[Publications] 有馬 真: "インド東ガ-ト帯グラニュライト相変成岩類" 月刊 地球. Vol.18(6). 393-397 (1996)
[Publications] Bindu, S.R.: "Granulite facies spinel-cordierite assemblages from the Kerala Khondalite Belt,southern India." Gondwana Research. Vol.1(1). 121-128 (1997)
[Publications] Bindu.R.S. st al.: "Electron microprobe dating of monazite from Chittikara granulite,South India : Evidence for polymetamorphic events." Jour.Geosci.,Osaka City University. No.41(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Miyazaki, Takashi et al.: "Geochronological and geochemical characterization of some alkaline plutons from Tamil Nadu,South India:Implications for the Pan-African orogeny." Gondwana News Letter(Gondwana Research Vol.1,No.1). No.9. 154-154 (1997)
[Publications] Osanai, Yasuhito et al.: "Detailed analyses of partical melting processes in pelitic granulites from the southwestern part of Highiland Complex,Sri Lanka." Gondwana News Letter(Gondwana Research Vol.1,No.1). No.9. 157-158 (1997)
[Publications] Rajesh, H.M.& Santosh, M.: "Fluorapatite-bearing alkaline pegmatites from the Kerala Khondalite Belt : Implications for petrogenesis." Indian Mineralogist. (印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Rajesh, H.M.et al.: "Dextral Pan-African shear along the southwestern edge of the Achankovil Shear Belt,South India : Constraints on Gondwana reconstructions-A discussion." Jour.Geol.Vol.106. 105-109 (1998)
[Publications] Rajesh, H.M.et al.: "Pigeonite exsolution in pyroxene phenocrysts from a massive anorthosite in South India : Implications for petrogenesis." Indian Mineralogist. (印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Rajesh, H.M.et al.: "Exsolution features in pyroxene phenocrysts from an anorthosite massif in northern Kerala,South India." Jour.Geosci.,Osaka City University. No.41(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Rajesh, H.M.et al.: "Large-scale silicate liquid immiscibility : A possible example from South India." Indian Mineralogist. (印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Rajneesh Kumar et al.: "Has Eastern Ghats Orogeny affected the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary?" Gondwana News Letter(Gondwana Research Vol.1,No.1). No.9. 156-157 (1997)
[Publications] Rao, A.T.et al.: "Whole rock and mineral chemistry of aluminous granulites from the Eastern Ghats granulite Belt,A.P.,India." Jour.Geol.Soc.India. Vol.50. 559-570 (1997)
[Publications] Rao, A.T.et al.: "Cheralite from Visakhapatnam area in the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt,India." Gondwana Research. Vol.1(1). 137-141 (1997)
[Publications] Rao, A.T.et al.: "Geochemical signatures of calc-silicates and carbonate rocks from Borra area in the Eastern Ghats Ganulite Belt." Gondwana Research Group Memoir. No.4(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Rao, A.T.: "Geochemical variability and tectonic history of Kondapalli igneous complex in the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt,India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir. No.4(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Rao, A.T.: "Geothermometry of coexisting pyroxenes from Chemakurthi anorthosite complex,India." Gondwana Research Group Memoir. No.4(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.: "Pressure-temperature-fluid history of granulite facies metacarbonate rocks from southern India." D.Sc.Theis,Osaka City University. 172 (1998)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.and Niimi, N.: "Flourine-rich Clinohumites srom Ambasamundram,southern India : Mineralogic and FTIR spectroscopic characterization." Mineral.Mag.(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.and Santosh, M.: "A petrologic and fluid inclusion study of calc-silicate associations from southern Kerala,India : Implications for CO_2 influx." Geol.Gag. Vol.135. 27-45 (1998)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.& Wada, H.: "Meteoric water infiltration in Skallen marbles,East Antarctica : Oxygen isotopic evidence." Proceedings of the NIPR Symp.on Antarctic Geosciences. No.10. 111-119 (1997)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.et al.: "Carbon isotope themometry in marbles of Ambasamundram,Kerala Khondalite Belt,southern India." Jour.Geol.Soc.India. Vol.49. 523-532 (1997)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.et al.: "Fluid flow along micro-fractures in calcite marbles oxygen isotopic zonation." Geology. (印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Semenov, E.and Santosh, M.: "Rare metal mineralization in alkaline pegmatites of southern Indian granulite belt." Gondwana Research. 152-153 (1997)
[Publications] Shaw, R.K. & Arima, M.: "Proterozoic events in the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt,India:Evidence from Rb-Sr,Sm-Nd systematics,and SHRINP dating." Jour.Geol.Vol.105. 645-656 (1997)
[Publications] Shaw, R.K.& Arima, M.: "Porphyroblastic corundum-quartz assemblage from Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt,India : Evidence for high P-T metamorphism?" Jour.Metamor.Geol.(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Tainosho, Y.et al.: "Prelimnary result for the Nd and Sr isotope characteristics of the Archanean gneisses from Mount Pardoe,Napier Complex,East Antarctica." Proceedings of the NTPR Symp.on Antractic Geosciences. No.10. 92-101 (1997)
[Publications] Tani, Yasutaka: "The structural evolution of Wanni Complex and its bearing on the Proterozoic tectonics of the High-grade gneisses in Sri Lanka." Mem.Geol.Survey and Mines Bureau,Sri Lanka. (印刷中).
[Publications] Tani, Yasutaka et al.: "Some structural observations in the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt surrounding Visakhapatnam,South India." Jour.Geosci.,Osaka City University. No.41(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Yamamoto, Tetsuya et al.: "Study of migmatitic rocks in Tekkali,Eastern Ghats,India." Gondwana News Letter. No.7. xv-xv (1996)
[Publications] Yamamoto, Tetsuya et al.: "Migmatite of the Tekkali area,central Eastern Ghats,India." Jour.Geosci.,Osaka City University. No.41(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] 吉田 勝: "インドと南極の先カンブリア代地質対比-東ゴンドワナにおける周東南極変動とパンアフリカ変動の研究-" 加藤誠教授退官記念編文集. 521-536 (1997)
[Publications] 吉田 勝: "先カンブリア代ゴンドワナランドの最近の研究" 地球科学. 51巻. 309-322 (1997)
[Publications] Yoshida, Masaru, et al.: "Geologcal survey of southern to Peninsular India,1996." Jour.Geosci.,Osaka City University. No.41(印刷中). (1998)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M & Hari Prasad, B.(eds.): "Gondwana News Letter No.9(Included in Gondwana Reseach Vol.1 No.1)" Gondwana Research Group(Osaka), 26 (1997)
[Publications] 山本 哲也 ほか(編集): "ゴンドワナニュースレターNo.9" ゴンドワナ研究会(大阪), 25 (1997)
[Publications] Satish-Kumar, M.and Rajneesh Kumar(eds): "Gondwana News Letter No.10(to be included in Gondwana Vol.2,No.1)" Gondwana Research Group (Osaka)(印刷中), (1998)
[Publications] 諏訪 兼位: "裂ける大地 アフリカ大地溝帯の謎" 講談社, 256 (1997)
[Publications] 谷保 孝 ほか(編集): "ゴンドワナニュースレターNo.10" Gondwana Research Group(Osaka)(印刷中), (1998)
[Publications] A.T.Rao, et al.(editors): "Proceedings of the international Symposium Visakhapatnam(Gondwana Research Group Memoir No.4)" Gondwana Research Group(Osaka)(印刷中), (1998)