[Publications] Yawata,A.: "A markedly disrupted skeletal network with abnormally distributed intramembrane particles in completed protein 4.1 deficient red cells (allele 4.1 Madrid): Implications regarding a critical role of protein 4.1 in maintenance of the integrity of the red cell membrane." Blood. (in press). (1997)
[Publications] Inaba,M.: "Defective anion transport and marked spherocytosis with membrane instability caused by hereditary total deficiency of red cell band 3 due to a nonsense mutation." J.Clin.Invest.97. 1804-1817 (1996)
[Publications] Kanzaki,A.: "Total absence of protein 4.2 and partial deficiency of band 3 in hereditary spherocytosis : Compound heterozygosity for band 3 Okinawa and band 3 Fukuoka." Brit.J.Haematol.96(submi tted). (1997)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Electron microscopic evidence of impaired intramembrane particles and of instability of cytoskeletal network in band 4.2 deficiency in human red cells." Cell Motil.Cytoskeleton. 33. 95-105 (1996)
[Publications] Golan,D.E.: "Control of band 3 lateral and rotational mobility by band 4.2 in intact erythrocytes : Release of band 3 oligomers from low-affinity binding sites." Biophys.J.70. 1534-1542 (1996)
[Publications] Maillet,P.: "A stop codon in exon 30 of β-spectrin gene associated with hereditary elliptocytosis in spectrin Nagoya." Human Mutation. 8(4). 366-368 (1996)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Partial deficiency of band 4.2 due to its impaired binding to a mutated band 3 in a homozygote of band 3 Fukuoka (130GGA→AGA : Gly→Arg)." Brit.J.Haematol.93(Supple.2). 199- (1996)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Band 4.2 doublet Nagano : A trait with 72kD and 74kD peptides of red cell band 4.2 in equal amount,and with increased red cell membrane cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine." Brit.J.Haematol.93(Supple.2). 199- (1996)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Striking disruption of skeletal meshwork in situ with clustered ankyrin and spectrins and uneven distribution of intramembrane particles in complete protein 4.1 deficiency in 4.1 (-) Madrid." Blood. 88(10)Supple.1. 5a- (1996)
[Publications] Kanzaki,A.: "A novel combined anomaly of band 3 and glycophorin A : Their decreased glycosylation,impaired anion transport,markedly disrupted skeletal network with decreased deformability,and uncompensated hereditary stomatocytosis with normal band 3 gene and mutated (L751) glycophorin A gene." Blood. 88(10)Supple.1. 3a- (1996)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Posttranslational modification of protein 4.2 : A protein 4.2 doublet Nagano with its 72 and 74kDs." Blood. 88(10)Supple.1. 8b- (1996)
[Publications] Inoue,T.: "Even partial deficiency of protein 4.2 is critical for integrity of skeletal network in situ and intramembrane particles in a homozygous band 3 Fukuoka (130R) with its impaired binding to protein 4.2." Blood. 88(10)Supple.1. 5b- (1996)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Novel evidence of binding of red cell membrane protein band 4.2 to spectrins critical for the final membrane assembly and membrane stability." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Membrane Proteins : Structure,Function and Expression Control. 87- (1996)
[Publications] Kanzaki,A.: "The completion of whole assembly of red cell membrane structure by the latest expression of band 4.2 with five isoforms among membrane proteins at the terminal erythroid maturation." Proceedings of the International Symposium on Membrane Proteins : Structure,Function and Expression Control. 88- (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "わが国の赤血球膜異常症:遺伝生化学的・分子電顕学的・細胞生物学的解析" Angle. 8. 1-27 (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "赤血球膜構造蛋白の遺伝子・発現とその病態" 日本臨床. 54(9). 2348-2363 (1996)
[Publications] 神崎暁郎: "赤血球膜異常症" 治療. 78(8). 2737-2742 (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "赤血球の膜異常と酵素異常" カレントテラピー. 14(4). 577-584 (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "老年病の最近の動き:血液疾患" 老化と疾患. 9(1). 70-77 (1996)
[Publications] 賀来万由美: "赤血球膜蛋白band4.2異常症(P4.2doublet): 赤血球膜脂質異常を伴い,摘脾後赤血球増多を示した一家系" Int.J.Hematol.63(Supple.1). 244- (1996)
[Publications] 竹園雅美: "赤血球膜蛋白band4.2とband3複合欠損型を示す遺伝性球状赤血球症(Band3 Okinawa)の一家系" Int.J.Hematol.63(Supple.1). 245- (1996)
[Publications] 井上孝文: "赤血球膜蛋白band4.2部分欠損症を伴ったband3異常症(band 3 Fukuoka)における赤血球膜病態の生化学的・電顕的研究" Int.J.Hematol.63(Supple.1). 245- (1996)
[Publications] 八幡愛弓: "赤血球膜蛋白band4.2のspectrin結合による骨格蛋白網上の局在の生化学的・免疫電顕的研究" Int.J.Hematol.63(Supple.1). 245- (1996)
[Publications] 神崎暁郎: "赤血球膜形態形成と構築における膜蛋白band4.2の意義に関する遺伝生化学的電顕的研究" Int.J.Hematol.63(Supple.1). 245- (1996)
[Publications] 賀来万由美: "赤血球膜蛋白band4.2異常症(P4.2doublet):摘脾後赤血球増多を示し,赤血球膜脂質異常を伴った一家系" 生化学. 68(7). 1147- (1996)
[Publications] 竹園雅美: "Band3およびGlycophorin Aの糖鎖異常を伴った先天性溶血性貧血病例におけるそれらの膜糖蛋白の生化学的,電顕的検討および遺伝子解析" 生化学. 68(7). 1147- (1996)
[Publications] 八幡愛弓: "Band4.1の意義:Band4.1完全欠損症(4.1^0Madrid)における赤血球細胞骨格蛋白網およびband3粒子の膜in situ状態の検索" 生化学. 68(7). 1147- (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "溶血性貧血-最近の知見:赤血球膜異常症を中心に" 日本内科学会雑誌. (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "わが国の赤血球膜異常症:その特質と診断" 臨床病理. (印刷中). (1997)
[Publications] Yawata,Y.: "Atlas of Blood Diseases : Cytology and histology" Dunitz Publishing Co.(London,UK), 1-201 (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "「膜異常による溶血性貧血(分担)」内科学(第6版)" 朝倉書店(東京), 1670-1683 (1996)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "「溶血性貧血(分担)」新臨床内科学(第7版)" 医学書院(東京), 印刷中 (1997)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "「赤血球膜と異常症(分担)」専門医のための血液学レビュー'97" 総合医学社(東京)(印刷中), (1997)
[Publications] 八幡義人: "「赤血球膜の構造・機能(分担)」内科学教科書" 文光堂(東京)(印刷中), (1997)