[Publications] Ikagawa,S.et al.: "Single amino acid substitutions on a Japanese cedar pollen allergen (Cryj I)-derived peptide induced alterations in human T cell responses and T cell receptor antagonism" J.Allergy Clin.Immunol.97. 53-64 (1996)
[Publications] Fujisao,S.et al.: "Identification of HLA-DR9(DRB1^※0901)-binding peptide motifs using a phage fUSE5 random peptide library." Human Immunol.45. 131-136 (1996)
[Publications] Horikawa,K.et al.: "Cyclosporine-responsive pancytopenia and HLA class II alleles of a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria." Int.j.Hematol.63. 165-166 (1996)
[Publications] Marakami,S.et al.: "Binding of Ras-or p53-derived peptides to HLA-DR molecules : possible candidates of targets for tumor specific T lymphocytes" Immunol.Letters. 49. 149-153 (1996)
[Publications] Matsushita,S.et al.: "HLA-DQ-binding peptide motifs.I.Comparative binding analysis of type II collagen-derived peptides to DR and DQ molecules of rheumatoid arthritis-susceptible haplotypes" Int.Immunol.8. 757-764 (1996)
[Publications] Okano,M.et al.: "Epitope analysis of HLA-DR-restricted helper T-cell responses to Der p II,a major allergen molecule of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus." Allergy. 51. 29-35 (1996)
[Publications] Matsushita,S.et al.: "Molecular mechanisms underlying HLA-DR-associated susceptibility to autoimmunity" Internatl.J.Cardiol.54Suppl.S45-S54 (1996)
[Publications] Chen,Y-Z.,et al.: "Response of a human T cell clone to a large panel of altered peptide ligands carrying single residue substitutions in an antigenic peptide" J.Immunol.157. 3783-3790 (1996)
[Publications] Kira,J-I.et al.: "Western vs.Asian types of multiple sclerosis : immunogenetically and clinically distinct disorders" Ann.Neurol.40. 569-574 (1996)
[Publications] Matsushita,S.et al.: "Diversity of a human CD4^+ T cell repertoire recognizing one TRC ligand." Immunol.Letters. 51. 191-194 (1996)
[Publications] Matsuoka,T.et al.: "Altered TCR ligands affect antigen-presenting cell responses : Up-regulation of IL-12 by an analogue peptide" J.Immunol.157. 4837-4843 (1996)
[Publications] Hashiguchi,S.et al.: "Immunodominance of seven regions of a major allergen,Cry j 2 from Japanese cedar pollen for T-cell immunity" Allergy. 51. 621-632 (1996)
[Publications] Yokomizo,H.et al.: "Augmentation of immune response by an analog of the antigenic peptide in a human T-cell clone recognizing mutated Ras-derived peptides." Human Immunol.52. 22-32 (1997)
[Publications] Oiso,M.,et al.: "Differential binding of peptides substituted at putative C-terminal anchor residues to HLA-DQ8 and DQ9 differing only at β^<57>." Human Immunol.52. 47-53 (1997)
[Publications] Matsushita,S.,et al.: "Partial activation of human T cells by peptide analogs on live APC : Induction of clonal anergy associated with protein tyrosine dephosphorylation." Human Immunol.(in press.).
[Publications] Fujisao,S.et al.: "Establishment of an enzyme-linked HLA-peptide binding assay and its application to the detailed peptide motifs for HLA-DR9(DRB1^※0901)." J.Immunol.Methods.:(in press.).
[Publications] Nakamura,H.et al.: "Outcome of radical multiple synovectomy as a novel surgical treatment for refractory rheumatoid arthritis-implication of HLA-DRB1^※0405 in postoperative results." Clin.Exp.Rheumatol.(in press.).
[Publications] Nishimura,Y.et al.: "Peptide-based molecular analyses of HLA class II -associated susceptibility to autoimmune diseases." Int.Rev.Immunol.(in press.).
[Publications] Matsuoka,T.et al.: "Dermatophagoides farinae-1-derived peptides and HLA molecules recognized by T cells from atopic individuals" Int.Arch.Allergy Immunol.(in press.).
[Publications] Wakitani,S.et al.: "The relationship between HLA-DRB1 alleles and disease subsets of rheumatoid arthritis in Japanese." Brit.J.Rheumatol.(in press).
[Publications] Senju,S.et al.: "Identification of human and mouse GP-1,members of a novel G-protein family." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comm.(in press.).
[Publications] 西村泰治: "主要組織適合抗原・ペプチド複合体の構造と機能" 細胞工学. 15. 1007-1021 (1996)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "MHCクラスII結合性ペプチドによる免疫抑制療法" 呼吸. 15. 236-243 (1996)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "MHCクラスII分子結合性ペプチド" 炎症と免疫. 4. 382-393 (1996)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "免疫応答とその制御-最近のトピックス,オーバービュー" 現代医療. 29. 266-278 (1997)
[Publications] 松岡多香子,他: "抗原ペプチド免疫療法" 医学のあゆみ. 180. 79-84 (1997)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "HLAと疾患" 診断と治療. 85(印刷中).
[Publications] Tanaka,Y.et al.: "Effect of mAbs to T-cell and adhesion structures on a proliferative responses of a CD4^+ T cell clone with a paracrine growth property." Proceedings of 6th International Workshop and Conference on Human Leukocyte Differentiation Antigens(in press.), (1997)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「HLAの構造、機能と免疫調節」,新医科学大系(8)-B,免疫応答-生体の防御機構II" 中山書店, 19 (1996)
[Publications] 横溝 博,他: "「主要組織適合遺伝子複合体(MHC)」,小池隆夫,宮坂信之,山本一彦編,メディカル用語ライブラリー" 羊土社, 2 (1996)
[Publications] 横溝 博,他: "「MHC結合性ペプチド療法」,小池隆夫、宮坂信之、山本一彦編,メディカル用語ライブラリー" 羊土社, 3 (1996)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「免疫応答と寛容」,多田富雄ほか編,免疫のフロンティア・免疫寛容" 医学書院, 36 (1997)
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「MHCクラスII分子と結合ペプチド」,Annual Review「免疫」" 中外医学社, 12 (1997)
[Publications] 西村泰治,他: "「移植・腫瘍免疫とヒト主要組織適合抗原(HLA)」,新外科学大系V,外科と分子生物学" 中山書店(印刷中),
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「抗原のプロセッシングとT細胞への提示機構」最新内科学大系・プログレスシリーズ,免疫:アレルギー疾患」" 中山書店(印刷中),
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「HLAと疾患感受性」,新臨床医のための分子医学シリーズ,平野俊夫編,免疫システムと疾患," 羊土社(印刷中),
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「主要組織適合抗原と免疫疾患」,小池隆夫編,内科学XV・免疫・結合識・アレルギー疾患" 医学書院(印刷中),
[Publications] 西村泰治: "「主要組織適合抗原」,分子細胞生物学辞典" 東京化学同人(印刷中),