[Publications] M.Ohya,H.Suyari and Y.Uesaka: "確率的探索法の情報論的一評価尺度" The Proceedings of SITA. 18. 813-816 (1995)
[Publications] M.Ohya: "Scarfアルゴリズムの改良による多重均衡解の探索" The Proceedings of SITA. 18. 817-820 (1995)
[Publications] L.Accardi,M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "Mutual Entropy in Quantum Markov Chains" Quantum Communications and Measurement. 2. 351-358 (1995)
[Publications] M.Ohya and T.Matsuoka: "Simulated annealing and its application to Cobb-Douglas economic model" Open Systems and Information Dynamics. 3・3. 357-368 (1995)
[Publications] N.Muraki and M.Ohya: "Entropy functionals of Kolmogorov-Sinai type and their limit theorems" Letter in Mathematical Physics. 36. 327-335 (1996)
[Publications] L.Accardi,M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "Note on quantum dynamical entropies" Reports on mathematical physics. 38・3. 457-469 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and D.Petz: "Notes on quantum entropy" Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica. 31. 423-430 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "New treatment of Kolmogorov-Sinai type entropies and its applications" 物性研究. 66・1. 5-20 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "Information transmission in quantum open systems" 物性研究. 66・2. 235-245 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "スクイズド真空状態の量子通信過程への応用" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告情報理論研究会. 96・53. 19-24 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "対称コンタクトプロセスの錯視現象への応用" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告情報理論研究会. 96・53. 25-30 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya: "古典連続系におけるε-エントロピーとフラクタル次元" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告情報理論研究会. 96・53. 31-36 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya: "状態のフラクタル次元を用いた株価変動解析" 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告情報理論研究会. 96・53. 37-42 (1996)
[Publications] T.Matsuoka and M.Ohya: "状態のフラクタル次元を用いたクレーター及び河川の複雑さの解析" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J79-A・9. 1590-1599 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya: "量子情報理論の数理" 数理科学,サイエンス社. No.402. 5-13 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "HIVの符号構造の情報論的解析" The Proceedings of SITA. 19. 425-428 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "メリル法の改良による多重均衡解の探索" The Proceedings of SITA. 19. 433-436 (1996)
[Publications] M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "相互エントロピーによる二義錯視図形の解析 -対称コンタクトプロセスの応用-" The Proceedings of SITA. 19. 441-444 (1996)
[Publications] N.Watanabe: "チャネル理論とその量子コンピュータへの応用" 数理科学,サイエンス社. No.402. 44-51 (1996)
[Publications] H.Suyari: "量子通信過程の数理構造とその解析" 数理科学,サイエンス社. No.402. 37-43 (1996)
[Publications] S.Furuichi,M.Ohya and H.Suyari: "スクイズド真空状態による誤り確率の改善" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(A),掲載予定. J80-A. (1997)
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "Note on Irreversible Dynamics and Quantum Information" Contributions in Probability,Undine,Forum. 205-220
[Publications] M.Ohya: "Foundation of entropy,complexity and fractal quantum systems" To be published in International Congress of Probability Towards 2000.
[Publications] L.Accardi and M.Ohya: "Compound channels,transition expecttations and liftings" To appear in Journal of Applied Mathematics and Optimization.
[Publications] M.Ohya,D.Petz and N.Watanabe: "Numerical computation of quantum capacity" To appear in Quantum Structures.
[Publications] L.Accardi,M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "Dynamical entropy through quantum Markov chain" To appear in Open Systems and Information Dynamics.
[Publications] M.Ohya and N.Watanabe: "Quantum capacity of noisy quantum channel" To appear in Quantum Communications and Measurements.
[Publications] M.Ohya: "Complexity and their applications to quantum information and computer" To appear in Quantum Structures.
[Publications] M.Abundo,L.Accardi and N.Rosato: "A Markovian model for cooperative interactions in proteins" M^3 AS Math.Models and Meth.in Appl.Sci.6(5). (1995)
[Publications] L.Accardi: "Yang--Mills equations and Levy laplacians" Dirichlet forms and stochastic processes. 1-24 (1995)
[Publications] L.Accardi,V.I.Bogachev: "The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and the Dirichlet From Associated to the Levy Laplacian" Comptes Rendus del'Academie des Sciences,Paris. 320・I. 597-602 (1995)
[Publications] L.Accardi: "Can mathematics help solving the interpretational problems of quantum theory?" Il Nuovo Cimento. 110B. 685-721 (1995)
[Publications] L.Accardi,J.Gough and Y.-G.Lu: "On the stochastic limit for quantum theory" Rep.Math.Phys.36. 155-187 (1995)
[Publications] L.Accardi,C.Fernandez,H.Prado and R.Rebolledo: "Sur les temps moyens de sejour quantiques" C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris. 319.I. 723-726 (1994)
[Publications] L.Accardi: "The quantum probabilistic approach to the foundations of quantum theory : urns and chamaleons." Philosophy of Science in Florence,1995. (1997)
[Publications] L.Accardi,Lu Y.G. and N.Obata: "Towards a non-linear extension of stochastic calculus" Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,Kyoto,RIMS Kokyuroku. 957. 1-15 (1996)
[Publications] L.Accardi: "On tne axioms of probability theory" To appear in : Jaheresberichte der Deutsche Mathematiker--Vereiningung. (1997)
[Publications] L.Accardi, and G.Rizzi: "La cosmologia tra scienza e poesia" To appear in : Scienza,Filosofia e Teologia di fronte alla nascita dell'Universo. (1996)
[Publications] L.Accardi: "Quantum probability and classical probability" To appear in : Statistical Sciences. (1997)
[Publications] L.Accardi,Nobuaki Obata: "On the Fock space realization of the Levy Brownian motion" to appear.
[Publications] D.Petz: "Monotone metrics on matrix spaces" Linear Algebra Appl.244. 81-96 (1996)
[Publications] F.Hirai,D.Petz and G.Toth: "Curvature in the geomatry of canonical correlation" Studia Sci.Math.Hungar.32. 235-249 (1996)
[Publications] D.Petz,Cs.Sudar: "Geometries of quantum states" J.Math.Phys.37. 2662-2673 (1996)
[Publications] D.Petz,H.Hasegawa: "On the Riemannian metric of - α entropies of density matrices" Lett.Math.Phys.38. 221-225 (1996)
[Publications] R.Cianci,M.Francaviglia and I.Volovich: "Variational Calculus and Poincare-Cartan formalism on supermanifolds" Journal of Physics,A.Math.Gen.28. 723-734 (1995)
[Publications] I.Ya.Arefeva,K.S.Viswanathan and I.V.Volovich: "Planckian-energy scattering,colliding plane gravitational waves and black hole creation" Nuclear Physics B. 432. 346-366 (1995)
[Publications] I.Ya.Arefeva and I.V.Volovich: "The master field for QCD and q-deformed quantum field theory" Nuclear Physics B. 462. 600-612 (1996)
[Publications] I.V.Volovich: "D-branes,Black Holes and SU(∞)Gauge Theory" to be published in Nucl.Phys.B. (1996)
[Publications] I.Ya.Arefeva,K.S.Viswanathan,A.I.Volovich and I.V.Volovich: "Composite p-branes in various dimensions" to appear in Nuclear Physics B.
[Publications] A.R.Bikulov and I.V.Volovich: "p-adic Brownian motion" to be published in Izvestiya of Russian Academy of Sciences,Ser.Mathemat.(1997)
[Publications] L.Accardi,Y.G.Lu and I.V.Volovich: "Non-linear extensions of classical and quantum stochastic caculus and essentially infinite dimensional analysis" to be published in the Proc.of the New York Conference "Probability towards XXI".
[Publications] P.Staszewski: "Stochastic Dynamics of Continuously Observed Quantum Systems" Quantum Aspects ofOptical Communications and Measurement. 119-139 (1995)
[Publications] P.Staszewski and G.Staszewska: "Nondemolition Quantum Filtering" Open Systems and Information Dynamics. 3. 275-289 (1995)
[Publications] R.Mrugala: "Lie,Jacobi,Poisson and Quasi-Poisson Structures in Thermodynamics" Tensor,N.S.56. 38-46 (1995)
[Publications] R.Mrugala: "On a Riemannian Metric on Contact Thermodynamic Spaces" Rep.Math.Phys.38. 339-348 (1996)
[Publications] I.Ojima: "BRS Symmetry as a Fundamental Principle in Quantum Gauge Theories" Proc.of the International Symposium on the BRS Symmetry. 47-62 (1996)
[Publications] R.Haag and I.Ojima: "On the Problem of Defining a Specific Theory within the Frame of Local Quantum Physics" Ann.Inst.Henri Poincare. 64-4. 385-393 (1996)
[Publications] M.Abe,N.Nakanishi and I.Ojima: "Resolution of the BRS-Singlet-Pair Problem in Quantum Einstein Gravity" to appear in Nucl.Phys.B.
[Publications] S.Akashi: "An application of operator-theoretic entropy to the classification of convolution operators" Rep.Math.Phys.38,No.2. 189-193 (1995)
[Publications] S.Akashi: "Superposition representability problems of quantum information channels" to appear in Open Systems and Information dynamics. (1996)
[Publications] V.P.Belavkin: "A Dynamical Theory of Quantum Measurement and Spontaneous Localization." Russ Journ of Math Phys. 3・(1). 3-24 (1995)
[Publications] V.P.Belavkin and O.Melsheimer: "A Hamiltonian Solution tu Quantum Collapse,State Diffusion and Spontaneous Localization." Quantum Communications and Measurement. 201-223 (1995)
[Publications] V.P.Belavkin: "Quantum Filtering of Markov Signals with White Quantum Noise" Quantum Communications and measurement. 381-391 (1995)
[Publications] V.P.Belavkin: "The Interplay of Classical and Quantum Stochastics : Diffusion,Measurement and Filtering" Chaos--The Interplay Between Stochastic and Deterministic Behaviour,Lecture Notes in Physics. 21-41 (1995)
[Publications] V.P.Belavkin and O.Melsheimer: "A Derivation of Irreversible Mixing for a Quantum System with Spontaneous Localization" Nonlinear,Deformed and Irreversible Quantum Systems. 71-83 (1995)
[Publications] V.P.Belavkin: "On Stochastic Generators of Completely Positive Cocycles" Russ Journ of Math Phys. 3・(4). 523-528 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則,小嶋 泉(他編著) L.Accardi,R.Mrugala,D.Petz,渡邉昇,明石重男,須鎗弘樹(他著): "数理情報科学辞典" 朝倉書店, 1164 (1995)
[Publications] 大矢雅則,小嶋 泉(編著)渡邉昇,須鎗弘樹(他著): "量子情報と進化の力学 -研究最前線-" 牧野書店, 270 (1996)
[Publications] 大矢雅則・渡邉 昇: "光通信理論の基礎" 牧野書店(出版予定), (1997)
[Publications] R.S.Ingarden,A.Kossakowski and M.Ohya: "Information Dynamics and Open Systems" Kluwer(出版予定), (1997)
[Publications] 大矢雅則: "エントロピーから見た遺伝子" 岩波書店(出版予定), (1997)
[Publications] M.Abe,N.Nakanishi and I.Ojima: "BRS Symmetry(Frontiers Science Series No.17)" Universal Academy Press,Inc., (1996)