Research Abstract |
Using the characters that the newborn organs are immunologically immatured, we studies exprimental small bowel transplantation (SBT) using newborn intestines in rats. In a singeneic combination, newborn grafts (intestine, spleen, liver, kidney, heart and pancreas) were transplanted into the subcutaneous space. Intestinal grafts obtained from the different-time newborns were also tested from the point of neovasculization rate. To show the absorbable ability of newborn intesting, the recipients were totally reconstructed by use of the newborn intestine grafted at the greater omentum. The grafts were assessed morphologically, histologically, electrophysiologically, and nutritionally. The rate of neovasculization in spleen, intestine, kidney, and heart was 87.5,70.6,41.7 and 20.0%, respectively. However, no neovasculization was observed in liver nor in pancreas. The ability of revasculization was rapidly lost after birth, and non using the newborn surviving longer than 11 days. The intestinal graft transplanted at the greater omentum showed normal EEG wave and could be reconstructed, resulting in the growth of the recipient. In an allogeneic combination of LEW-into-PVG/c, a short course of 15-Deoxyspergualin prolonged N-SBT.Furthermore, splenectomy and/or thrmectomy on the recipients were efficient on graft survival. In a xenogeneic combination of B6-into-LEW,cyclophosphamide plus tacrolimus were effective on the graft survival, but histologically impaired. However, additional treatment of hepatic lymphomyeloid cell infusion could improved histologically. On the contrary, SBT using the matured intestine showed sever rejection reaction in the acute and chronic phase. A new imunosuppressant, FTY720 was effective on combination therapy with conventional immunosuppressive drugs.