the MU Radar" J.Geophys.Res.(In press). (1994)
[Publications] Nakamura,T.: "Comparative Observation of Short Period Gravity Waves(10-100min)in the Mesosphere in 1989 by Saskatoon MF Radar(52°N),Canada and the MU Radar(35°N),Japan" Radio Sci.28. 729-746 (1993)
[Publications] Maekawa,Y.: "Distribution of Ice Particles in Wintertime Thunderclouds Detected by the C Band Dual Polarization Radar:A Case Study" J.Geophys.Res.,. 98. 16613-16622 (1993)
[Publications] Maekawa,Y.: "First Observation of the Upper Stratospheric Virtical Wind Velocities Using the Jicamarca VHF Radar" Geophys.Res.Lett.20. 2235-2238 (1993)
[Publications] 深尾昌一郎: "Lバンドレーダーによる境界層観測" 天気. 40. 15-19 (1993)
[Publications] 深尾昌一郎: "大型レーダーで高層の大気を捉える" 科学. 63. 179-186 (1993)
[Publications] 深尾昌一郎: "MUレーダーによる中層・超高層大気のリモートセンシング" 計測と制御. 32. 416-422 (1993)
[Publications] Watanabe,A.,S.Fukao,M.D.Yamanaka,A.Sumi,and H.Uyeda: "A Rotor Circulation near the Baiu Front Observed by the MU Radar" J.Meteor.Soc.Japan. 72. 91-105 (1994)
[Publications] Yamamoto,M.,N.Komoda,S.Fukao,R.T.Tsunoda,T.Ogawa,and T.Tsuda: "Spatial Structure of the E-Region Field-AlignedIrregularities Revealed by the MU Radar" Radio Sci.In press. (1994)
[Publications] Tsuda,T.: "Radiosonde Observations of Equatorial Atmosphere Dynamics over Indonesia;Part I:Equatorial Waves and Diurnal Tides" J.Geophys.Res.(In press). (1994)
[Publications] Tsuda,T.: "Radiosonde Observations of Equatorial Atmosphere Dynamics over Indonesia;Part II:Characteristics of Gravity Waves" J.Geophys.Res.(In press). (1994)
[Publications] Yamanaka,M.D.: "Multiple tropopauses:A major source of Middle-atmospheric Gravity waves" Proceeding of 1992 STEP Symp.,COSPAR Colloquium 5 M.Teague(ed.),Pergamon Press. (In press). (1994)
[Publications] Yamanaka,M.D.: "A model of quasi-monochromatic field of middle-atmospheric internal gravity waves" Proceeding of 1992 STEP Symp.,COSPAR Colloquium 5 M.Teague(ed.),Pergamon Press. (In press). (1994)
[Publications] Yamanaka,M.D.: "Seasonal and interannual variabilities of vertical eddy diffusivity observed by the MU Radar" Adv.Space.Res.(In press). (1994)