[Publications] M.Tateiba, Z.Meng, and T.Hanada: "Radar cross-sections of conducting elliptic cylinders embedded in strong turbulent media" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.471 (1997)
[Publications] W.Ren and M.Tateiba: "Effective medium parameters of a thin coating layer of random discrete chiral scatterers" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.474 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Nanbu and M.Tateiba: "Polarization effects on the effective dielectric constant of a discrete random medium containing dielectric cylinders" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.475 (1997)
[Publications] K.Ishida and M.Tateiba: "On the applicability of a boundary matching technique to the reconstruction of circularly symmetric cylinders from scattered H-wave" IEICE Trans.on Electronics. E80-C・3. 503-507 (1997)
[Publications] Y.Nanbu, T.Matsuoka, and M.Tateiba: "The effective dielectric constant of a random medium containing randomly distributed spheres with high dielectric constant" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.72 (1997)
[Publications] M.Tateiba, T.Hanada, and Z.Meng: "Radar cross-sections of a conducting cylinder with a concave-convex surface in a strong turbulent medium" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.75 (1997)
[Publications] K.Ishida and M.Tateiba: "Reconstruction method of diffraction tomography based on a boundary matching technique" Proc.SPIE. 3171. 186-197 (1997)
[Publications] M.Tateiba, T.Hanada, and Z.Meng: "Numerical analysis of radar cross-sections of a partially concave 2-D body in a continuous random medium" Proc.1997 Int.Sympo.on Radio Propagation. 377-380 (1997)
[Publications] M.Tateiba: "A new approach to the problem of wave scattering in random media and its application to evaluating the effective permittivity of a random medium" Proc.1997 Int.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo.184-186 (1997)
[Publications] M.Tateiba and T.Hanada: "Numerical analysis of radar cross-sections of a conducting cylinder in a strong turbulent medium" Proc.1997 Int.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo.1486-1488 (1997)
[Publications] Mitsuo Tateiba: "A general aspect of Yasuura's method for analyzing scattering problems" Proc.Sino-Japan Joint Meeting on Optical Fibre Science and Electromagnetics Theory. 78-83 (1997)
[Publications] T.Chan, Y.Kuga, and A.Ishimaru: "Subsurface detection of a buried object using angular correlation function measurement" Waves Random Media. 7・3. 457-465 (1997)
[Publications] L.Tsang, K.H.Ding, and S.E.Shih: "Monte Carlo simulations of scattering of electromagnetic waves from dense distributions ononspherical particles" Proc.1997 Int.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo.919-921 (1997)
[Publications] T.K.Chan, Y.Kuga, and A.Ishimaru: "Subsurface detection of a buried object using angular correlation function measurement" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.158 (1997)
[Publications] J.H.Yea, G.Zhang, Y.Kuga, and A.Ishimaru: "Angular correlation function of densely distributed random media" Progress in Electromagnetics Research Sympo.Proc.76 (1997)
[Publications] T.K.Chan, Y.Kuga, and A.Ishimaru: "Feasibility study on localized subsurface imaging using circular synthetic aperture radar and angular correlation function measurement" Int.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo.1138-1140 (1997)
[Publications] G.Zhang, L.Tsang, and Y.Kuga: "Application of angular correlation function of wave scattering by a random rough surface and random discrete scatterers in target detection" Int.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Sympo.1141-1143 (1997)
[Publications] A.Ishimaru, Y.Kuga, T.K.Chan, and J.H.Yea: "Correlations of scattered waves by random media and applications to remote sensing" Int.Symp.on Radio Propag.32-34 (1997)
[Publications] K.Pak, L.Tsang, and J.Johnson: "Numerical simulations and backscattering enhancement of electromagenetic waves from two-dimensional dielectric random rough surfaces with the sparse-matrix canonical grid method" J.Opt.Soc.Am.A. 14・7. 1515-1529 (1997)
[Publications] L.Tsang and Q.Li: "Numerical solution of scattering of waves by lossy dielectric surfaces using a physics-based two-grid method" Microw.Opt.Technol.Lett.16・6. 356-364 (1997)
[Publications] A.Ishimaru, C.Le, Y.Kuga, J.H.Yea, and K.Pak: "Angular memory and frequency interferometry for mean heighr profiling of a rough surface" IEEE Trans.Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 36. 61-71 (1998)
[Publications] C.H.Chan, L.Tsang, and Q.Li: "Monte Carlo simulations of large-scale one-dimensional random rough-surface scattering at near-grazing incidence : Penetrable case" IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.46・1. 142-149 (1998)