[Publications] L. La Granade. S. Sonoda. W. Miller, E. Pete, P. Rodgers-Johnson, B. Hanchard, B. Cranston, T. Fujiyosji. S. Yashiki, M. Blank, C. J. Gibbs and A. Manns.: "HLA DRB1*DQB1*haplotype in HTLV-I-asssociated familial infective dermatitis may predict development of HAM/TSP." Amer. J. Med. Genet.61. 37-41 (1996)
[Publications] B. Kitze, K. Usuku, S. Izumo, M. Nakamura, H. Shiraki, N. Ijichi, S. Yashiki, T. Fujiyoshi, S. Sonoda and M. Osame.: "Diversity of the intrathecal antibody synthesis against HTLV-I and its relation to disease." J. Neurol.243. 393-400 (1996)
[Publications] B. Kitze, K. Usuku, S. Yashiki, S. Ijichi, T. Fujiyoshi, M. Nakamura, S. Izumo, M. Osame, and S. sonoda.: "Intrathecal humoral immune response in HAM/TSP in relation to HLA haplotype analysis." Act. Neurol. Scand. 94. 287-293 (1996)
[Publications] M. Nagai, S. Yashiki, T. Fujiyoshi, C. Fujiyama, B. Kitze, S. Izumo, M. Osame and S. Sonoda.: "Characterization of a unique T-cell clone established from a patient with HAM/TSP which recognized HTLV-I-infected T-cell antigens as well as spinal cord tissue antigens." J. Neuroimmunol.65. 97-106 (1996)
[Publications] S. Sonoda, T. Fujiyoshi and S. Yashiki.: "Immunogenetics of HTLV-I/II and associated diseases." J. Acq. Immun. Defic. Synd. Hum. R.13 (suppl 1). S119-S123 (1996)
[Publications] S. Sonoda and T. Fujiyoshi: "HTLV-I infection and HLA." Gann Monograph on Cancer Research Ethnoepidemiology of Cancer (eds. K. Tajima and S. Sonoda) .44. 81-93 (1996)
[Publications] K. Tajima and S. Sonoda.: "Ethnoepidemiology, a new paradigm, for studying cancer risk factors and prevention strategy." Gann Monograph on Cancer Research Ethnoepidemiology of Cancer (eds. K. Tajima and S. Sonoda) .44. 3-12 (1996)
[Publications] Y. Yamano, B. Kitze, S. Yashiki, K. Usuku, T. Fujiyoshi, T. Kaminagayoshi, K. Unoki, S. Izumo, M. Osame and S. Sonoda.: "Preferential recognition of synthetic peptides from HTLV-I gp21 envelope protein by HLA-DRB1 alleles associated with HAM/TSP." J. Neuroimmunol.(in press).
[Publications] K. Kubo. T. Fujiyoshi, M. M. Yokoyama, K. Kamei, J. A. Richt, B. Kitze, S. Herzog, M. Takigawa and S. Sonoda.: "Lack of association of Borna Disease Virus and human T-cell leukemia virus type I infections with psychiatric disorders among Japanese patients." Glin. Diag. Lab. Immunol.(in press).
[Publications] K. Tajima and S. Sonoda (des) .: "Ethnoepidemiology of Cancer, Gann Monograph on Cancer Research No. 44" 日本学会出版センター, 1-223 (1996)
[Publications] 園田俊郎、田島和雄: "HTLV-I、II民族疫学、Molecular Medicine(特集ヒトがんウイルス)33巻" 中山書店, 334-341 (1996)
[Publications] 園田俊郎: "HTLV-I、IIの感染の疫学、免疫応答と発癌の宿主要因(特集 ヒト癌ウイルスによる発癌機構)血液腫瘍科 33巻" 科学評論社, 123-132 (1996)
[Publications] 園田俊郎: "ウイルス感染症 標準微生物学第6版(平松、山西編)" 医学書院, 376-384 (1996)
[Publications] 園田俊郎: "臨床検査 ウイルス 微生物学(竹田、上田、浜田、垣内編)" 医歯薬出版, 682-692 (1996)
[Publications] 園田俊郎: "ウイルス感染症の疫学 微生物学(竹田、上田、浜田、垣内編)" 医歯薬出版, 644-652 (1996)
[Publications] 屋敷伸治、園田俊郎: "レトロウイルス、遅発性ウイルス感染症とその類似疾患(脳と神経科学シリーズ3" メデイカルレビュー社, 12-21 (1996)