Research Abstract |
This project has been accomplished on the basis of previous project performed as "A study of registration, computerization, analysis and supply for carcinoids and functioning carcinomas : Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan/#01480322/1989-1991", and further extended with investigation based on information from worldwide international literature dealing with gut-pancreatic endocrinomas. Gut endocrinomas are composed mainly of 7,978 reported and 1,554 autopsied cases of carcinoids, and pancreatic endocrinomas include, 366 cases of gastrinomas/ZES (Jp), 172 somatostatinomas/inhibitory syndrome (IBS), 408 cases of glucagonomas/diabetico-dermatogenic syndrome (DDS), 1,086 cases of insulinomas/hypoglycemic syndrome (Jp), 242 cases of vipomas/diarrheogenic syndrome, 61 cases of PPomas, 102 cases of pancreatic carcinoids, 47 cases of miscellaneous endocrinomas/ectopic hormone syndrome, supplemented finally by, as a member of the Carcinoid Family, 397 cases of calcitoninomas/medullary carcinomas of the thyroid (MCT) (Jp). As many as 20,608 overall including review articles from over 50 countries with 15 different languages are computerized and preserved in the Niigata Registry. The 12,413 cases devoid of case duplication were analyzed by 20 basic analyzing systems established in the Niigata Registry. Main categories of the present statistical evaluation consisted of organ distribution of endocrinomas, patients' age and sex metastases, tumor-size disribution, histochemistry/immunohistochemistry, syndroms, depth of mural invasion (in cases of gastrointestinal endocrinomas), and chronological changes of gut-pancreatic research activities. [Jp : Japanese cases only].