[Publications] 吉田勝: "先カンブリア代-初期古生代の東ゴンドワナ-周東南極変動とパンアメリカ変動-" 月刊地球. 18・6. 398-403 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru: "Recent progress in the study of Precambrian te ctonics of the India-Antractic sector of East Gondwana (IGCP-288)." Japan Contribution ot IGCP, 1996. Japan Committee of IGCP, Tokyo. 5-18 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru and Arima, M.: "Proterozoic events in East Gondwana : Japanese contribution to IGCP-368." Japan Contribution ot IGCP, 1996. Japan Committee of IGCP, Tokyo. 73-83 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru & Santosh, M.: "Southernmost Indian Peninsular and the Gond-wanaland." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 15-24 (1996)
[Publications] Rajesh, H. M. and Santosh, M.: "Alkaline magmatism in Peninslar India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 91-115 (1996)
[Publications] Chandran, R. R. et al.: "Proterozoic mineralization in southern Kerala : summary characteristics and genesis." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 117-144 (1996)
[Publications] Santoshi, M.: "The Trivandrum and Nagercoil granlite bolcks." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 243-277 (1996)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M. & Santosh, M.: "Calc-silicate rocks and marbles from the Kerala Khodaliet Belt : An appraisal." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 270-316 (1996)
[Publications] Ajith-Kumar, S. et al.: "The pyroxene granulites of Kunnampara, Trivandrum block, southern India (Stop-1, Field Guide)." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 327-332 (1996)
[Publications] Saritha, R. & Santosh, M.: "The incipient charnockites of Kottavattom, Trivandrum Block, southern India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 341-346 (1996)
[Publications] Ajith-Kumar, S. & Santosh, M.: "The massive charnockite at Eripara, Trivandrum Block, southern India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 347-350 (1996)
[Publications] Radhika, U. P. et al.: "The granulite facies metapelites (khondalite) and associated cordierite + graphite veins at Chittikara, Trivandrum Block, southern India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 351-356 (1996)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar. M. & Santosh, M.: "Wollastonite-bearingm calc-silicate rocks adjacent to charnockites at Nuliam, Trivandrum Block, southern India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 357-364 (1996)
[Publications] Rajesh, H. M. & Santosh, M.: "The Pan-African alkaline syenite of Puttetti, Nagercoil Block, southern India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 365-370 (1996)
[Publications] Satitha, R. & Santosh, M.: "The massive charnockite-metapelite xenolith at Kottaram, Nagercoil Block, southern India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 371-376 (1996)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar. M. & Santosh, M.: "The canl-silicate rocks and marbles of Ambasamudram, southern Tamil Nadu, South India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir 3 "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southen India, Text book and Field Guide". Field Science Pub. , Osaka. 377-387 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru et al.: "Three major reworking events in the lndia-Sri Lanka-Antarctic sector of East Gondwana." Gondwang 9 (vol. 2). Oxford and IBH Pub. , New Delhi. 983-988 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, M. and Santosh, M.: "Precambeian India Within East Gondwana : Introduction." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 117-118 (1996)
[Publications] Harris, N. B. W. et al.: "Neodymium isotope constraints on the tectonic evolution of East Gondwana." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 119-125 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru et al.: "Geochronologic constraints of granulite terrains of South India and its implications to the Precambrian Gondwana assembly." Jour. Souutheast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 137-147 (1996)
[Publications] Shaw, R. K. and Arima, M.: "Mineral chemistry, reaction textures, thermobarometry and P-T path from orthopyroxene granulites of Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 175-184 (1996)
[Publications] Nagaswara Rao et al.: "Geochemical Characters of lepynites from Visakhapatnam area in Eastern Ghats Granulite Terrain." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 199-208 (1996)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M. et al.: "Calcsilicate assemblages from the Kerala Khondalite Belt : Implications for Pressure-temperature fluid evolutions." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 245-264 (1996)
[Publications] Radhika, U. P. and Santosh, M.: "Shear-zone hosted graphite in southern Kerala, India. Implications for CO2 infiltration." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 265-273 (1996)
[Publications] Rajesh, H. M. et al.: "The felsic magmatic province in East Gondwana : Implications for Pan-african tectonics." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 275-291 (1996)
[Publications] Suwa, K. et al.: "Vanadium grossular from the Mozambiqe metamorphic rocks, south Kenya." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 299-308 (1996)
[Publications] Tani, Yasutaka and Yoshida, M.: "Strctural evolution of the Arena Gneiss and its bearing on the Proterozoic tectonics of Sri Lanka." Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences. 14, 3-4. 309-329 (1996)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M. et al.: "Colour-coded compositional mapping of reaction textures in a calc-silicate-charnockite interface at Nuliam, Kerala." Jour. Geol. Soc. India. 48. 507-516 (1996)
[Publications] Rajesh, H. M. and Santosh, M.: "Flouirapatite from alkaline pegmatites of Kerala Khondalite Belt : A petrologic and flid inclusion study." Jour. Geol. Soc. India. 48. 637-646 (1996)
[Publications] Omana, P. K. and Santosh, M.: "Laterite profile geochemistry in otlining supergene gold deposites : A case study from Nilambur, Kerala." Jour. Geol. Soc. India. 48. 139-150 (1996)
[Publications] Shaw. R. K. and Arima, M.: "High temperature metamorphic imprint form calc silicate granulites of Rayagada, Eastern Ghats : Implication for the isobaric cooling path." Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.126. 169-180 (1996)
[Publications] Shaw, R. K.: "Structural features of granulites from Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India : Some preliminary observations." Jour. Min. Petrol. and Economic Geol.91・12. 443-454 (1996)
[Publications] Shaw, R. K. et al.: "Pleliminary geochronological results of a suite of granulites from Eastern Ghats, India." Gondwana News Letter. 7. xiv-xv (1996)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.: "Significance of wollastonite-and scapolite-bearing assemblages from the Kerala Khondalite Belt, southern India." Gondwana News Letter. 7. xii-xiii (1996)
[Publications] Tani, Yasutaka: "Collision tectonics of the Wanni and Highland complexes in Sri Lanka." Gondwana News Letter. 7. xvi-xvii (1996)
[Publications] Rajesh, H. M. and Santosh, M.: "Metamorphic charactersitics of fluid controlled granulite formation : A case study from Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) , South India." Jour. Geosci. , Osaka City University. 40 (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M. et al.: "Contrasting fluid infiltration patterns in calc-silicates and marbles from the kerala Khondalite Belt, Southern India." Jour. Geosci. , Osaka City University. 40 (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Tani, Yasutaka: "A preliminary study of the deformatioinal structures and evolution of the high-grade gneisses around Kegalla in central Sri Lanka." Jour. Geosci. , Osaka City University. 40 (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Rao, A. T. et al.: "Petrography and geochemistry of banded iron formation from Ongole-Koniedu areas in the Eastern Ghats Belt, South India." Indian Mineralogists. (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Shaw. R. K. and Arima, M.: "Retrograde pressure-temperature path for spinel bearing metapelites in Rayagada, Eastern Ghats, India." Mineralogy and Petrology. (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru et al.: "Recent advances in the studey of Proterozoic events in East Gondwana : Contributions of IGCP -368 during 1995-1996." Gondwana News Letter. 8 (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] 吉田 勝: "インドと南極の先カンブリア代地質対比-東ゴンドワナにおける周東南極変動とパンアフリカ変動の研究-" 加藤誠教授退官記念論文集. (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Santosh, M. and Yoshida, M.: "The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southern India Within East Gondwana. Text Book and Field Guidebook." Field Science Publishers, Osaka, 403 (1996)
[Publications] Santosh, M. and Yoshida, M.: "Proceedings of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-368 International Field Workshop on the Proterozoic Continental Crust of Southern India, Trivandrum (India), August 20-27, 1996." Field Science Publishers, Osaka, 130 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru et al.: "Precambrian India Within East Gondwana. Special Issue of Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences." Pergamon/Elsevier, Oxford, 329 (1996)
[Publications] 吉田勝ほか: "ゴンドワナニュースレター No.7" フィールドサイエンス出版(大阪), 28 (1996)
[Publications] Yoshida, M. and Santosh, M.: "Gondwana News Letter No.7" Field Science Publishers (Osaka) and Pergamon/Elseveir (Oxford) (印刷中), (1996)
[Publications] 吉田勝ほか: "ゴンドワナニュースレター No.8" フィールドサイエンス出版(大阪)(印刷中), (1997)
[Publications] Yoshida, M. and Santosh, M.: "Gondwana News Letter No.8" Field Science Publishers (Osaka) and Pergamon/Elseveir (Oxford) (印刷中), (1997)
[Publications] Rao, A. T. et al.: "Crustal Section of Peninsular Gneiss-Gondwana-Eastern Ghats, India. Field Excursion Guide Book." Geological Society of India (Banalore) (印刷中), (1997)