Research Abstract |
The aim of this project is to investigate 1. present status of physics with high intensity antiprotons and kaons, 2. present status of R&D for high intensity proton accelerators, and to discuss 3. future prospects of physics at particle factories which can supply us high-intensity high-quality secondary beams, such as kaons, hyperons, muons, neutrinos, antiprotons, etc. 4. necessary functions for the particle factories where various international collaborations are expected. In order to work on the items mentioned above, we organized the following symposium, workshops, and meetings at CERN,BNL,and Fermilab as well as at INS and KEK. 1. Workshop "AGS 2000-Experiments for the 21^<st> Century" ; Brookhave National Laboratory, BNL,May 13-17,1996, organizer : L.Littenberg, T.Fukuda, etc. 2. A meeting for kaon and neutrino physics at the Fermilab Main Injector, FNAL,August 20-23,1996, organizer : G,Bock, S.Sugimoto, T.Yamanaka, etc. 3. A meeting for physics and accelerator of CERN-LEAR/AD,CERN,November 5-6,1996, organizer : J.Eades, S.Sugimoto, T.Yamanaka, etc. 4. The 25^<th> INS international symposium on nuclear and particle physics with high-intensity proton accelerators, INS tokyo, December 3-6,1996, organizer : T.Nomura, S.Sugimoto, T.Yamanaka, Y.Yamazaki, etc. 5. Workshop on hadron physics at 50GeVPS,INS,December 7-8,1996, organizer : K.Imai, etc. 6. Workshop on hypernuclear physics, INS,December 7-8,1996, organizer : T.Motoba, Y.Akaishi, and T.Nagae, 7. Workshop on particle physics at K Arena with 50GeV PS,KEK,December 19-20,1996, Organizer : N.Sassao, S.Sugimoto, etc. Results from these workshops have been summarized in the report "Antiproton and kaon experiments at particle factories" edited by S.Sugimoto ; copies of the report have been distributed to physicists related to particle factories.