[Publications] H.Minoda, S.Sakamoto and K.Yagi: "In-situ REM observation of surfactant-mediated epitaxy;growth of Ge on Si(111)surfaces mediated by Bi" Surf.Sci.372. 1-8 (1997)
[Publications] H.Minoda and K.Yagi: "REM stidies of surfactant-mediatedepitaxy" in Advances in the Understanding of Crystal Growth Mechanisms. 293-307 (1997)
[Publications] K.Yagi, K.Aoki, H.Tamura, Y.Tanisiro, H.Tamura and T.Suzuki: "REM studies of surface dynamics on Si surface" Proc.EMS. 579-580 (1997)
[Publications] T.Suzuki and K.Yagi: "REM study of the Si(111)vicinal surface" Surface Review and Letters. 3. 543-549 (1997)
[Publications] H.Tamura, Y.Tanisiro, H.Minoda and K.Yagi: "Competing effects of current and strain on step structures on Si(001)2×1 studied by REM" Surface Sci.382. 310-319 (1997)
[Publications] H.Minoda, K.Yagi, E.-J.M-zu Heringdorf, A.Meier, D.Kahler and M.Horn von Hoegen: "Gold-induced faceting on vicinal Si(001)surfaces:Part (SPA-LEED study)" Phys.Rev.Bsubmitted.
[Publications] H.Minoda, K.Yagi, M.Horn von Hoegen and E.-J.M-zu Heringdorf: "Gold-induced faceting on vicinal Si(001)surfaces:PartII(UHV REM study)" Phys.Rev.B.submitted.
[Publications] K.Aoki, T.Suzuki, H.Minoda, Y.Tanishiro and K.Yagi: "Au Adsorption Induced Faceting and Phase Transitions of Facet Planes on the Si[110]Zone Studied by UHV-REM" Surface Sci.(in press). (1998)
[Publications] K.Aoki, H.Minoda, Y.Tanisiro and K.Yagi: "REM Studies of Adsorption-Induced Phase Transitions and Faceting in the Si(111)-Au System" Surface Review and Letters. (in press). (1998)
[Publications] Y.Nakajima, S.Takeda, T.Nagano and S.Hasegawa: "Surface electrical conduction due to carrier doping into a surface-state band on Si(111)-√<3>×√<3>-Ag" Physical Review B. 56. 6782-6787 (1997)
[Publications] Z.H.Zhang, S.Hasegawa and S.Ino: "RHEED intensity oscillation during epitaxial growth of Ag on Si(111)surfaces at low temperature" Physical Review B. 55. 9983-9989 (1997)
[Publications] S.Hasegawa, X.Tong, C-S, Jiang, Y.Nakajima, T.Nagano: "Electrical conduction via Surface-state bonds" Surface Science. 386. 322-327 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Nakajima, C.Voges, T.Nagano, S.Hasegawa, G.Klos, H.Pfnitr: "Critical scattering at the order-disorder phase transition of Si(111)-√<3>×√<3>R30°-Au surface" Physical Review B. 55. 8129-8135 (1997)
[Publications] C.-S.Jiang, X.Tong, S.Hasegawa, and S.Ino: "Electrical conduction through the surface-state band of the Si(111)-√<21>×√<21>-(Ag+Au)structure" Surface Science. 376. 69-76 (1997)
[Publications] T.Okuda, H.Daimon, S.Suga, Y.Tezuka, S.Ino: "Surface electronic structure of ordered alkali and noble metal overlayers on Si(111)" Applied Surface Science. 121. 89-97 (1997)
[Publications] S.Hasegawa, C.-S.Jiang, X.Tong, Y.Nakajima: "Electrical functional properties of surface superstructures on semiconductors" Advances in Colloid Interface Science. 71/72. 125-145 (1997)
[Publications] X.Tong, C.-S.Jiang, and S.Hasegawa: "Electronic structure of the Si(111)-√<21>×√<21>-(Ag+Au)surface" Physical Review B. 57. (1998)
[Publications] M.Henzler: "Growth of epitaxial monolayers" Surf.Sci.357. 809-819 (1996)
[Publications] M.Henzler: "Capabilities of Defect Analysis with LEED" Surf.Reviews and Letters. 4. 489-500 (1997)
[Publications] B.M.ler, Th.Schmidt and M.Henzler: "Growth and melting of a Pbmonolayer on Cu(111)" Surf.Sci.376. 123-132 (1997)
[Publications] J.Wollschloger and A.Meier: "Film and Interface Morphology of CaF2 Grown Si(111)at Low Temperature" J.Appl.Phys.79. 7373-7375 (1996)
[Publications] H.Pietsch, A.Klust, A.Meier, and J.Wollschloger: "Growth Instabilities of CaF2 Adlayers Deposited at High Temperature on Si(111)" Surf.Sci.377-379, 909-913
[Publications] H.Minoda and K.Yagi: "Advances in the Understanding of Crystal Growth" Elsevier Science B.V., 15 (1997)
[Publications] 八木 克道: "表面の構造(表面科学シリーズ(3))" 丸善, 80 (1998)