Research Abstract |
The effects of feed and growing period on growth rate and carcass quality of LWD three-way crossbred pigs were investigated for the production of high quality pork. Line breeding for Duroc to improve LWD three-way crossbred pigs was also conducted. Analyzes for general composition, water holding capacity, color, tenderness, fatty acid composition, tasty compounds, flavor score and other parameters were performed on the experimental pork. (1) Although adding fish oil to a diet showed no difference in carcass quality and general composition of meat, cholesterol level was lower and DHA and EPA levels were significantly higher in the loin of pigs supplemented with fish oil compared with the control pigs. The tasty score was similar to the control. (2) When pigs were supllemented with sake-rice meal, no major differences to the control pigs were observed for meat lipid property, tasty compounds and flavor score. (3) Pigs were fed ad libitum as the control goup and feeding levels to treatmen
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t groups were restricted to 80 and 60% of the control group. Compared with the control group, pigs in the two treatment groups took approximately were 30 and 60 days longer to reach 105kg of live weight, respectively, and tenderness of loin decreased when the period to reach 105kgLW was elongated. Cholesterol level increased in the loin for the two treatment groups although lipid concentration decreased. Proportions of saturated fatty acids were lower and unsaturated fatty acids, especially, linoleic acid was higher in the loin for the two treatment goups than-the control group. (4) Wastes of powder of green tea, sea weed and bread were added to the diet and comparisons were made with the control diet. There was no difference in carcass quality, total lipid concentration, cholesterol, vitamin E levels among pigs fed with each diet. In the comparison of fatty acid composition in the loin, pigs supplemented with green tea powder had lower parmitoleic acid and significantly higher stearic acid compared with the pigs fed with the control diet. Supplementation with sea weed powder or bread powder, however, resulted in a lower feed conversion, consequently, fatty acid composition of total lipid concentration and neutral lipids were significantly affected. (5) A selection was made for higher carcass performance in the first generation of Duroc line breeding and the second generation was obtained. Compared with the fist generation, a thinner backfat thickness was observed and total lipid concentration and cholesterol level in the loin were similar for sows and barrows in the second generation. Oleic acid level in the loin was found to be slightly higher for sows than for barrows. Less