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[Publications] A.T.Weatherwax, J.LaBelle, M.L.Trimpi, R.A.Trenmann, J.Minow, C.Deehr: "Statisfical and case studies of radio emissions observed near 2fce and 3fce in the auroral zone" Journal of Geophysical Research. 100. 7745-7757 (1995)
[Publications] D.D.Sentman, D.A.Ehring: "Midlatitude defection of ELF whistlers" Journal of Geophysical Research. 99. 2183-2190 (1994)
[Publications] D.Gillard, M.Wyss, P.Okubo: "Type of faulting and orientation of stress and strain as a function of space and time in Kilauea's south flank, Hawaii" Journal of Geophysical Research. 101. 16025-16042 (1996)
[Publications] C.M.Jodwalis, R.L.Benner: "Sulfur gas fluxes and horizontal in homogeneities in the marine boundary layer" Journal of Geophysical Research. 101. 4393-4401 (1996)
[Publications] D.M.Suszcynsky, R.Roussel-Dupre, G.Shaw: "Ground-Based search for X rays generated by thunderstorms and lightning" Journal of Geophysical Research. 101. 23505-23516 (1996)
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[Publications] W.Sun, Y.Kamide, S.-I Akasofu: "Substorm current in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere declared from ground-based magnetometer chain records" Journal of Geophysical Research. 101. 24655-24659 (1996)
[Publications] G.Hernandez, J.M.Forbes, R.W.Smith, Y.Portnyagin, J.F.Booth, N.Makarov: "Simultaneous mesospheric wind measurements near South Pole by optical and meteor redar methods" G.R.L.23. 1079-1082 (1996)
[Publications] P.M.Kintner, J.Bonnell, R.Arnoldy, K.Lyneh, C.Pollock, T.Moore, J.Holtet, C.Deehr, H.Stenbaek-Nielsen, R.Smith J.Olson J.Moen: "The SCIFER experiment" G.R.L.23. 1865-1868 (1996)