[Publications] Y.Baba: "Differing afferent connections of spiking and nonspiking wind-sensitive local interneurons in the terminal abdominal ganglion of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus." J.Comp.Physiol.A. 176. 17-30 (1995)
[Publications] H.Ogawa: "Motor pattern of the stining response in the honey bee Apis mellifera." J.Exp.Biol.189. 39-47 (1995)
[Publications] K.Yasuyama: "Localization of RFamide-like immunoreactivity in the visceral organs and peripheral neurosecretory cells related to the terminal abdominal ganglion in the cricket,Gryllus bimaculatus." Zool.Sci.12. 713-724 (1995)
[Publications] A.Niida: "Morphology and physiology of the thoracic and abdominal stretch receptors of the isopod crustacean Ligia exotica." Biol.Bull.189. 148-158 (1995)
[Publications] N.Matsumoto: "Rise time and amplitude analysis of visually elcited EPSPs of tectal neurons of the frog." Forth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Kyoto). 280 (1995)
[Publications] H.Nakagawa: "Synaptic connections between frog retianl ganglion cells and tectal neurons revealed by whole-cell recrording in vivo." Forth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (Kyoto). 160 (1995)
[Publications] H.Nakagawa: "Neuronal circuit of the frog optic tectum revealed by a current source density analysis." Zool.Sci.12suppl.122 (1995)
[Publications] S.Matsumura: "Both the heart and pericardium in the chiton Acanthopleura japonica receive dural innervation from the central nervous system." Zool.Sci.13(in press). (1996)
[Publications] H.Ai: "Neural pathways for cardiac reflexes triggered by external mechanical stimuli in larvae of Bombyx mori." J.Insect Physiol.42(in press). (1996)
[Publications] H.Ai: "A physiological saline for lepidopterous insects : effects of ionic composition on heart beat and neuromuscular transmission." J.Insect Physiol.41. 571-580 (1995)
[Publications] J.OKada: "Neural mechanisms govering distribution of cardiac output in an isopod crustacean,Bathynomus doederleini : reflexes controlling the cardioarterial valves." J.Comp.Physiol.A. 176. 479-489 (1995)
[Publications] M.Mizunami: "Neural organization of ocellar pathways in the cockroach brain." J.Comp.Neurol.352. 458-468 (1995)
[Publications] M.Mizunami: "Morphology of higher oceller neurons in the cockroach brain." J.Comp.Neurol.362. 293-304 (1995)
[Publications] M.Mizunami: "Gain control of synaptic transfer from second-to third-order neurons of cockroache ocelli." J.Gen.Physiol.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] M.Iwasaki: "Identification of antennal hygro-and thermoreceptive sensilla of the firefly,Luciola cruciata." Zool.Sci.12. 725-732 (1995)
[Publications] L.Hernadi: "Distribution of catch-relaxing peptide (CARP) -like immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of Helix pomatia." Cell Tissue Res.280. 335-348 (1995)
[Publications] T.Takahashi: "Isolation and charactermization of four novel peptides isolated from the polychaete annelid,Perinereis vancaurica." Comp.Biochem.Physiol.110C. 297-304 (1995)
[Publications] 小泉 修: "原始的な神経系本来の姿をとどめる腸の神経系-ヒドラの散在神経系より考える" Medical World(大日本製薬). 10. 1-5 (1995)
[Publications] S.Minobe: "Nerve cell differentiation in nerve-free tissue of epithelial hydra from precursor cells introduced by grafting. I.Tentacles and hypostome" Devel.Biol.172. 170-181 (1995)
[Publications] M.Murate: "Scanning electron microscopy of endodermal sensory cells of Hydra matgnip apillata" Cell Tissue Res.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] 小泉 修: "ヒドラの再生-生物教材として" 遺伝(裳華房). 50(印刷中). (1996)
[Publications] T.Mastushima: "Potentiation and depotentiation of DNQX-sensitive fast excitaroty synaptic transmission in telencephalone of the quail chick" Neurosci.Lett.185. 179-182 (1995)
[Publications] R.Kanzaki: "Pheromone-triggered flipflopping neural siganls correlated with activities of neck motor neurons of a male moth,Bombyx mori." Zool.Sci.13. 79-87 (1996)
[Publications] T.Ariyosi: "Pheromone-triggered electromyograms of flight muscles in a male silkworm moth,Bombyx mori." Int.J.Wilmoth & Silk. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] 神崎亮平: "昆虫のにおい源探索行動のしくみ-脳における匂いの情報処理と行動発現" 生物物理. 35. 7-12 (1995)
[Publications] 神崎亮平: "昆虫の匂い源探索行動" 遺伝. 49. 62-67 (1995)
[Publications] 神崎亮平: "昆虫の匂い源探索の戦略" 日本味と匂学会誌. 2. 3-4 (1995)
[Publications] 神崎亮平: "昆虫の神経機能と工学的利用" 植物防疫. 49. 476-480 (1995)
[Publications] A.Mizutani: "Optical and physiological properties of the larval visual system of the tiger beetle,Cicindela chinensis." J.Comp.Physiol.A. 177. 591-599 (1995)
[Publications] 冨永佳也: "昆虫の脳を探る" 共立出版社, 280 (1995)
[Publications] 水波 誠: "キノコ体は記憶の座である(分担執筆):冨永佳也編-昆虫の脳を探る" 共立出版社, 16 (1995)
[Publications] P.Kanzaki: "Robotics and Autonomus Systems" Behavioral and neural basis of instincitive behavior in insects : Odor-source searching strategies without memory and learning. (in press), (1996)
[Publications] 水波 誠: "昆虫の単眼系の働きと進化(分担執筆):宮下保司・下條信輔編-脳から心へ-高次機能の解明に挑む" 岩波書店, 8 (1995)
[Publications] 水波 誠: "昆虫の記憶と学習(分担執筆):青木清編-行動生物学" 朝倉書店(印刷中), 2
[Publications] 宗岡洋次郎: "脳ではたらく神経伝達物質(分担執筆):冨永佳也編-昆虫の脳を探る" 共立出版社, 24 (1995)
[Publications] 山口恒夫: "いろいろな感覚情報の相互作用と行動(分担執筆):冨永佳也編-昆虫の脳を探る" 共立出版社, 20 (1995)
[Publications] R.Kanzaki: "Pheromone processing in the lateral accessory lobes of the moth brain : flipflopping signals related to zigzagging upwind walking. In Pheromone research : new directions (Eds R.T.Carde & A.K.Minks)" Chapman and Hall,New York (in press), (1996)
[Publications] T.Takahashi: "Myotropic actions of apisin,a novel bioactive peptide isolated from the honey bee Apis mellifera.In Peptide Chemistry 1994 (Edited by M.Ohno)" Peptide Research Foundation,Osaka, 4 (1995)
[Publications] E.Iwakoshi: "Comparative aspects of structure and action of bioactive peptides isolated from the sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus. In Peptide Chemistry 1994 (Edited by M.Ohno)" Peptide Research Foundation,Osaka, 4 (1995)
[Publications] T.Takahashi: "Effects of myomodulin-CARP-family peptides and analogues on the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytillus edulis.In Peptide Chemistry 1994 (Edited by M.Ohno)" Peptide Research Foundation,Osaka, 4 (1995)