[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "On the structure of an insensitive generalized semi-Markov process with reallocation And with point-process input." Adv. Appl. Prob.27. 203-225 (1995)
[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "Relationship between queue-length and waiting time distri butions in a stationary descrete-time queue." Stochastic Models. 11(2). 249-271 (1995)
[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "Note on ghoeralizations of Mecke′s formulas and eytensions of H=1G" J. Appl, Prob.32. 105-122 (1995)
[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "Note on my paper:On the characterization of departure rules for discrete-time queueing net works with batch move ments and its applications" Queueing Systems. 19. 445-448 (1995)
[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "Decompos bility in queues with background states." Queueing Systems. 20. 453-469 (1995)
[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "Symmetric queues with batch departures and their network." Adv. Appl. Prob.(to appear). (1996)
[Publications] M. Miyazawa: "A gecmetric product-form distribution for a queueing metwork with nonstandard batch arrivals and batch transfers" J. Appl. Prob.(to appear). (1997)
[Publications] M. Ohya, H. Suyari: "Mutual Entropy in Quantum Markor Chains" Plenum(Quantum and Measure ment). 351-358 (1995)
[Publications] M. Ohya, N. Watanabe: "Kolmogorov Sinai entropy th rough quantum Markov chain." Open System and Information Pynamics. (to appear).
[Publications] M. Ohya: "Mc Millan type conrergence for quntum Gibbs states," Avchiers of Mathematics. 64. 154-158 (1995)
[Publications] M. Ohya: "Fractal dimension of states and its application to Ising model" Rep. Math. phy.36. 27-41 (1995)
[Publications] M. Ohya: "Entropy functionals of kolmogoror Sinai type and their limit theorems" Letter in Mathematical physics. (to appear).
[Publications] M. Ohya: "State chage, complexity and fractal in quautum systems." Plenum(Quantum Communications and Measure ment). 309-320 (1995)
[Publications] M. Ohya,N. Watanabe: "Mathe matical study of information transmission" Plenum(Quantum Communications and Measure ment). 371-378 (1995)
[Publications] M. Ohya,H. Suyari: "An Application of lifting theory to optical communication process." Report on Math. Physics. 36. 7-24 (1995)
[Publications] M. Ohya,N. Watanabe: "Note on Irreversible Dynamics and Quantum In for mation." Alberto Frigerio conference proceedings. (to appear).
[Publications] M. Ohya: "Analysis for Complexity of Craters and Revers by Fractal pimensious of state" trans, of IEICE. (to appear).
[Publications] 大矢 雅則: "進化系統樹作成におけるエントロピー進化率の効用" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 805-808 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢 雅則: "相互エントロピーの進化系統樹作成法への応用" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 809-812 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則,須鎗弘樹: "確率的探索法の情報論的-評価尺度" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 813-816 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢 雅則: "Scrafアルゴリズムの改良による多重均衡解の探索" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 817-820 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢 雅則: "Gauss確率空間におけるε-エントロピーとフラクタル次元-新たなアプローチ-" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 727-730 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢 雅則: "状態のフラクタル次元を用いたクレータ及び河川の複雑さの解析" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 730-734 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則,渡邉昇: "多重減衰過程における光変調方式の効率" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and Its applications. 18. 785-788 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢 雅則,渡邉 昇: "量子系のK-S型平均相互エントロピーの新しい定式化とモデルに関する計算" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and its applications. 18. 785-788 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則,渡邉昇: "立体構造を考慮したマルチプルアライメントについて" The proceeding of symposium of Information theory and its applications. 18. 525-528 (1995)
[Publications] 須鎗 弘樹: "量子マルコフ過程における平均相互エントロピー" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(A). J78-A No. 8. 1043-1050 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則, 須鎗弘樹: "Liftingによる光通信過程の統一的記述への試み." 研究会「量子情報理論と開放系」講究録. 191-205 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則,須鎗弘樹: "量子相互エントロピーによる量子マルコフ過程の解析" 京都大学数理解析研究所講究録. 923. (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則(編著): "量子情報と進化の力学(第1章情報力学から量子情報理論)" 牧野書店, 270 (1996)
[Publications] 渡邉昇,須鎗弘樹: "量子情報と進化の力学(第6章光通信過程のエントロピー解析)" 牧野書店, 270 (1996)
[Publications] 大矢(編著),下井田,宮沢,戸川,渡邉,須鎗他著: "数理情報化学辞典" 朝倉書店, 1114 (1995)