[Publications] T.Arakawa et.al.: "Application of N-terminally truncated DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus(Delta Tth polymerase)to DNA sequencing and polymerase chain reaction:comparative study of Delta Tth and wild-type Tth polymerase" DNA Reserch. 3. 87-92 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Shima et.al.: "Construction and characterization of N-terminally truncated DNA polymerase from Thermus thermophilus" Journal of fermentation and bioengineering. 81. 504-510 (1996)
[Publications] I.D.Prijambada et.al.: "Solubility of artificial proteins with random sequences" FEBS Letters. 382. 21-25 (1996)
[Publications] W.Z Xu: "Fate of a mutant emerging at the initial stage of evolution" Researches on population Ecology. 38. 231-237 (1996)
[Publications] K.Kaneko and T.Yomo: "Isologous diversification:a theory of cell differentiation" Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 59. 139-196 (1997)
[Publications] K.Kaneko: "Coupled Maps with Growth and Death:An Approach to Cell Differentiation" Physica D. (1997)
[Publications] 甲山隆司: "森林アーキテクチャーから植生帯動態モデルへ" 日本生態学会誌. 46. 57-61 (1996)
[Publications] 高木由臣: "「老化因子・寿命因子」" 『遺伝別冊No.7老化と寿命』. 142-150 (1995)
[Publications] 高木由臣: "「生物は死なないのが本来の姿であった」" 『ニュートン別冊 からだのサイエンス』. 122-123 (1996)
[Publications] Tokusumi,Y.,Nishi,N.& Takagi,Y.: "A substance secreted from Tetrahymena and mammalian sera act as mitogens on Paramecium tetraurelia." Zool.Sci.13. 89-96 (1996)
[Publications] 丸山千由利・高木由臣: "ゾウリムシは新・旧を識別する?-被験者はゾウリムシではなくヒトであった-" 生物教育. 36. 12-14 (1995)
[Publications] Maruyama,C.,Takashi,R.,Tokusumi,Y.& Takagi,Y.: "Conditions of survival and extinction of Paramecium multimicronucleatum cultured with P.tetraurelia in a closed environment." Eur.J.Protistol.32. 94-101 (1996)
[Publications] K.Kaneko and T.Yomo: "A Theory of Differentiation with Dynamic Clustering" Advances in Artificial Life. 329-340 (1995)
[Publications] T.Yamamoto and K.Kaneko: "Tile Automaton for Evolution of Metabolism" Advances in Artificial Life. 188-199 (1995)
[Publications] R.Hishida,T.Ishihara,K.Kondo & I.Katsura: "hch-1,a gene required for normal hatching and normal migration of a neuroblast in C.elegans,encodes a protein related to TOLLOID and BMP-1." EMBO J. 15. 4111-4122 (1996)
[Publications] 桂 勲: "線虫の細胞系譜と細胞分化" 蛋白質核酸酵素. 41. 1936-1943 (1996)
[Publications] Kohyama,T.and Shigesada,N.: "A size-distribution-based model of forest dynamics along a latitudinal environmental gradient." Vegetatio. 121. 117-126 (1995)
[Publications] Aiba,S.and Kohyama,T.: "Tree species stratification in relation to allometry and demography in a warm-temperate rain forest." J.Ecol.84. 207-218 (1996)
[Publications] K.Ookawa et.al.: "Cyclin B Interaction with Microtubule-associated Protein 4(Map4)Targets P34^<CDC2> Kinase to Microtubules and Is a Potential Regulator of M-phase Microtubule Dynamics" J.Cell Biol.128. 849-862 (1995)
[Publications] T.Ikeda,K.Oosawa and H.Hotani.: "Self-assembly of Capping Protein,FliD,of Bacterial Flagella into an Annular Structure" J.Mol.Biol.259. 679-686 (1996)
[Publications] T.J.Itoh,S.Hisanaga,T.Hosoi,T.Kishimoto and H.Hotani: "Phosphorylation States of Microtubule-Associated Protein 2(MAP2)Depending on cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase(PKA)or cdc2 Kinase Determine Its Regulatory Role in Microtubule Dynamics." Biochemistry. (1997)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一: "細胞をつくる" biohistry. 3(9). 4-10 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎秀一: "可逆力学系における非平衡状態-力学と統計力学の対応について-" 数理解析研究所講究録. 938. 47-59 (1996)
[Publications] 田崎秀一: "複雑系を検証する" 現代思想. 11. 150-159 (1996)
[Publications] 田崎秀一: "力学の作るフラクタル構造と非可逆性の問題" 物性研究. 66. 865-875 (1996)
[Publications] 田崎秀一: "カオスと非可逆性" 岩波書店「科学」. 65・12月. 802-810 (1995)
[Publications] S.Tasaki and P.Gaspard: "Fick's Law and Fractality of Nonequilibrium Stationary States in a Reversible Multibaker Map" Journal of Statical Physics. 81. 935-987 (1995)
[Publications] S.Tasaki: "Spectral Properties of the Frobenius-Perron Operator of the Multibaker Transformation" Dynamical Systems and Chaos. 2. 83-89 (1995)
[Publications] 田崎秀一、Pierre Gaspard: "多重パイこね変換における非平衡状態とフラクタル測度" 物性研究. 64. (1995)
[Publications] 田崎秀一、Pierre Gaspard: "可逆力学系における決定論的拡散" 物性研究. 66. 668-682 (1994)
[Publications] Yukio-Pegio Gungi et al.: "Bootstrapping System Defined by Inconsistent Relation between Boolean and Non-Boolean Algebra" Applied Mathematics and Computation. 79. 43-97 (1996)
[Publications] Yukio-Pegio Gunji et al.: "Tree and loop as moments for measurement" BioSystems. 38. 127-133 (1996)
[Publications] Yukio-Pegio Gunji et al.: "A Model of Incomplete Identification Illustrating Schooling Behaviors" Chaos Solitons a Fractals. (1997)
[Publications] Yukio-Pegio Gunji et al.: "Ontological Measurement" BioSystems.
[Publications] Hiroshi Yanagawa: "Hydrothermal Environments and Origins of Life" 温泉科学. 45巻・3号. (1995)
[Publications] Kensei Kobayashi et al: "Formation and alteration of organic compounds in simulated submarine hydrothermal vent environemnts" Biogeochemical Processes and Ocean Flux. 523-535 (1995)
[Publications] Robert A.Siurba et al: "Immunocytochemistry of tau phosphoserine 413 and tau protein kinase I in Alzheimer pathology" Brain Research. 737. 119-132 (1996)
[Publications] 柳川 弘志: "進化分子工学による高次分子システムと機能の創出" まてりあ. 34巻・11号. (1995)
[Publications] Takashi Ikegami and Takashi Hashimoto: "Active Mutation in Self-Reproducing Networks of Machines and Tapes" Artifical Life. 2. 305-318 (1995)
[Publications] Takashi Ikegami and Takashi Hashimoto: "Replication and Diversity in Machine-Tape Coevolutionary Systems" Artifical Life. (1996)
[Publications] 桂 勲: "生命体システムにおけるアポトーシス(勝木元也・長田重一編)、線虫の発生と細胞死・変異体による解析" 講談社サイエンティフィック, (1995)
[Publications] Kohyama,T.: "Ecological Perspectives of Biodiversity The role of architecture in enhancing the plant species diversity." Springer Verlag., (1997)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一: "生体超分子構築のしくみ(54-59)" 現代化学, (1995)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一: "ウェットウェアによるALへのアプローチ「人工生命の方法」(126-134)" 工業調査会, (1995)
[Publications] Kohyama,T.: "Forest architecture and dynamics in relation to biodiversity.In:Biodiversity and the dynamics of ecosystems" DIVERSITAS-DIWPA, (1996)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一: "人工分子システムと生体分子システム 高分子44(1)" (1995)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一、伊藤 知彦: "“生体系の自己組織化"コロイド科学 第3分冊 生体コロイドと高分子コロイド(123-143)" 日本化学会編 東京化学同人, (1996)
[Publications] 宝谷 紘一: "膜の形と変える「生体膜」(153-161)" 吉岡書店, (1996)