[Publications] P.Y.B.Jar,P.Compston P.Davies,K.Takahashi: "Delamination toughness of glass fiber reinforced composites under impact loading" Proc.Int.Conf.on Marine Application of Composite Materials MACM'96. 19-21 (1996)
[Publications] K.Arakawa,K.Takahashi: "An analysis of mode I interlaminar deformation ahead of crack front in composite DCB specimens" Int.J.Fracture. Vol.77. 41-50 (1996)
[Publications] 楠元淳一,新川和夫,高橋 清: "脆性および延性高分子材料のき裂先端近傍における変位場計測" 日本機械学会論文集(A編). 62巻599号. 49-53 (1996)
[Publications] G.Aggag,K.Takahashi: "Study of oscillation signals in instrumented Charpy impact testing" Polymer Engineering Science. Vol.36 No.17. 2260-2266 (1996)
[Publications] C.J.G.Plummer,H.H.Kausch,L.Teze,J.L.Halary,L.Monnerie: "Microdeformation mechanisms in methyl lethacrylate-glutarimide random copolymers" Polymer. Vol.37 No.19. (1996)
[Publications] C.J.G.Plummer,H.H.Kausch: "Deformation and entanglement in semicrystalline" J.Macromol.Sci.-Phys.B35(3&4). 637-657 (1996)
[Publications] K.Arakawa,D.Nagoh K.Takahashi: "Dynamic fracture behavior of brittle polymers under biaxial loading" 1996 VIII International Congress on Experimental Mechanics. 349-350 (1996)
[Publications] N.S.Choi,K.Takahashi: "Characterization of the damage zone process in short-fiber/thermoplastic composites by acoustic emission" Proc.of Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength '96. 743-748 (1996)
[Publications] N.S.Choi,K.Takahashi: "Influence of weathering on unfilled and short-glass-fiber-filled thermoplastic polyester" Proc.of Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength '96. 561-565 (1996)
[Publications] K.Takahashi,M.Kido: "Velocity dependent dynamic fracture tough-ness of Araldite B simultaneously determined by caustic and photoelastic methods" Constittive Relation in High/Very High Strain Rates IUTAM Symposium. 121-128 (1996)
[Publications] N.S.Choi,H.Yamaguchi K.Takahashi: "Fracture behavior of unidirectional commingled-yarn-based carbon fiber/poly-amide 6 composite under three-pont bending" J.Composite Materials. 30巻7号. (1996)
[Publications] 新川和夫,名合大輔,高橋 清: "エポキシ樹脂の動的応力拡大係数に及ぼすき裂速度・加速度効果" 日本機械学会論文集(A編). 63巻605号. 21-25 (1997)
[Publications] C.J.G.Plummer,Ph,Beguelin H.H.Kausch: "On the influence of particle morphology on microdeformation" Polymer. Vol.37 No.1. 7-10 (1996)
[Publications] R.Gensler,Ph.Beguelin C.J.G.Plummer,H.H.Kausch H.Munstedt: "Tensile behaviour and fracture toughness of poly (ether ketone (ether imide) blends" Polymer Bulletin. Vol.37. 111-118 (1996)
[Publications] F.Lu,C.J.G.Plummer,W.J.Cantwell,H.H.Kausch,: "Touhening mechanisms in modified epoxy resins with different crosslink densities" Polymer Bulletin. Vol.37. 399-406 (1996)
[Publications] Fan LU,H.H.Kausch,W.J.Cantwell,M.Fischer: "The effect of crosslink density on the fracture toughness of core-shell modified epoxy resins" Journal of Mat.Sci.Letters. Vol.15. 1018-1021 (1996)
[Publications] 馬田俊雄,高橋 清,Philippe Beguelin,Gamal Aggag: "高速度変位計測装置の試作と衝撃破壊研究への応用" 機械学会論文集. (掲載予定).
[Publications] 東藤貢 高橋清,Philippe Beguelin,H.Henning Kausch: "ゴム強化PMMAのモードIの破壊挙動に及ぼす変位速度の影響" 機械学会論文集. (投稿ずみ).
[Publications] K.Takahashi and M.Kido: "Fracture roughness evolution during mode I dynamic crack propagation in brittle materials" International Journal of Fracture Invited article,. (to be published).
[Publications] M.Todo,K.Takahashi,Ph.Beguelin,H.H.Kausch: "Effect of strain rate on tensile fracture behavior of fibre reingorced polyamide composites" Proc.of the 11th Int.Conf.on Composite Maters,. (to appear).
[Publications] K.Takahashi and H.Komatsu: "Perforation characteristics of fabrics made of high strength PE fibers" Proc.of the 11th Int.Conf.on Composite Maters,. (to appear).
[Publications] K.Takahashi,G.Aggag,T.Mada: "Rate dependent impact fracture toughness analysis for brittle materials" Proc.EURODYMAT 97,. (to appear).