Research Abstract |
We have been studying cancer metastasis (animal model for cancer metastasis and anti-metastatic substances), and obtained following results with support by the grant-in-aid for scientific research. 1. Using mouse and human breast cancer cell lines, we compared the susceptibility to metastasis among the immunodeficient mouse strains BALB/c-nude, Lasat and SCID, and found SCID mice to have advantages over BALB/c-nude and Lasat mice. in frequency of incidence of metastasis and condition of metastatic colonies. 2. We newly established a high mammary cancer strain of mice with severe pulmonary metastasis by infecting BALB/c mice with JygMMTV.With repeated sib-mating, we have reached the F9 to F10 generations at present. At the F6 generation, the incidence of cancer is 91%, the average age of incidence is 11.2 months. and the metastatic rate is 72% (microscopically). 3. With repeated subcutaneous transplantation of lung metastatic tissues, we produced an animal model for cancer metastasis. In this model, we can visually observe almost 100% lung metastasis within 2-3 months after, transplantation. We are also currently trying to establish a lymphatic metastasis model using the same method. 4. We established a new munne mammary cancer cell line (BJMC338) from the mammary tumor of a JygMMTV infected BALB/c mouse, with metastatic colonies in the lung and liver. This cell line is useful as an experimental metastatic model with an i.v. of cells, and not so with s.c., spontaneous metastatic research. 5. Next we searched for substances with anti-cancer and metastatic activities in marine biomatenals, especially sea weeds. Using the mouse melanoma cell (B16-BL6) and mammary cancer cell (BJMC338) model we established, we found that Marginisporum crassissium, and Laminaria anguestata inhibit cancer metastasis in the melanoma model, and Laniinaria anguestata does so in the inanurlary cancer model.