[Publications] S.Shamoto: "Single Crystal Growth of BaNiS_2" J.Cryst.Growth.154. 197-201 (1995)
[Publications] K.Kodama: "Structural Studies on Quasi Two-Dimensional Mott System BaCo_<1-x>Ni_xS_<2-δ> by X-Ray Rietveld Method." J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 2069-2073 (1995)
[Publications] J.Takeda: "Transport,Magnetic and Thermal Properties of BaCo_<1-x>Ni_xS_2" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 2548-2555 (1995)
[Publications] S Tanaka: "On the Anisotropy of the Superconducting Order Parameter Cu-Oxides Observed by STM/STS." J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 1476-1480 (1995)
[Publications] E.Ueda: "What Factors Determine STM/STS characteristics of High-T_cOxides?" Physica C. 249. 181-186 (1995)
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[Publications] Y.Yasui: "Effects if Carrier Doping into the Misfit-Layer Compounds (La_<1-y>R_yS)_<1+α>VS_2 (R=Sr and Pb) : Transport and Magnetic Studies" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 3890-3896 (1995)
[Publications] S.Sato: "Anomalous Metallic Phase in Cu-Oxided and Other 2D Mott Systems" Physica C. (in press.).
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[Publications] H.Harashina: "Superconductivity-Induced B_<2u> phonon Anomalies of YBa_2Cu_3O_<6+x> and Symmetry of the Order Parameter-Neutron Scattering Studies-" Physica C. (in press.).
[Publications] T.Nishikawa: "Studies of Metal-Insulator Transition of Misfit-Layer Compounds La_<1.17-x>Sr_xVS_<3.17>" Physica C. (in press.).
[Publications] K.kodama: "T_c-Suppression Mechanism of Pr-Doping in (R,Pr) Ba_2Cu_3O_7" Physica C. (in press.).
[Publications] S.Shamoto: "Single Crystal Growth of BaCo_<1-x>Ni_xS_2" Physica C. (in press.).
[Publications] M.Takata: "The Nuclear Density of YBCO by the Maximum Entropy Method using Neutron Powder Data" Physica C. (in press.).
[Publications] M.Takata: "Direct Observation of Pr-CuO_2 Hybridization in PrBa_2Cu_3O_<7-δ> by the MEM Charge Density Study" Physica C. (in press.).
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[Publications] M.Ido: "STM/STS and Electronic Specific Heat on High-T_c Cuprates" Physica C. (in press.).
[Publications] M.Oda: "STM and STS Studies on Superconducting Gap Symmetry of Bi_2Sr_2CaCU_2O_<8+δ>" Physica C. (in press.).
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[Publications] K.Nakajima: "Hole Doping Effect on 2D Correlations in La_2NiO_<4+δ>" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 716-720 (1995)
[Publications] K.Nakajima: "Spin dynamics and spin correlations in the spin S=1 two-dimensional square-lattice Heisenberg antifferomagnet La_2NiO_4" Z.Phys.B. 96. 479-489 (1995)
[Publications] D.A.Tennant: "Paper II : The Effects of Coupling between Chains on the Magnetic Excitation Spectrum of KCuF_3" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 13381-13390 (1995)
[Publications] K.Yamada: "An overall energy spectrum of manetic fluctuations in the superconducting La_<1.85>Sr_<0.15>CuO_4" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 64. 2742-2745 (1995)
[Publications] K.Yamada: "Antiferromagnetic long range order of an S=1/2 linear cuprate chain Ca_2CuO_3" Physica C. 253. 135-138 (1995)
[Publications] K.Yamada: "Direct observation of a magnetic gap in superconducting La_<1.85>Sr_<0.15>CuO_4 (T_c=37.3K)" Phys.Rev.Lett.75. 1626-1630 (1995)
[Publications] J.D.Perkins: "Infrared Optical Excitations in La_2NiO_4" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 9863-9866 (1995)
[Publications] C.H.Lee: "Anomalous breaking of phonon softening in the superconducting state of La_<1.85>Sr_<0.15>CuO_4" Physica C. 257. 264-270 (1996)
[Publications] S.Wakimoto: "Excess Oxygen Doping in Single Crystals of La_<2-x>Bi_xCuO_<4+δ> with or without Macroscopic Phase Separation" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.in press.(1996)
[Publications] K.Yamada: "Magnetic properties of (Sr,Ba)_2Cu_3O_4Cl_2 : two-dimensional antiferromagnetic cuprates containing two types of Cu-site" Physica B. 213&214. 191-193 (1995)
[Publications] T.Fukuda: "Commensurate and incommensurate magnetic excitations of Cr,an ininerant-electron antiferromagnet" Physica B. 213&214. 342-344 (1995)
[Publications] M.Arai: "Phonon anomaliy of La_<1.85>Sr_<0.15>CuO_4 studied by neutron scattering" Physica B. 213&214. 75-77 (1995)
[Publications] S.Tomiyoshi: "Neutron diffction studiy of the spin structure of TPV" Physica B. 213&214. 262-264 (1995)
[Publications] A.Keren: "Muon-spin-rotation measurements in the ‘infinite-chain' Ca_2CuO_3" J.Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 140. 1641-1642 (1995)
[Publications] K.Kojima: "Muon Spin Relaxation and Magnetic Susceptibility in Y_<2-x>Ca_xBaN_<1-y>Mg_yO_5" Phys.Rev.Lett.74. 3471-3474 (1995)
[Publications] J.M.Tranguada: "Evidence for stripe correlations of spins and holes in Cu oxide Superconductors" Nature. 375. 561-563 (1995)
[Publications] K.Mizuhashi: "Effect of Zn doping on charge transport in YBa_2Cu_3O_<7-y>" Phys.Rev.B. 52. R3884-3887 (1995)
[Publications] K.Morikawa: "Spectral weight transfer and inass renormalization in SrVO_3 and CaVO_3" Phy.Rev.B. 52. 13711-13714 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Fukuzumi: "Universal Superconductor-Insulator Transition and T_c Depression" Phys.Rev.Lett.76. 684-687 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Matsui: "Direct Observations of Arrangements of Carabonate Groups in Oxycarbonate Superconductors by High-Resolution Electron Microscopy" MICROSCOPY RESERACH AND TECHNIQUE.30. 155-166 (1995)
[Publications] Y.Zenitani: "Superconductivity in (Ca,Na)_2CaCu_2O_4Cl_2-the New Simplest Double-Layer Cuprate with Apical Chlorine-" Physica C. 248. 168-170 (1995)
[Publications] A.Sohma: "μSR Studies on Spin-Peierls System Cu_<1-x>Zn_xGeO_3 (x=0,0.01,0.03,and 0.07)" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 3060-3065 (1995)
[Publications] N.Ikeda: "Anisotropy of Dielectric Dispersion in ErFe_2O_4 Single Crystal" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 1371-1377 (1995)
[Publications] M.Uehara: "Metal-Insulator Transition in the S=1/2 Spin Ladder System (Sr_<0.4>Ca_<0.6>)_<14>Cu_<24-x>Co_xO_y" Physica C. 255. 193-203 (1995)
[Publications] T.Yokoo: "Observation of the Haldane Gap in Y_2BaNiO_5 Single Crystal" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 64. 3651-3655 (1995)
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[Publications] M.Udagawa: "Raman Scattering of CuGeO_3" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.63. 4060-4064 (1994)
[Publications] T.Mizokawa: "Electronic Structure of PrNiO_3 Studied by Photoemission and X-Ray Absorpion Spectroscopy" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 13965-13873 (1995)
[Publications] H.Nakata: "Structural Phase Transition of Sr_2CuO_2 (CO_3)" Physica C. 255. 157-166 (1995)
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[Publications] H.Nakata: "New Oxide Superconductors Containing CO_3" ISTEC Joumal.8. 59-63 (1995)
[Publications] M.Arai: "Structural Evolution of Spin-Peierls Material CuGeO_3 Studied by Neutron Scattering" J.Mag.Mag.140-144. 1689-1690 (1995)
[Publications] S.Katano: "Two-Dimensinal Diffraction Patterns of ErFe_2O_<4-δ>" Physica B. 213&214. 212-214 (1995)
[Publications] T.Ekino: "Tunneling Specrroscopy of Supetconducting Energy Gap in RNi_2B_2C (R=Y and Lu)" Phys.Rev.B,. (in press).
[Publications] J.Akimitsu: "Metal-INnsulator Transition in the S=1/2 Spin Ladder System (Sr_<0.4>Ca_<0.6>)_<14>Cu_<24-x>Co_xO_<41-δ>" Physica C.(in press).
[Publications] H.Nakata: "The Phase Diagram of the New Superconductor Sr_2CuO_2(CO_3)_<1-x>(BO_3)_x" Physica C,. (in press.).
[Publications] I.Yamada: "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Governed by the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Antisymmetric Exchange Ineraction in CuGeO_3" J.Phys. : Condensed Matt,. (in press.).
[Publications] 上原政智: "梯子型構造を有する銅酸化物へのキャリアド-ピング" 応用物理学会誌.印刷中.(1996)
[Publications] T.Hanaguri: "Magnetic-field dependence of the London penetration depth in type-II superconductor V_3Si" Physica C. 246. 223-227 (1995)
[Publications] T.Hanaguri: "Crossover from the first order vortex phase transition to the peak effect in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_y having different oxygen contents" Physica C. 256. 111-118 (1996)
[Publications] A.Maeda: "Nonlinear Meissner effect of the cuprate superconductors investigoted by the London penetration depth measurement" Physica C. (in press.). (1996)
[Publications] T.Hanaguri: "Doping level dependert magnetization anomalies and heat capacity of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_<8+δ> in the mixed state" Physica C. (in press.). (1996)
[Publications] T.Tsuboi: "High precision magnetization and heat capacity measurements of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_y single crystals in the mixed state" Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Superconductivity.(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] A.Maeda: "Microwave absorption in the mixed state of (Bi or Tl)_2(Sr or Ba)_2Ca_<n-1>CnO_y" Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Superconductivity.(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] G.q.Zheng: "Local Hoie Distribution in the CuO2 Plane of High-T_c Cu-Oxides Sutudied by Cu and Oxygen NQR/NMR" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 2524-2532 (1995)
[Publications] G.q.Zheng: "Characteristics of the Spin Fluctuation in Tl_2Ba_2Cu_3O_<10>" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 3184-3187 (1995)
[Publications] K.Magishi: "Spin Correlation in High T_c Cuprate HgBa_2Ca_2Cu_3O_<8+δ> with Tc=133K…An Origin of T_c-Enhancement Evidenced by ^<63>Cu-NMR Study…" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 4561-4565 (1995)
[Publications] K.Ishida: "Al NMR Probe of Local Moments Induced by an Al Impurity in High-T_c Cuprate La_<1.85>Sr_<0.15>CuO_4" Physical Review Letters. 76. 531-534 (1996)
[Publications] K.Ishida: "Antiferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance of Cu in Infinite-Layer Compounds,SrCuO_2 and Ca_<0.3>Sr_<0.1>CuO_2 …Comparison between Hyperfine Coupling Constant in a CuO_2 Plane and in a Spin-Ladder System…" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.65. 329-330 (1996)
[Publications] K.Ishida: "Spin Correlation and Spin Gap in Quasi One-Dimensjonal Spin-1/2 Cuprate Oxides : A^<63>Cu NMR" Physical Review B.(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] K.Magishi: "Spin Correlation in New High-T_c Cuprate HgBa_2Ca_3Cu_3O_<8+δ> with T_c 133K" Physical Review Letters.(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] N.Sirakawa: "Anomaious Hall Coefficient Behavior on Superconducting Sr_2RuO_4" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 1072-1075 (1995)
[Publications] T.Fujita: "Unusual Lattice Hardening below T_c in La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4" Adovances in Supeconductivity[Proceedings on the 7th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'94),Nov.8-11,1994,Kitakyushu],edited by K.yamafuji and T.Morishita.1. 219-224 (1995)
[Publications] X.Bao: "Effect of Tb Substitution on the Superconductivity of La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4" Adovances in Supeconductivity[Proceedings on the 7th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'94),Nov.8-11,1994,Kitakyushu],edited by K.yamafuji and T.Morishita.1. 241-244 (1995)
[Publications] N.Shirakawa: "Novel Hall-Coefficient Behavior in Superconducting Sr_2RuO_4" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.64. 1072-1075 (1995)
[Publications] M.Nohara: "Unconventional Lattice Stiffening in Superconducting La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4 Single Crystals" Phys.Rev.B. 52. 570-580 (1995)
[Publications] K.Yoshida: "Anisotropic Flux Pinning in a Layered Superconductor Sr_2RuO_4" Physica C. 262(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] S.Ikeda: "Sr_2CaRu_2O_y : A New Phase of Layered Perovskite" Physica C. 262(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] A.P.Mackenzie: "Observation of Quantum Oscillations in Sr_2RuO_4" Physica C. 262(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] F.Nakamura: "Transport Properties ob Detwinned Crystals of La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4" Physica C. 262(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] S.Sakita: "Elastic Softening in Single-Crystalline La_<2-x>SrCuO_4 around x=1/8" Physica C. 270(in press.). (1996)
[Publications] K.Ito: "Low-Temperature Structural Transitions and T_c-Suppression in La_<2-x-y>Ba_xNd_yCuO_4" Adovances in Supeconductivity[Proceedings on the 8th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS'95) Hamamatu].(in press.).
[Publications] M.Sato: "Studies of High Temperature Superconductors Vol.18 ed.by A.V.Narlikar Nova Science Publishers" The Anomalous Metallic Phace and High-T_c Superconductivity of Cu-Oxises (in press.),
[Publications] M.Sato: "Research Report on US-Japan Cooperative Program on Neutron Scattering in press." Neutron Studies on YBa_2Cu_3O_<6+x>,
[Publications] S Uchida: "High T_c Superconductivity and the C_<60> Family" Gordon and Breach Publishers, 354 (1995)
[Publications] 内野倉國光: "高温超伝導体の物性" 培風館, 314 (1995)
[Publications] A.Maeda: "Superconducting State of the high-T_c cuprote investigated by ac inpedanse measurements in “Coherence in Superconductors"" World Scientific, 26 (1996)