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[Publications] Takamatsu,K.: "A novel protein family of nenronal modulators." Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 18. 489-490 (1995)
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[Publications] Seiya Kayada: "Cloning and Expression of Frog Rhodopsin c DNA" Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 110B. 599-604 (1995)
[Publications] Osamu Hisatomi: "Molecular Cloning and Characterization of the Putative Ultraviolet-Sensitive Visual" Vision Research. 20(in press). (1995)
[Publications] 徳永史生: "動物の色覚" 科学. 65. 485-492 (1995)
[Publications] Kuo,c-H.: "Determination of a necdin cis-acting element required for neuron specific expression by using zebra fish." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comm.211. 438-446 (1995)
[Publications] Taira,E.: "Expression and functional analysis of a novel isoform of gicerin,an immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion molecule." J.Biol.Chem.270. 28681-28687 (1995)
[Publications] Ikemoto,M.: "Decrease in CRE-binding activity by chronic morphine administration in mouse brain." Neuro Report. 6. 262-264 (1995)
[Publications] K.Okazaki.: "Siooβ is a target protein of neurocalcin δ,an isoform abundant in glial cells." Biochemical Journal. 306. 551-555 (1995)
[Publications] T.Junttila.: "Localization of neurocalcin-like immunoreactivity in rat cranial motoneurons and spinal cord interneurons." Neuroscience Letters. 183. 100-103 (1995)
[Publications] B.C.M.Potts: "The structure of calcyclin reveals a novel homodimeric fold for S100 Ca^<2+>-binding proteins." Natute Structural Biology 2. 790-796 (1995)
[Publications] Nakamura,F.: "Characterization of G9 family G proteins,GL1alpha(G14alpha),GL2alpha(G11alpha),and G9alpha expressed in the baculovirus-insect cell system." J.Biol.Chem.270. 6246-6253 (1995)
[Publications] Shui,Z.: "Receptor kinase-dependent desensitization of the muscarinic K^+ current in rat atrial cells." J.Physiol.(Lond.). 487. 359-366 (1995)
[Publications] Haga,K.: "Phosphorylation of human m1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors by G proteincoupled receptor kinase 2 and protein kinase C." J.Biol.Chem.271. 2776-2782 (1996)
[Publications] Kamon Sanada: "Unique lipids and unique properties of retinal proteins." Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 18. 486-487 (1995)
[Publications] Kamon Sanada: "Role of heterogeneous N-terminal acylation of recoverin in rhodopsin phosphorylation." J.Biol.Chem.270. 15459-15462 (1995)
[Publications] Osamu Shono: "Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies specific for lauroylated isoform of bovine transducin α-subunit." J.Neurochem. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] T.Katoh: "Evidence for Involvement of a 12-Residue Peptide Segment of the Heavy Chain in the Neck Region of Smooth Muscle Myosin in Formation of the 10S Conformation" J.Biochem.118. 428-434 (1995)
[Publications] M.Moriya: "Immunohistochemical localization of the calcium/calmodulin-dependentprotein phosphatase,calcineurin,in the mouse testis:its unique accumulationin spermatid nuclei." Cell Tissue Res.281. 273-281 (1995)
[Publications] H.Yoshino: "Solution X-ray Scattering Data Show Structural Differences between Yeast and Vertebrate Calmodulin:Implications for Structure/Function." Biochemistry. 35(in press).
[Publications] Kawamura,S.: "Neurobiology of the outen retina,(分担執筆)" Chapman & Hall,London., 501(105-131) (1995)
[Publications] Mukai,H.: "Guidebook to Molecular Chaperones and Protein Folding Catalysts" Oxford Univ.Press(in press), (1996)