Research Abstract |
1.In high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) characteristics of a new imaging plate, which was invented in 1995 by Fuji Photofilm Co., was investigated and experimental conditions for high resolution imaging using imaging plate were shown. Fine texture and structure of minerals, such as antigorite, mica clay minerals, interstratified minerals, feldspars and apatite were studied. Electron sensitive minerals, for example, antigorite and mica minerals were could not obtained through focus images using a conventional photographic film. Whereas through focus images of these minerals were obtained using imaging plate, which has higher sencitivity than photographic films. Now I research atomic resolution imaging for these minerals using by image processing in progress. 2.In atomic force microscopy (AFM) mica clay minerals and kaolin minerals of hydrothermal origin and carbon materials syntesized by hot-filament CVD were investigated. A comparative study of contact mode and tapping mode was made for mica clay minerals. In the height images of both mode, only in tapping mode interlacing pattern on mica clay minerals, which show spiral growth, was obatinded. Whereas, in the deflection image of contact mode and deflection and amplitude image of tapping mode, interlacin patterns on mica crystals were obatined. Habit modification of carbon synthesized by CVD was investigated. Carbon, excepting for diamoned, changed their morphology from ball-like aggregate, carbon whisker, thin-film carbon tube with decreasing subsytate temperature. AFM,SEM and TEM image of carbon materials were compered in details and showed the low resosultion limits of AFM.Micrometer scale roughness on substrate give a serious artifacts in AFM image.