Research Abstract |
Last year we developed aplike robot and vision control system. The current year, multiple sensor data integration based on the sensor image apporach are studied. We combined multiple-sensor data, generated integrated sensor image, and did experiment of the real behavior with and apelike robot. The results are as follows, 1. Sensor Image Generation Circuit In order to standardize multiple sensor information processing, we developed hardware circuit that combined sensor data ionto the NTSC video image. 2. Development of Multiple-Sensor Data Integration Software Sensor image are processed on-line using fast tracking module. At first, in order to obtain balancing information by detecting robot posture and movement, a) falling down switch, b) posture sensor, c) posture derection from image processing are atacched. Next tactile sensor that distributed all over the body are developed. Finally, an environment in which top-level software can treat any sensor information are developed. 3. Experimentla Behavior based on the Multiple-Sensor Imformation Experiments of apelike motion control based on sensor image changes in time sequences are succeeded by investigating sensor image pattern while basic motion of the robot. Through out this study the advantages of sensor image approach are shown.