[Publications] Baba, T., Kitagawa, R. and Takano, S: "Mineralog and chenuical studies of clay veims in gianiic rooks of Chugoku district, southwest Japare." J. Sci., Hiroshina Univ., ser. C. 10. 333-347 (1995)
[Publications] Chiba, H.: "Chemical modeling of seawater-rock interaction: Effect of nocktype on the fluied chemistry and mineral assembloge" Biogeoch. Roc. Ocean Flux, West. Pacit.1. 469-486 (1995)
[Publications] Gamo, T., Masuda, H., Chiba, H. and Fujioka, K.: "In stitu flow-through andlys's of dissolved silica over TGA Liydrothermal moard, Mid-Atlautic sidge" JAMSTEC J. Deep Sea Res.11. 103-110 (1995)
[Publications] Inoue, A.: "Determiration of aspect ratios of clay-sized particles" Clay Sci.9. 259-274 (1995)
[Publications] Isobe, H., Ohnuki, T., Murakami, T. and Ganthier-Lagayte, F.: "Migration behavior of Uraniam under oxidizing condition in OKlo natural neactor zone 2, Gabor" Material Res. Soc., Symp Proc.353. 1211-1218 (1995)
[Publications] Kitagawa, R.: "Surface microtopoigraphy of rectarite from Allevald, France" clay. Clay Mater. Sci.Ab.Vol. 88-89 (1995)
[Publications] 北川隆司: "花岡岩の斜面崩壊方向の指標として粘土細脈" 応用地質. 37(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] 益田晴恵,千葉 仁,蒲生俊敬 藤岡換太郎,中村正和: "TGAマウンドにおける熱水変質鉱物の分布と化学組成" JAMSTEC 深海研究. 11. 111-124 (1995)
[Publications] Murakami, T., Tsuzuki, K., Sato, T. Isobe, H. and Ohnuki, T.: "Uranium fixation daring waniam migration under an oxdizing condition" Materi Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.353. 1219-1226 (1995)
[Publications] Myint, K., Watanake, M. and Nishido, H.: "K-Ar ages of the felsic volcanisnr and thier signicance on volcanostratigraphy and kaslin mineralization at the Hirski Mine." Resource Geol.45. 341-345 (1995)
[Publications] 鹿園直建: "熱水フラックスとグローバル海洋組成" 地学雑誌. 104. 16-27 (1995)
[Publications] 鹿園直建,本間久英,中田正隆: "文化組織と交代作用のメカニズム" 鉱物学雑誌. 24. 117-123 (1995)
[Publications] shilcazono, N., Shimizu, M. and Utada. M.: "Minevalogical and gevchemical characteristics of / yydrothermal milieral deposits in the karoko mining area." Applied Geochem.(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] Shimizu, M., Shikazono, N. and Tsunoda, K.: "Sulphur isotopo chanacteristics of hydroihermal mineral depcsits in the southern Fossa Magna rigion, Japan." Ball. Fac. Educ., Yamanashi Univ.46. 40-48 (1995)
[Publications] Shimizu, M., Schnlidt, S. T., Stanley, C. J. and Tsunoda, K.: "Kawazulite and cnmamced Bi_3(Te, Se, S)_4 in Ag-Bi-Te-Se-S nineralization from the Suttsu mine, Hokkaido, Japan." Neues Jah. fiir Miner, Abhandlun.168. 305-308 (1995)
[Publications] 角田謙朗・清水正明: "山梨県乙女鉱床末広脈における鉱化作用" 資源地質. 45. 111-120 (1995)
[Publications] 八幡正弘・西戸裕嗣: "中央北海道北東部紋別・遠浅地域の新第三紀活動と構造運動" 地質学雑誌. 101. 685-704 (1995)
[Publications] 八幡正弘・西戸裕嗣・岡村聡: "東部北海道,網走・阿寒地域の新第3紀火山岩類のK-Ar年代,阿寒・屈斜路隆起帯の形成について" 地球科学. 49. 7-16 (1995)
[Publications] Yasuoka, T., Kitogawa, R. and Taken, S.: "Mineralogical characteristics of smectite from the lanislida area in the Neogene Kobe Grop, southwost Japan." J. Sci., Hiroshima Univ., ser. C. 10. 487-507 (1995)
[Publications] Inoue, A.: "Fornation of clay minorals in hydrothermal ervironmento in "Origia and minoralngy of slays" ed. B. Velde" Springer, 268-334 pp334 (1995)
[Publications] Murakami, T. and Ewing, R.: "Scientic basis for nuclear wasts managenent XVIII" C(ed): Materals Research Society, 1433 (1995)
[Publications] 鹿園直建: "地下水・熱水移行シナリオとナチュラルアナログ研究" 東京大学出版会 「放射性廃棄物と地質科学」, 382 (1995)
[Publications] 歌田 実: "地下深部における岩石の変質.「放射性廃棄物と地質科学」" 東京大学出版会, 277-308 382 (1995)