[Publications] A.Nishida: "The GEOTAIL Mission" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2871-2874 (1994)
[Publications] A.Nishida.et al.: "Transition From Slow Flow to Fast Tailward Flow in the Distant Plasma Sheet" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2939-2942 (1994)
[Publications] A.Nishida.et al.: "Classification of the Tailward Drifting Magnetic Structures in the Distant Tail" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2947-2950 (1994)
[Publications] A.Nishida.et al.: "Structure of Neutral Sheet in the Distant Tail (x=-210R_e) in Geomagnetically Quiet Times" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2951-2954 (1994)
[Publications] F.S.Mozer,et al.: "Direct Entry of Dense Flowing Plasmas into the Distant Tail Lobes" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2959-2962 (1994)
[Publications] F.S.Mozer,et al.: "The Morningside Low-Latitude Boundary Layer as Determined From Electric and Magnetic Field Measurements on GEOTAIL." Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2983-2986 (1994)
[Publications] G.L.Siscoe.L.A.Frank.K.L.Ackerson.W.R.Paterson: "Irregular Long-Period Boundary Oscillations Beyond〜100R_E : GEOTAIL Plasma Observations" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2979-2982 (1994)
[Publications] H.Matsumoto,et al.: "Electrostatic Solitary Waves (ESW) in the Magnetotail : BEN Wave Forms Observed by GEOTAIL" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2915-2918 (1994)
[Publications] M.Fujimoto.M.Nakamura: "Acceleration of Heavy Ions in the Magnetotail Reconnection Layer" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2955-2958 (1994)
[Publications] M.Hoshino,A.Nishida,T.Yamamoto,S.Kokubun: "Turbulent Magnetic Field in the Distant Magnetotail : Bottom-Up Process of Plasmoid Formation?" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2935-2938 (1994)
[Publications] S.Machida.et al.: "Plasma Distribution Functions in the Earths Magnetotail (X_<GSM>〜-42Re) at the Time of a Magnetospheric Substorm : GEOTAIL/LEP Observation." Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 1027-1030 (1994)
[Publications] S.Machida.et al.: "GEOTAIL Low energy Particle and Magnetic Field Observations of a Plasmoid at X_<GSM>=-142R_E" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2995-2998 (1994)
[Publications] T.Mukai.et al.: "GEOTAIL Observation of Cold Ion Streams in the Medium Distance Magnetotail Lobe in the Course of a Substorm" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 1023-1026 (1994)
[Publications] S.Kokubun.et al.: "Quasi-Periodic Oscillations of the Magnetopause during Northward Sheath Magnetic Field" Geophys.Res.Lett.21. 2883-2886 (1994)
[Publications] K.Tsuruda.et al.: "Electric Field Measurements on the GEOTAIL Satellite" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.46. 693-711 (1994)
[Publications] M.Fujimoto,et al.: "Structure of the low-latitude boundary layer A GEOTAIL observation" J.Geophys.Res.in press. (1996)
[Publications] T.Mukai,et al.: "The Low Energy Particle (LEP) Experiment Onboard the GEOTAIL Satellite" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.46. 669-692 (1994)
[Publications] A.Nishida.et al.: "GEOTAIL Observation of Magnetospheric Convection in the Distant Tail at 200Re in Quiet Times" J.Geophys.Res.18. 23663-23675 (1995)
[Publications] A.Nishida.et al.: "GEOTAIL Observations on the Reconnection Process in the Distant Tail in Geomagnetically Active Times" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.22. 2453-2456 (1995)
[Publications] M.Fujimoto,et al.: "Plasma Entry From the Flanks of the Near-Earth Magnetotail : GEOTAIL Observations in the Dawnside LLBL and Plasma Sheet" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] T.Mukai.et al.: "Structure and Kinetic Properties of the Plasmoid and its Boundary Region" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.(submitted). (1996)
[Publications] T.Terasawa,et al.: "On the Determination of Moving MHD Structure : Minimization of the Residue of Integrated Faraday's Equation" J.Geomag.Geoelectr. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] A.Nishida,T.Mukai.T.Yamamoto,Y.Saito,S.Kokubun: "Magnetotail Convection in Ceomagnetically Active Times 1,Dawn-Dusk Motion in the Plasma Sheet." J.Geomag.Geoelectr. (in press). (1996a)
[Publications] Terasawa.et al.: "On the determination of a moving MHD structure : Minimization of the residue of integrated Faraday's equation" J.Geomag.Geoelectr. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] A.Nishida.T.Mukai.T.Yamamoto.Y.Saito.S.Kokubun: "Magnetotail Convection in Geomagnetically Active Times 2.Dawn-Dusk Motion in the Plasma Sheet" Geomag.Geoelectr.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] D.H.Fairfield.et al.: "GEOTAIL Observations of an Unusual Magnetotail Under Very Northward IMF Conditions" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] M.Hoshino.T.Mukai.A.Nishida.T.Yamamoto.S.Kokubun: "Evidence of Two Active Reconnection Sites in Distant Magnetotail" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] S.Kokubun.et al.: "Large Field Events in the Distant Magnetotail During Magnetic Storms" J.Geomag.Geoelectr.(in press). (1996)