[Publications] 上坂龍平・寶 馨・岡 太郎: "衛星画像とGISを用いた火山流域の地表面状態の解析," 土木学会関西支部年次学術講演会概要,1997. (発表予定).
[Publications] 中西史尚・江頭進治・金 海生・望戸昌観:"ブランタス川蛇行部の河床変動に関する研究" 第51回年次学術講演会,土木学会. II. 610-611 (1996)
[Publications] 江頭進治・本田尚正・安東容輔: "地すべり堆積土砂の二次浸食による土砂流出" 水工学論文集. 第40巻. 863-868 (1996)
[Publications] 日下部重幸・道上正規・藤田正治・檜谷 治・宮本邦明: "マッコ-マック法を用いた砂防ダム上流の堆砂計算法に関する研究" 水工学論文集. 第40巻. 977-982 (1996)
[Publications] Sudarta,Isnugroho and S.Egashira: "Brantas river of bed change during bry scason" Proc.of Workshop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakarta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 210-218 (1996)
[Publications] Egashira,S.,H.JIN and F.Nakanishi: "Characteristics of flow and bed deformation in meandering reach of Brantas River,Indonesia." Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 1-18 (1996)
[Publications] Sutikno,S.Egashira and Dyah Rahayu Pangesty: "Method for predicting fine sediment run-of and its application" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia,. 126-134 (1996)
[Publications] Haisheng JIN,S.Egashira and Bingyi LIU: "Characteeristics of meandering compound channel flow cvaluated with two-layered 2-D method" Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 717-724 (1996)
[Publications] Kawata,Y.: "Holistic approach for coastal disaster reduction in Indonesia-Tsunami and Beach erosion" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia,. 232-239 (1996)
[Publications] K.Sawai and S.Nakade.: "Estuary sedimentation control by means of tidal reservoirs." Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 157-171 (1996)
[Publications] Takara,T.,S.Egashira,Dyah R.P.,Irwan S.and Rahardjanto:"Analysis of land surface conditions in the Brantas River Basin based on satellite remote sensing images" 京都大学防災研究所年報,1997,発表予定.
[Publications] Kaoru,T.,T.Yamashita,S.Egashira,Dyah R.P.,Irwan S.,Syamsudin A.R.and Anton: "Application of remote sensing and GIS to research on disasters caused by floods and sedimentation" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia,. 62-77 (1996)
[Publications] Tanakamaru,H.,T.Hata and A.Tada: "Estimation of water budget in the upper area of the Brantus River using variable infiltration cappacity water balance model" Proc.of Workshop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakarta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works, Indonesia. 113-125 (1996)
[Publications] Yamashita,T.: "Evolution of river mouth delta due to short-cut works" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 56-61 (1996)
[Publications] Nishiing S.N.and T.Yamashita: "Climatology of surface wind firlds of Asian monsoon and their action on waves and currents in Java Sea" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia,. 92-135 (1996)
[Publications] M,Fujita.,S.Egashira,H.S.Jin and F.Nakanishi: "Characteristics of bed variation in Brantas middle reach" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 29-42 (1996)
[Publications] Kusakabe,S.,M.Michiue,M.Fujita,O.Hinokidani and K.Miyamoto: "A numerical simulation of sedimentation in upstream region of sabo dam using Mac Cormak scheme" Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,JSCE. 40. 977-982 (1996)
[Publications] Fujita,M.and M.Michiue: "Formation and destruction processes of step-pool morphology" Proc.of 10th congress,APD,IAHR JENTAYO II. (1996)
[Publications] Yoshioka,H.: "Wave-current observations at the Jepara Coast" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 78-91 (1996)
[Publications] Irwan Syafri,Dyah Rrahayu Pangesty and Ibnu Katamsi: "Earth's surface performance media for river morphological changes analysis" Proc.of Workshop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakarta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 172-184 (1996)
[Publications] Raharudjanto and Dyah rahayu Pngesti: "Flood Disasters and Their Control Measures in Lower Solo River Basin" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia. 185-197 (1996)
[Publications] A.R.Syamsudin,Dede.M.Sulaiman and Kardana: "Beach processes and preservation in Jepara Coast" Proc.of Work Shop on Disasters Caused by Floods and Geomorphological Changes and Their Mitigations,Yogyakaruta,Indonesia,Ministry of Public Works,Indonesia,. 43-55 (1996)