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[Publications] K.Yoshikawa: "Cosmological SPH simulations with four million particles : statistical properties of X-ray clusters in a low-density universe"Astrophys.J.. 535. 593-601 (2000)
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[Publications] E.Komatsu: "Substructures Revealed by the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect at 150GHz in the High Resolution Map of RX J1347-1145"Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan. 53. 57-62 (2001)
[Publications] T.Asaka: "Initial Condition for New Inflation in Supergravity"Phys.Rev.. D61. 027303-1-3 (2000)
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[Publications] T.Kanazawa: "Double inflation in supergravity and the primordial black hole formation"Phys.Lett.. B482. 173-182 (2000)
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[Publications] M.Kawasaki: "Natural Chaotic Inflation in Supergravity"Phys.Rev.Lett.. 85. 3572-3575 (2000)
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[Publications] Y.Fukazawa: "Statistical properties of metal abundances of the intracluster medium in the central region of clusters"Mon.Not.Roy.Astr.Soc.. 313. 21 (2000)
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[Publications] K.Makishima: "The Nature of Ultraluminous Compact X-Ray Sources in Nearby Spiral Galaxies"Astrophys.J.. 535. 632 (2000)
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[Publications] N.Iyomoto: "Long-term variability of the low-luminosity active galactic nucleus of M81"Mon.Not.Roy.Astr.Soc.. 321. 767 (2001)
[Publications] M.Tashiro: "X-Ray Measurements of the Field and Particle Energy Distributions in the West Lobe of the Radio Galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax A)"Astrophys.J.Lett.. 546. L19 (2001)
[Publications] Y.Fukazawa: "Detection of Excess Hard X-Ray Emission from the Group of Galaxies HCG62"Astrophys.J.Lett.. 546. L87 (2001)
[Publications] A.Kubota: "Discovery of Spectral Transitions from Two Ultraluminous Compact X-Ray Sources in IC 342"Astrophys.J.Lett.. 547. L119 (2001)
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[Publications] M.Akiyama: "Deep-Imaging Observations of a Candidate of an Absorbed QSO at z=0.653, AX J131831+3341"Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan. 52. 577-584 (2000)
[Publications] K.Shimasaku: "Evolution of the Blue Luminosity-to-Baryon Mass Ratio of Clusters of Galaxies"Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan. 52. 409-419 (2000)
[Publications] H.Furusawa: "New Improved Photometric Redshifts of Galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field"Astrophys.J.. 534. 624-635 (2000)
[Publications] T.Hasegawa: "Large-scale structure of galaxies in the Ophiuchus region"Mon.Not.Roy.Astr.Soc.. 316. 326-344 (2000)
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[Publications] P.A.Mazzali: "Can Differences in the Nickel Abundance in Chandrasekhar Mass Models Explain the Relation between Brightness and Decline Rate of Normal Type Ia Supernovae?"Astrophys.J.. 547. 988-994 (2001)
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[Publications] H.Umeda: "Impacts of the Detection of Cassiopeia A Point Source"Astrophys.J.Lett.. 534. L193-L196 (2000)
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[Publications] H.Ochiai: "Dynamical Properties of Euclidean Solutions in a Multidimensional Cosmological Modle"Prog.Theor.Phys.. 103. 893-905 (2000)
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[Publications] G.Watanabe: "Thermodynamics properties of Nuclear 'Pasta' in Neutron Star Crusts"Nucl.Phys.. A676. 455-473 (2000)
[Publications] K.Sumiyoshi: "Hydrodynamical Study of Neutrino-Driven Wind as an r-Process Site"Publ.Astr.Soc.Japan. 52. 601-611 (2000)
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[Publications] T.Shiromizu: "A Probe Particle in Kerr-Newman-de Sitter Cosmos"Class.Quant.Grav.. 17. 1361-1368 (2000)
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[Publications] M.Sasaki: "Gravity, Stability and Energy Conservation on the Randall-Sundrum Brane World"Phys.Rev.. D62. 024008-1-8 (2000)
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[Publications] T.Asaka: "Affleck-Dine Leptogenesis with an Ultralight Neutrino"Phys.Rev.. D62. 123514 (2000)
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