[Publications] T.Totani: "Resonant Spin-Flavor Conversion of Supernova Neutrinos and Deformation of the Electron Antineutrino Spectrum" Phys.Rev.D54. 5975-5992 (1996)
[Publications] T.Totani: "Effects of neutrino Oscillation on the Supernova Relic Neutrino Background" Int.J.Mod.Phys.D5. 519-527 (1996)
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[Publications] K.Iida: "Spin-down of Neutron Star and Compositional Transitions in the Cold Crustal Matter" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] K.Sato: "Gravitational collapse of rotating stellar cores and Supernovae" Nucl.Phys.A606. 118-131 (1996)
[Publications] T.Matsubara: "Nonlinear evolution of genus in primordial random-Gaussian density field" Astrophys.J.460. 51-58 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Suto: "The X-ray halo of the Local Group and its implications for the microwave and soft X-ray backgrounds" Astrophys.J.461. L33-L36 (1996)
[Publications] T,Kitayama: "Formation rate of gravitational structures and the cosmic X-ray background radiation" Monthly Notices Roy.Astron.Soc.280. 638-650 (1996)
[Publications] T.Kitayama: "Semi-analytic predictions for statistical properties of X-ray clusters of galaxies in cold dark matter universes" Astrophys.J.469. 480-493 (1996)
[Publications] T.Matsubara: "Cosmological Redshift Distortion of Correlation Functions as a Probe of the Density Parameter and the Cosmological Constant" Astrophys.J.470. L1-L5 (1996)
[Publications] S.Kobayashi: "Re-examination of the Hubble constant from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect : implication for cosmological parameters" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. L107-L111 (1996)
[Publications] T.Nakamura: "Strong gravitational lensing and velocity function as tools to probe cosmological parameters : the current constraints and future predictions" Prog.Theor.Phys.97. 49-81 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Suto: "The finite size effect of galaxies on the cosmic virial theorem and the pairwise peculiar velocity dispersions" Astrophys.J.Supplement. 110(in press). (1997)
[Publications] A.L.Melott: "Demonstrating descreteness and collision error in cosmological N-body simulations of dark matter gravitational clustering" Astrophys.J.479(in press). (1997)
[Publications] N.Seto: "Nonlinear Evolution of the Genus Statistics with Zeldovich Approximation" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] T.Shiromizu: "Quantum Decoherence of Subcritical Bubble in Electroweak Phase Transition" Prog.Theor.Phys.95. 313-320 (1996)
[Publications] T.Shiromizu: "Small Thermal Fluctuations on a Large Domain" Prog.Theor.Phys.96. 257-262 (1996)
[Publications] T.Uesugi: "Quantum Subcritical Bubble" Prog.Theor.Phys.96. 377-386 (1996)
[Publications] T.Totani: "Spectrum of the Supernova Relic Neutrino Background and Evolution of galaxies" Astrophys.J.460. 303-312 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Yoshii: "The Lifetime of Type Ia Supernova Progenitors Deduced from the Chemical Evolution in the Solar Neighborhood" Astrophys.J.462. 266-275 (1996)
[Publications] A.Burkert: "The Origin of Galactic Disks with Exponential Z-Profiles" Monthly Notice Roy.Astron.Soc.282. 1349-1353 (1996)
[Publications] B.A.Peterson: "Colors and K-Band Counts of Extremely Faint Field Galaxies" Astrophys.J.475. 445-456 (1997)
[Publications] T.Tsujimoto: "A New Approach to Determine the Initial Mass Function in the Solar Neighborhood" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] M.Mori: "The Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies with Star Formation in Outward Propagating Super Shell" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] T.Kamae: "ASTRO-E Hard X-ray Detector" SPIE. 2806. 314-327 (1996)
[Publications] N.Yamasaki: "Diffuse Hard X-ray Emission from the Galactic Ridge" Astron.& Astrophys.Suppl.Ser.120. 393-396 (1996)
[Publications] T.Takahashi: "Development of the Hard X-ray Detector for the ASTRO-E Mission" Astron.& Astrophys.Suppl.Ser.120. 645-648 (1996)
[Publications] P.Saraswat: "An ASCA Observation of the X-ray Binary GX 301-2" Astrophys.J.463. 726-736 (1996)
[Publications] T.Takahashi: "ASCA Observation of an X-ray/TeV Flare from the BL Lacertae object Markarian 421" Astrophys.J.470. L89-L92 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Saito: "Detectino of Magnetospheric X-ray Pulsation from Millisecond Pulsar PSR B1821-24" Astrophys.J.Letters. 477. L37-L40 (1997)
[Publications] N.Yamasaki: "Hard X-ray Emission from the Galactic Ridge" Astrophys.J.481(in press). (1997)
[Publications] Y.Ikebe: "Temperature Structure of X-ray Emitting Gas in the Hydra-A Cluster of Galaxies" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] S.Yamauchi: "Unresolved X-ray Emission from the Galactic Ridge with ASCA" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. L15-L20 (1996)
[Publications] T.Ohashi: "The Gas Imaging Spectrometer on Board ASCA" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 157-170 (1996)
[Publications] K.Makishima: "In-Orbit Performance of the Gas Imaging Spectrometer onboard ASCA" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 171-189 (1996)
[Publications] N.Iyomoto: "Detection of Excess Hard X-ray Emission from the Optical Jat Galaxy NGC1097" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 231-236 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Ishisaki: "X-ray Properties of the Nucleus of M81" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 237-248 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Fukazawa: "The Metal Abundance of the X-ray Emitting Gas in Tow Groups of Galaxies : the NGC5044 Group and HCG51" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 395-407 (1996)
[Publications] T.Tamura: "Uniformity in the Temperature and Metallicity of the X-ray Emitting Gas in the Abell 1060 Cluster of Galaxies" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 671-676 (1996)
[Publications] H.Xu: "ASCA Observation of the Poor Cluster of Galaxies AWM7 : Evidence of an Abundance Increase in the Intra-Cluster Medium at the Center" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 49(in press). (1997)
[Publications] H.Kubo: "Observation of the High Redshift Quasar Q1745 : 624 with ASCA" Monthly Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.(in press). (1996)
[Publications] Y.Ishisaki: "Spectra and Large-Scale Isotropy of the Cosmic X-ray Background from ASCA Observations" X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas. 15-18 (1997)
[Publications] M.Tashiro: "ASCA Observations of Radio Lobes and Magnetic Fields in the Inter-Galactic Space" X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas. 81-84 (1997)
[Publications] K.Makishima: "Magnetohydrodynamic View of Plasmas in Galaxies and Clusters" X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas. 137-144 (1997)
[Publications] N.Nakasato: "Smoothed particle hydrodynamics with grape and parallel virtual machine" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] K.Nomoto: "Nucleosysthesis in type Ia supernovae" Nucl.Phys.A. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] K.Nomoto: "Nucleosysthesis in type II supernovae" Nucl.Phys.A. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] S.Wanajo: "A quasi-analytic study of nucleosysthesis in ONeMg Novae" Nucl.Phys.A. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] K,Iwamoto: "Instabilities and mixing in SN 1993J" Astrophys.J.477. 865-875 (1997)
[Publications] I.Hachisu: "A new model for progenitor systems of type Ia supernovae" Astrophys.J.470. L97-L100 (1996)
[Publications] B.D.Fields: "Nuclear and gamma-ray production by supernova ejecta" Astrophys.J.462. 276-286 (1996)
[Publications] F.-K.Thielemann: "Core collapse supernovae and their ejecta" Astrophys.J.460. 408-436 (1996)
[Publications] M.Fukugita: "The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Photometric System" Astron.J.111. 1748-1756 (1996)
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[Publications] N.Yasuda: "Study of the Virgo Cluster using the B-Band Tully-Fisher Relation" Astrophys.J.108. 417-448 (1997)
[Publications] K.Shimasaku: "Evolution of Field Galaxies and Galaxy Number Count" Cosmological Constant and the Evolution of the Universe. 205-211 (1996)
[Publications] N.Kashikawa: "Luminosity and Correlation Functions of Early-Type and Late-Type Galaxies in Four Nearby Clusters" Cosmological Constant and the Evolution of the Universe. 269-270 (1996)
[Publications] N.Kashikawa: "The Property of Galaxy Distribution of Four Nearby Clusters" HST and the High Redshift Universe Proc. 37th Herstmonceux Conference. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] S.Okamura: "Wide-Field Imaging With Mosaic CCD Cameras" Proc.7th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] S.Okamura: "Multi-Color Imaging of Clusters of Galaxies with Mosaic CCD Cameras" New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys, IAU Symp.179(in press). (1997)
[Publications] S.Okamura: "Cosmological Parameters and Evolution of Galaxies : An Observational Perspective" Proc.The 11th Nishinomiya-Yukawa Memorial Symposium on Physics in the 21st Century. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] W.Ootani: "Sensitive germanium thermistors for cryogenic thermal detector of Tokyo dark matter search programme," Nucl.Instr.Meth.in Phys.Research. A372. 534-538 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Ito: "Development of the bolometer for the β^+β^+ decay experiment" Nucl.Instr.Meth.In Phys.Research A preprint RESCEU. 96-13 (1996)
[Publications] M.Minowa: "Bolometric direct dark matter search at the University of Tokyo" Nucl.Phys.B (Proc.Suppl.). 51B. 314-317. (1996)
[Publications] K.Anraku: "Status and Result from BESS" Adv.Space Res.17. 101-110 (1996)
[Publications] M.Imori: "A Photomultiplier High Voltage Power Supply Incorporating a Piezoelectric Ceramic Transformer" IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.43. 1427-1431 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Sekimoto: "Mt.Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope" Proceedings of Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] S.Miyazaki: "X-ray/soft gamma-ray observation of Centaurus A and its implication on emission mechanism" Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. 48. 801-811 (1996)
[Publications] N.Y.Yamasaki: "Hard X-ray emission from the Galactic ridge" Astrophys.J.481(in press). (1997)
[Publications] M.Izuha: "Microwave spectrum of silylidene H2CSi" J.Chem.Phys.105. 4923-4926 (1996)
[Publications] H.Matsumoto: "Low Power High Resolution TDC with Fast Data Conversion for Balloon-Borne Experiments" IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci.43. 2195-2198 (1996)
[Publications] A.Moiseev: "Cosmic Ray Antiproton Flux in the Energy Range from 200 to 600 MeV" Astrophys.J.474. 479-489 (1997)
[Publications] J.F.Ormes: "A Search for Antihelium of Cosmic Origin : A New Upper Limit and A Question About Its Significance" Astrophys.J.(in press). (1997)
[Publications] Y.Sekimoto: "Measurements of 220 GHz atmospheric opacity on Mt. Fuji with a radiometer/radome" International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Wave. 17. 1263-1284 (1996)
[Publications] Y.Yoshii: "Evolution of Light Elements and Cosmic Ray Flux in the Galaxy" Astrophys.J.485(in press). (1997)