[Publications] S.Oda: "Preparation of Nanocrystalline Silicon Quantum Dot Structure by Pulsed Plasma Processes" Adv.Colloid and Interface Sci.in press. (1997)
[Publications] A.Dutta,M.Kimura,Y.Honda,M.Otobe A.Itoh and S.Oda: "Fabrication and Electrical Characteristics of Single Electron Tunneling Devices Based on Si Quantum Dots Prepared by Plasma Processing" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. in press. (1997)
[Publications] T.Ifuku,M.Otobe,A.Itoh and S.Oda: "Fabrication of Nanocrystalline Silicon with Small Spread of Praticle Size by Pulsed Gas Plasma" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. in press. (1997)
[Publications] A.Itoh,T.Ifuku,M.Otobe and S.Oda: "Grain-Size Contorol of Nanocrystalline Silicon by Pulsed Gas Plasma Process" Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. in press. (1997)
[Publications] S.Suzuki and S.Oda: "Proposal of coplanar-type high-Tc superconducting field-effect devices" Physica C. in press. (1997)
[Publications] Y.Kanemitsu,S.Okamoto,M.Otobe and S.Oda: "Photoluminescnce Mechanism in Surface-Oxidized Silicon Nanocrystals" Phys.Rev.B. in press. (1997)
[Publications] 田部道春、小田俊理、平本俊郎、中里和郎、雨宮好仁: "単電子デバイス・回路の研究状況と今後の展望" 応用物理. 66. 99-108 (1997)
[Publications] S.Yamamoto,A.Kawaguchi and S.Oda: "Anomalous Current-Voltage Characteristics along the c-Axis in YBaCuO Thin Films Prepared by MOCVD and AFM Lithography" Int.Symp.Intrinsic Josephson Effect and THz Plasma Oscillations in High Tc Superconductors. (1997)
[Publications] S.Yamamoto,A.Kawaguchi,K.Nagata,T.Hattori and S.Oda: "Atomic layer-by-layer epitaxy ofoxide superconductors by MOCVD" Applied Surface Science. in press. (1996)
[Publications] S.Yamamoto,T.Watanabe and S.Oda: "Junction Formation in YBaCuO Thin Films bu Scanning probe" J.Low.Temp.Phys. in press. (1996)
[Publications] M.Otobe,J.Kawahara and S.Oda: "Preferential Nucleation of Nanocrystalline Silicon along Microsteps" Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 35/2. 1325-1328 (1996)
[Publications] M.Otobe,T.Kanai,T.Ifuku,H.Yajima and S.Oda: "Nanocrystalline silicon formation in a SiH4 Plasma cell" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 198-200. 875-878 (1996)
[Publications] S.Yamamoto,A.Kawaguchi and S.Oda: "Preparation of Thin Films of YBa2Cu3Ox with a Smooth Surface by Atomic Layer MOCVD" Mat.Sci.Eng.B. B41. 87-92 (1996)
[Publications] S.Oda: "Fabrication of Silicon Quantum Dots by Plasma Processing" Cambridge-FED Workshop on Future Nano-scale Electron Devices. (1996)
[Publications] S.Oda: "Atomic layer-by-layer MOCVD of thinfilms of Oxide superconductors" Int.workshop on Chemical Designing and Processing of High-Tc Superconductors II. (1996)
[Publications] S.Oda,M.Kimura and M.Otobe: "Coulomb staircase characteristics in silicon quantum dots fabricated by plasma processing" Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop. (1996)
[Publications] S.Sugahara,T.Kitamura,S.Imai,and M.Matsumura: "Ideal monolayer adsorption of germanium on Si(100)surface" Appl.Surf.Sci. 107. 137-144 (1996)
[Publications] S.Sugahara,E.Hasunuma,S.Imai,and M.Matsumura: "Modeling of Si atomic-layer-epitaxy" Appl.Surf.Sci.107. 161-171 (1996)
[Publications] S.Sugahara,Y.Uchida,T.Kitamura,T.Nagai,M.Matsuyama,T.Hattori and M.Matsumura: "A proposed atomic-layer-deposition of germanium on Si surface" Jpn J.Appl.Phys.in press.
[Publications] S.Sugahara and M.Matsumura: "Modeling of germanium atomic-layer-epitaxy" Appl.Surf.Sci. in press.
[Publications] S.Morishita,S.Sugahara and M.Matsumura: "Atomic-layer chemical-vapor-deposition of silicon nitride" Appl.Surf.Sci.in press.
[Publications] T.Haraguchi and O.Sugiura: "Low Temperature Flow of High-Water Containing Glasses Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition" Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 35,10A. L1290-L1292 (1996)
[Publications] 藤本明,杉浦修: "TICS/H2O系SiO2CVDの堆積モデル" 第50回半導体・集積回路シポジウム講演論文集. 124-129 (1996)
[Publications] A.Fujimoto and O.Sugiura: "A Deposition mechanism of SiO2 CVD using Tetraisocyanate-silane and Water" 1997 MRS Spring Meeting. (1997)
[Publications] D.F.Moore: "Recent trends in the fabrication of High-Tc films and devices" FED Journal 6. 47-56 (1996)
[Publications] D.F.Moore,J.F.Walker and J.T.Whitney: "Focusedion beam processing for microscale fabrication" Microelectronic Engineering. 30. 517-522 (1996)
[Publications] A.J.Pauza,W.E.Booij,D.F.Moore and Y.Yuan: "Electron beam damage Josephson junctions:the relation between beam damageprofile and electrical properties" Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 46. 1325-6 (1996)
[Publications] T.Kiriyama,N.Nakajima,S.Yoshimura,D.F.Moore,S.C.Burgess, and N.Shibaike: "A conceptual design environment for micromechanisms page" Proceedings of the European Design and Test Conference,IEEE. 1066-1409/96. 448-453 (1996)
[Publications] A.J.Pauza,D.F.Moore: "Focusede Electron Beam Irradiation(FEBI)Josephson junctions" Proceedings.HTS-WORKSHOP on Digital Applications,Josephson Junctions and 3-Terminal Devices. (1996)
[Publications] D.F.Moore,J.H.Daniel,S.C.Burgess,A.Nakayama,N.Shibaike and T.Kiriyama: "Silicon-on-insulator material for sensors and accelerometers" IEE Colloqium on Silicon Fabricated Intertial Instruments,London IEE 1996. 2279. 1-5 (1996)
[Publications] M.Froggatt,W.I.Milne,J.Robertson and M.J.Powell: "Microcrystalline TFTs" Symposium A,MRS Spring Meeting. (1997)
[Publications] M.M.M.Bilek and W.I.Milne: "FCVA produceds-SiH" Electronics Letters. 32,21. 2016 (1996)
[Publications] M.M.M.Bilek and W.I.Milne: "Filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition of thin film Si" Thin Solid Films. Dec. (1996)
[Publications] M.M.M.Bilek and W.I.Milne: "Filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition of amorphous silicon" MRS Spring Meeting. (1996)
[Publications] M.M.M.Bilek,M.Chhowalla,M.Weiler and W.I.Milne: "Ion energy and plasma characterisation in a silicon filtered cathodic vacuum arc" Journal of Applied Physics. 79(3). (1996)
[Publications] Y.Chen,F.J.Clough,S.Ekkanath Madathil and W.I.Milne: "High voltage polysilicon TFTS" MRS Spring Meeting. (1997)
[Publications] Y.Chen,F.J.Clough,S.Ekkanath Madathil,W.I.Milne and W.Eccleston: "Novel polysilicon high voltage transistor" J.Electrochem Soc. in press. (1997)
[Publications] W.I.Milne and J.Robertson: "Field emission from ta-C" MRS Spring Meeting. (1997)
[Publications] J.Robertson and W.I.Milne: "Band model for emission from diamond and diamondlike carbon" MRS Spring Meeting. (1997)
[Publications] Y.J.Lui,S.F.Yoon,J.Ahn and W.I.Milne: "Effect of H dilution on the deposition of carbon rich a-SiC:H produced from ECR" Mats Science and Engineering B-Solid State Matertials. 3. 188 (1996)
[Publications] S.F.Yoon,A.Ji,J.Ahn and W.I.Milne: "The effect of microwave power on the deposition of boron depedSi-C:H using ECR" Thin Solid Films. 288,1-2. 155-159 (1996)
[Publications] K.C.Park,J.H.Moon,S.J.Chung,M.H.Oh,W.I.Milne and J.Jang: "Electron emission from DLC deposited by using a layer by layer technique" Applied Physics Letters. in press. (1997)
[Publications] K.Gilkes,H.S.Sands,D.N.Batchelder,J.Robertson and W.I.Milne: "Direct observation of sp3 bonding in ta-C using UV raman spectroscopy" Applied Physics Letters. in press. (1997)
[Publications] S.Xu,D.Flynn,B.K.Tay,S.Prawer,K.W.Nugent,S.R.P.Silva,Y.Lifshitz and W.I.Milne: "The mechanical and raman properties of FCVA prepared ta-C Films with a high sp3 fraction" Phil Mag B. in press. (1997)
[Publications] M.Chhowalla,J.Robertson,C.W.Chen,C.Davis,G.A.J.Amaratunga and W.I.Milne: "Properties of ta-C as a function of ion energy,growth rate and deposition temperature" Journal of Applied Physics. (1996)
[Publications] M.M.M.Bilek,D.McKenzie,Y.Yin,M.Chhowalla and W.I.Milne: "Interactions of the directed plasma from a cathodic arc with electrodes and magnetic dusts" IEEE Trans on Plasma Sci.24,5. 1291 (1996)
[Publications] J.S.Park and W.I.Milne: "Etching of ta-C films in an O2 plasma" Jap.Journal of Applied Physics,Part 2. 25,12A. L1550 (1996)
[Publications] S.Xu,T.Y.Qiang,T.H.Siang,B.K.Tay and W.I.Milne: "Simulation of plasma flow in toroidal solenoid filters" IEEE Trans on Plasma Sci.24,6. 1309 (1996)
[Publications] S.F.Yoon.R.Ji,J.Ahn and W.I.Milne: "The effect of process pressure and microwave power on the properties of boron dopeda-SiC:H films prepared using an ECR technique" Diamond and Related Materials. 5,11,. 1371-7 (1996)
[Publications] S.R.P.Silva,S.Xu,B.K.Tay,H.S.Tan and W.I.Milne: "Nanocrystallites in ta-C films" Applied Physics Letters. 69(4). (1996)
[Publications] K.C.Park,J.H.Moon,S.J.Chung,J.H.Jung,B.K.Ju,M.H.Oh,W.I.Milne,M.K.Han and J.Jang: "Field emission properties of N dopedta-C films" Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. in press. (1997)
[Publications] K.C.Park,J.H.Moon,S.K.Chung,M.H.Oh,W.I.Milne and J.Jang: "Relationship between field emission characteristics and hydrogen content in DLC deposited using a layer-by-layer technique" Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. in press. (1997)
[Publications] F.J.Clough,W.I.Milne,B.Kleinsorge,J,Robertson,G.A.J.Amaratunga and B.N.Roy: "Tetrahedrally bondedamorphous carbon(ta-C)thin film transistors" Electronics Letters. 498 (1996)
[Publications] S.Xu,B.K.Tay,H.S.Tan,L.Zhong,Y.Tu,S.R.P.Silva and W.I.Milne: "Properties of carbon ion depositedtetrahedral amorphous carbon films as a function of ion energy" Journal of Applied Physics. 79,9. 7234 (1996)
[Publications] S.R.P.Silva,S.Xu,B.K.Tay,H.S.Tan,H-J.Scheibe,M.Chhowalla and W.I.Milne: "The structure of ta-C" Thin Solid Films. Dec. (1996)
[Publications] Y.J.Lui,S.F.Yoon,J.Ahn and W.I.Milne: "Effect of H dilution on deposition of C rich a-SiC:H films by ECR" Journal of Mat Sci,Part B,Solid State Mats for Adv.Tech.(1996)
[Publications] S.F.Yoon,J.Rong,J.Ahn and W.I.Milne: "The effect of microwave power on the deposition of boron dopeda-SiC:H films" Thin Solid Films. in press. (1996)
[Publications] S.F.Yoon,S.Miyajima and W.I.Milne: "Photo-CVD produced amorphous silicon carbide" Materials Science and Engineering B. in press. (1996)