Research Abstract |
The wind energy is an inexhausitive natural energy. Also, it is clean. However, the wind change constantly by season and time. Then, it is necessary to control the systems efficiently in order to convert the wind into electric energy. In this study, an efficient control law to convert the wind into electric energy will be developed by means of changing parameter of the generator. There are two methods of controlling such systems. Firstly, if we can measure the velocity of the wind and we already know the required number of windmill, we can control the system by simulation. We call it "the installed capacity control". Secondary, when we do not have such information, the system can be controlled by using information of output and controlled parameter of the system. We call it"the accommodation control". As to the former control, we can operate it systematically because forward control is possible in this case. Also, we can get a hybrid with other electric generation system easily. However, the fact is that it is difficult to measure the velocity of the wind precisely. Besides, this control is difficult to operate because the control characteristic of the system is linear. In regard to the latter control, the control will be delayd because of the feedback control. Then, there are several cases that installed capacity is not obtained result in the fall of efficiency. On the other hand, this control is suitable for controlling linear systems. In this study, we make fuzzy role based on the forward control which is a merit of the installed capacity. Then, more efficient electric generation system can be expected by making use of this fuzzy role.