Research Abstract |
1. Neuronal degeneration was investigated in twelve autopsy cases with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Neuronal loss, fibrillary gliosis and Alzheimer's neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) were evaluated in each brain. The globus pallidum, thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, hypothalamus, substantia nigra, periaqueductal gray matter, tegmentum of brain stem, inferior olivary nucleus and the dentate nucleus of cerebellum were highly degenerated. The white matter, especially in the frontal lobes, revealed loosening and mild fibrillary gliosis. Abnormal astrocytosis and neuronal loss of deep layers in the precentral and premotor cortices was demonstrated in 6 cases. 2. Argyrophilic inclusions stained with Gallyas-Braak's method were investigated in all the brains. Glial argyrophilic components were divided into three types of tuft-shaped astrocytes (TuSAs), glial coiled bodies (GCBs) and argyrophiic threads (ATs). These structures were distributed in the above-mentioned lesions, and also in th
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e white matter and cerebral cortex of precentral and premotor areas. The low amount of argyrophilic inclusions was observed in the temporal lobes. TuSAs were seen only in the gray matters of cerebral cortex and subcortical nuclei. GCBs and ATs were seen in both gray and white matters. 3. The immunohistochemical properties of glial argyrophilic granules were investigated in anti-tau protein antibody, anti-paired helical filaments (PHFs) antibody, anti-ubiquitin antibody, anti-microtubules-associated proteins antibodi and so on. The result was that they were stained strongly tau-positive, weakly ubiquitin- and PHE-positive, and negative in the other stainings. 4. The ultrastructural observation revealed that there were 15 nm straight tubules of NFTs in the sub cortical neurons, and that there was no abnormal accumulation in glial cytoskeletons of astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. It suggested that the similar phenomenon to "pretangle" of NIFTs might be occurred in glial cells. 5. Three autopsy cases with corticobasal degeneration were investigated in similar aspects. TuSAs were not observed, and astrocytic plaques were characteristic in the brains of CBD.GCBs and ATs were abundantly observed in CBD, and rarely in Pick's disease. The two diseases of PSP and CBD were comparatively investigated in the clinicopathological points. Less