[Publications] T.Katsufuji,Y.Okimoto,and Y.Tokura: "Spectral Weight Transfer of the Optical Conductivity in Doped Mott Insulators" Phys.Rev.Lett.75. 3497-3500 (1995)
[Publications] T.Katsuhuji,M.Kasai,and Y.Tokura: "In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Optical Spectra of Sr2Ru04" Phys.Rev.Lett.76. 126-129 (1996)
[Publications] S.Yamaguchi,Y.Okimoto,H.Taniguchi,and Y.Tokura: "Spin-State Transition and High-Spin Polarons in LaCoO3" Phys.Rev.B. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] T.Saitoh,A.Sekiyama,T.Mizokawa,A.Fujimori,K.Ito,H.Nakamura,and M.Shiga: "Unusal Mass Renormalization in FeSi Studied by High Resolusion Photoemission" Solid State Commun.95. 307-311 (1995)
[Publications] T.Mizokawa,and A.Fujimori: "Unrestricted Hartree-Fock Study of Transition-Metal Oxides:Spin and Ordering in Perovskite type Lattice" Phys.Rev.B. 51. 12880-12883 (1995)
[Publications] T.Saitoh,A.E.Bocquet,T.Mizokawa,H.Namatame,A.Fujimori,M.Abbate,Y.Takeda,and M.Takano: "Eletronic Structure of Lal-xSrxMnO3 Studied by Photoemission and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy" Phys.Rev.B. 51. 13942-13952 (1995)
[Publications] A.E.Bocquet,T.Mizokawa,T.Saitoh,A.Fujimori,M.Matoba,S.Anzai,and S.Suga: "The Inclusion of Charge Transfer to the Couduction Band in a Cluster Model Analysis of Core Level Line Shapes" J.Phys.Condens Matter.7. L411-L414 (1995)
[Publications] K.Morikawa,T.Mizokawa,K.Kobayashi,A.Fujimori,H.Eisaki,S.Uchide,F.Iga,and Y.Nishihara: "Spectral Weight Transfer and Mass Renormalization in Mott-Hubbard Systems SrVO3 and CaVO3:Influence of Long-Range Coulomb Interaction" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 13711-13714 (1995)
[Publications] T.Saitoh,A.E,Bocquet,T.Mizokawa,and A.Fujimori: "Systematic Variation of the Electronic Structure of 3d Transition-Metal Compounds" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 7934-7938 (1995)
[Publications] T.Mizokawa,A.Fujimori,T.Arima,Y.Tokura,N.Mori,and J.Akimitsu: "Electronic Structure of PrNiO3 Studied by Photoemission and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy:Band Gap and Orbital Ordering" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 13865-13872 (1996)
[Publications] A.Fujimori,K.Kobayashi,T.Mizokawa,K.Mamiya,H.Eisaki,H.Takagi,S.Uchida,R.J.Cava,J.J.Krajewski,and W.F.Peck Jr.: "Spectral Weight Transfer and Mass Renormalization in LnNi2B2C(Ln=Y and La)" J.Phys.Chem.Solids. 56. 1875-1876 (1995)
[Publications] S.Shin,A.Agui,M.Watanabe,M.Fujisawa,Y.Tezuka,T.Torii,K.Kobayashi,A.Fujimori,M.Hiromaru,and H.Takagi: "Soft X-Rey Emissoin Studies of YNi2B2C and La Ni2B2C Observation of the B 2p-and C 2p-Partial Density of State" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 15082-15085 (1996)
[Publications] A.Goto,et.al.: "Carier Concentration Dependence of the Pseudo Spin Gap Behavior in LaBa2Cu3Oy" J.Phys.Soc,Jpn.64. 367-370 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Ueda,et.al.: "Microscopic Magnetic Properties of V2O3_+ and(Y1+xTix)203" J.Mag.Magn.Mat.147. 195-197 (1995)
[Publications] A.I.Rykov,et.al.: "Charge Transfer to the Local Singlet States as a Function of Li Content in La2Cu1_<-x>LiO4" Physica C. 247. 327-339 (1995)
[Publications] H.Yasuoka: "Spin and Charge Differentiation in Doped CuO2 Planes Observed by Cu NMR/NQR Spectra" Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals(Springer-Verlag). 213-220 (1995)
[Publications] T.Ohama,et.al.: "NMR Study of Magnetic Excitations in CeNiSn" J.Phys.Soc,Jpn.64. 4566-4569 (1995)
[Publications] K.Kumagai,S.Tsuji,T.Hagino,and S.Nagata: "NMR Studies of Superconduetivity and Metal-Insulator Transition in Cu Spinel CuM2X4(M=Rh,Ir and x=S,Se)" Spectnoscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Merals(Springer-Verlag). 255-264 (1995)
[Publications] T.Hagino,Y.Seki,N.Wada,S.Tsuji,T.Shirane,K.Kumagai,and S.Nagata: "Superconductivity in Spinel-Type Compounds CuRh2S4 and CuRh2Se4" Phys.Rev.B. 51. 12673-12684 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Matsuda,M.B.Gaifullin,K.Kumagai,K.Kadpwalo.and T.Mochiku: "Collective Josephson Plasma Resonance in the Vortex State of Bi2Sr2CaCu208_+delta" Phys.Rev.Lett.75. 4512-4515 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Matsuda,T.Nagaoka,G.Suzuki,K.Kumagai,M.Suzuki,M.Sera,M.Hiroi,and K.Kobayashi: "Hall Anomaly in the Vortex State of La2_<-x>SrxCuO4" Phys.Rev.B. 52. R15 749-R15 752 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Matsuda,M.B.Gaifullin,K.Kumagai,K.Kadowaki,and T.Mochiku: "Microwave Responce in the Vortex State of Bi2Sr2CaCu208_+delta" Physica C. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] S.Ikeda,K.Kumagai,J.Jiang,M.S.Lin,C.C.Lai,and H.C.Ku: "NMR Study of Quaternary Superconductore RT2BC(R=Y,La,Tn and T=Ni,Pd,Pt)" Physica B. (toBbe plished). (1995)
[Publications] K.Kojima,A.Keren,G.M.Luke,B.Nachumi,W.D.Wu,Y.J.Uemura,M.Azuma,and M.Takano: "Magnetic Behavior of the 2-Leg and 3-Leg Spin Ladder Cuprates Sm-1Cun+102n" Phys.Rev.Lett.74. 2812-2815 (1995)
[Publications] D.N.Argyriou,J.D.Jorgensen,R.L.Hitterman,Z.Hiroi,N.Kobayashi,and M.Takano: "Structure and Superconductivity without Apical Oxygens in (Ca,Na)2CuO2Cl2" Phys.Rev.B. 51. 8434-8437 (1995)
[Publications] Z.Hiroi,and M.Takano: "Absence of Superconductivity in the Doped Autiferromagnetic Spin-Ladder Compound(La,Sr)CuO2.5" Nature. 377. 41-43 (1995)
[Publications] K.Yamaura,Z.Hiroi,M.Takano,S.Hahakura,J.Shimoyama,K.Kishio: "Ba-Free Mercury-Based Superconductors(Hg,M)Sr2Can-1CunOy(M=Re,Cr,Mo;n=2,3)Synthesized Under High-Pressure" 粉体および粉末治金. 42. 798-803 (1995)
[Publications] K.Ishida,Y.Kitaoka,Y.Tokushige,S.Matsumoto,K.Asayama,M.Azuma,Z.Hiroi,and M.Takano: "Spin Correlation and Spin Gap in Quasi-1D Spin-1/2 Cuprate Oxides…63Cu-NMR Study…" Phys.Rev.B. 53(in press). (1996)
[Publications] K.Yamaura,J.Shimoyama,S.Hahakura,Z.Hiroi,M.Takano,and K.Kishio: "High-Presure Synthesis and Superconductivity of a Be Free Mercury-Based Superconductor(Hg0.75 Re0.25)Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy" Physica C. 246. 351-356 (1995)
[Publications] M.Takano: "High-Pressure Effects on the Fomation of Complex Cupric Oxides" Solid State Chem.(ed.C.N.R.Rao):Naosa Publishing House,New Delhi. 97-111 (1995)
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,H.Kawano,Y.Tomioka,and Y.Tokura: "Neutron-Diffraction Study of the Magneric-Field-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in Pr0.7Ca0.3Mn03" Phys.Rev.B. 52. R13 145-R13 148 (1995)
[Publications] H.Kawano,et.al.: "Canted Antiferromagnetism in an Insulating Lightly Doped La1-xSrxMnO3 with x<0.17" Phys.Rev.B. 53(in press). (1996)
[Publications] H.Yoshizawa,et.al.: "Magnetic-Field-Induced Metal-Insulator Taransition in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3" J.Phys.Soc,Jpn.65(to be published.). (1996)
[Publications] T.Kimura,S.Miyasaka,H.Takagi,et.al.: "In-Plane and Out-Plane Magnetoresistance in La2_<-x>SrxCuO4 Single Crystals" Phys.Rev.B. March(to be published.). (1996)
[Publications] S.Yamaguchi,H.Taniguchi,H.Takagi,T.Arima,and Y.Tokura: "Magnetoresistance in Metallic Crystals of Lal-xSrxCoO3" J.Phys.Soc,Jpn.64. 1855-1888 (1995)
[Publications] S.Shin,M.Hinomaru,H.Takagi,et.al.: "Sofe-Xray-Emission Studies of YNi2B2Cand LaNi2B2C:Observation of B 2p and C 2p Partial Density of States" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 15 082-15 085 (1995)
[Publications] M.Tokunaga,N.Miura,H.Takagi,and R.J.Cava: "De Haas-Van Alphen Oscillations of LuNi2B2C in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields" J.Phys.Soc,Jpn.64. 1458-1461 (1995)
[Publications] 高木英典: "ホウ素・炭素を含む新しい四元化合物超伝導体の展開" 応用物理. 65. 310-317 (1995)
[Publications] 高木英典: "新しい高温超伝導物質-物質開発の進展" 科学. 64. 546-555 (1995)
[Publications] H.Takagi,H.Eisaki,S.Uchide,and R.J.Cava: "Charge Transport Properties of Strongly Correlated Metals near Charge Transfer Insulator to Metal Transition" Spectnoscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlatell Metals(Springer-Verlag). 185-193 (1995)
[Publications] H.Takagi: "Borocarbide Superconductors-Materials and Physical Properties" Advances in Superconductivity VII(Springer-Verlag). 9-14 (1995)
[Publications] A.Fujimori,and Y.Tokura: "Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals" Springer-Verlag, 265 (1995)
[Publications] M.Takano: "Perspectives in Solid State Chemistry(ed.C.N.R.Rao)" Narosa Publishing House,New Delhi, 15 (1995)