[Publications] Matsui,H: "Central actions of parathyroid hormone on blood calcium and hypothalamic neuronal activity in the rat." Am.J.Physiol.268. R21-R27 (1995)
[Publications] Oka,T.: "The opposing effects of interleukin-1β microinjected into the preoptic hypothalamus and the ventromdial hypothalamus on nociceptive behavior in rats." Brain Res.700. 271-278 (1995)
[Publications] Aou,S.: "Hypothalamus regulates calcium metabolism in rats." Neurobiology. (in press).
[Publications] Aou,S.: "Hypothalamo-vagal control of calcium metabolism in rats." J.Auton.Nerv.Syst.(in press).
[Publications] Suzuki,K.: "Repetitively firing neurons in the rat medial nucleus tractus solitarius is invoved in cholecystokinin type-A receptor mediated functions." J.Auton.Nerv.Syst.(in press).
[Publications] Li,A.-J.: "Fibroblast growthfactor receptor-1 in the lateral hypothalanic area regulates food intake." Exp.Neurol.(in press).
[Publications] 粟生修司: "視床下部を中心とする性行動・情動行動制御機構:視床下部機能の新しい側面." 日本生理誌. 57増刊号. 155-163 (1995)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "肥満症、II.摂食、食欲調節系、摂食、食欲調節系概論." 日本臨床. 53. 13-18 (1995)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "肥満症、II.摂食、食欲調節系、調節因子概論" 日本臨床. 53. 19-25 (1995)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "肥満症、II.摂食、食欲調節系、調節因子の受容体と作用機序:グルコース(グルコース受容ニューロン、グルコース感受性ニューロン)." 日本臨床. 53. 26-32 (1995)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "肥満症、II.摂食、食欲調節系、調節因子の受容体と作用機序:その他の有機化合物(有機酸、ラクトンなど)." 日本臨床. 53. 85-89 (1995)
[Publications] Nakashima,T.: "Naloxone suppresses the rising phase of fever induced by interferon α." Brain.Res.Bull.37. 61-66 (1995)
[Publications] Take,S.: "Interferon-α acts at the preoptic hypothalamus to reduce natural killer cytotoxicity in rats." American Journal of Physiology. 268. R1406-R1410 (1995)
[Publications] Niijima,A.: "The effect of interleukin-1β on the efferent activity of the vagus nerve to the thymus." Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System. 54. 137-144 (1995)
[Publications] Ando,T.: "Intracerebroventricular injection of prostaglandin E2 increases splenic sympathetic nerve activity in rats." American Journal of Physiology. 269. R662-R668 (1995)
[Publications] Uchimura,D.: "Facilitatory effects of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) on neurons in the magnocellular portion of the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) in vitro." Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 8. 137-143 (1995)
[Publications] Katafichi,T.: "Cerebellar afferents to neuroendocrine cells:implications for adaptive responses to simulated weightlessness." Endocrine Journal. 42. 729-737 (1995)
[Publications] Oka,T.: "Intracerebroventricular injection of interleukin-6 induces thermal hyperalgesia in rats." Brain Res.692. 123-128 (1995)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "免疫系連関と発熱." 第24回日本医学会総会会誌. II. 538-539 (1995)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "脳・免疫系連関と発熱." 臨床と研究72. 72. 2381-2386 (1995)
[Publications] Katafichi,T.: "Roles of cytokines in the neural-immune interactions:modulation of NMDA responses by IFNα" Neurobiology. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] Hori,T.: "The hypothalamo-sympathetic nervous system modulates peripheral cellular immunity." Neurobiology. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] Hori,T.: "The autonomic nervous system as a communication channel between the brain and the immune system." Neuroimmunomodulation. (in press). (1996)
[Publications] 片渕俊彦: "脳-免疫系連関とサイトカイン.免疫疾患-state of arts." 医学のあゆみ. 別冊. 94-97 (1995)
[Publications] 片渕俊彦: "交感神経系を介する免疫調節." 第24回日本医学会総会会誌. III. 79- (1995)
[Publications] Kubohara,Y.: "Putative morphogen,DIF,of dietyostelium discoideum induces apoptosis in rat pancreatic AR42J cells." Develop.Growth Differ.359. 119-122 (1995)
[Publications] Kubohara,Y.: "Differentiation-inducing factor of D.discoideum raises intracellular calcium concentration and suppresses cell growth in rat pancreatic AR42J cells" FEBS Letters. 359. 119-122 (1995)
[Publications] Ishikawa,K.: "Meninges play a neurotrophic role in the regeneration of vasopressin nerves after hypophysectomy" Brain Research. 677. 20-28 (1995)
[Publications] Suzuki,S.: "Isolation and characterization of novel antimicrobial peptides,rugosins,A,B,and C from the skin of the frog,rana rugosa." Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.212. 249-254 (1995)
[Publications] Ishikawa,K.: "Meninges play a neurotrophic role in the regeneration of vasopressin nerves after hypophysectomy" Brain Research. 697. 122-129 (1995)
[Publications] Herzig,K-H.: "Diazepam biding inhibitors is a potent cholecystokinin releasing peptide in the intestine." Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. (in press).
[Publications] Kato,M.: "Growth hormone relaeasing hormone (GFR) augments the voltage-gated sodium current in cultured rat pituitary cells" Am.J.Physiol.270. C125-C130 (1995)
[Publications] Kato,M.: "Withdrawal of somatostatin augments L-type Ca2+ current in primary cultured rat somatotrophs." J.Neurondocrinology. 7. 855-859 (1995)
[Publications] Kato,M.: "GLP-1 depolarizes rat pancreatic β cells in a Na+ dependent manner" Regulatory Peptides. (in press).
[Publications] Ma,H.: "Effects of a pancreastatin and somatostatin on secretagogue-induced rise in intracellular free calcium in single rat pancreatic islet cells." Regulatory Peptides. (in press).
[Publications] Saito,Y.: "Effects of bradykinin on the intrcellular calcium concentration of pancreatic acinar AR42J cells" Life Science. (in press).
[Publications] Sasaki,K.: "An amino-fragment peptide of acidic fibroblast growth factor modulates synaptic transmission in rat hippocampal slices." Brain Res.Bull.38. 185-191 (1995)
[Publications] Oomura,Y.: "Acidic fibroblast growth factor protects memory and immunoreactivity impairment in senessence accelerated mice." Neurobiology. 3. 371-380 (1995)
[Publications] Sasaki,K.: "Effect of acidic bibroblast growth factor on neuronal activity of the parvocellular part in rat paraventricular nucelus." Neurobiology. 3. 329-338 (1995)
[Publications] Sasaki,K.: "Action of acidic bibroblast growth factor fragments on food intake in rats." Obesity Res.3,suppl.5. 697s-706s (1995)
[Publications] 大村 裕: "食事と脳" 肥満研究. 1. 3-7 (1995)
[Publications] 大村 裕: "線維芽細胞成長因子(FGF)-神経栄養因子-update." Clinical Neuroscience. 13. 800-804 (1995)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "視床下部〔神経科学の基礎と臨床IV〕" ブレーン出版, 171 (1995)
[Publications] 粟生修司: "心身医学標準テキスト" 医学書院(印刷中),
[Publications] 大村 裕: "脳機能の解明-分子から病態まで" 創風社, 286 (1995)
[Publications] Hori,T.: "Physiological Basis of Occupational Health:Streesful Environments" SPB Academic Publishing(in press), (1996)
[Publications] 堀 哲郎: "脳と免疫" 共立出版, 195 (1995)
[Publications] 片渕俊彦: "脳と免疫-脳と生体防御系との関わりあい(第5章)" 共立出版, 195 (1995)