[Publications] Y.Umakoshi et al.: "supuplastic Dislocation of Al-Cu Ribbons Produced by Melt Spctra Method" PRICM-3,TMS. 2323-2330 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Umakoshi et al.,: "The Role of Dislocations in High-Strain-Rate Superplasticity of on Al-Ni-Misch Metal Alloy." Acta Mater,. 46. 4469-4478 (1998)
[Publications] T.Nakano et al.,: "Stress Anomaly in AL-rich TiAl Single Crystals Deformed by the Motion of 1/2<110J Ordinary Dislacations" Phil.Mag.Lett.78. 885-391 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Umakoshi et al.,: "High-Temperature Defarmation in Ti-62.5at.%Al Single Cnystels Containing Small Al_2Ti-type Precipitates" Inter.Conf.on Toward,Innovation in Superplanticity II. 15-15 (1998)
[Publications] T.Ohtera et al.: "Superplastic Behavion and Micro-Structure in Auoyhacs La_<55> Al_<25> Ni_<20> Alloy." Inter.Conf.on Towards Innouation in Superplanticity II. 20-20 (1998)
[Publications] N.Furushiro et al.: "Superplastic Characteristico of T2P Containity Various Amount of SiO_2" Inter.Conf.on Towards Innouation in Superplanticity. 94-94 (1998)
[Publications] T.hasegawa et al.: "Origin of Superplastic Elongation in Aluminum Alloys Produced by Mechanical Milling" Acta Mater.46. 6001-6007 (1998)
[Publications] 東 健司 等: "最近の超塑性の研究・開発" 日本航空宇宙学会誌. 46. 71-80 (1998)
[Publications] H.Iwasaki et al.: "Superplastic Behavior and Caviation in High-Strain-rate Superplastic Si_3N_4p/Al-Mg-Si Composites" Met.Mater.Trans.A29. 677-683 (1998)
[Publications] K.Iwasaki et al.: "Mechanisms of Cavity Shrinkage by Static Annealing in a High Strain Rate Superplastic Si_3N_4p/Al-Mg-Si Composite" Mater.Sci.Eng.A242. 32-38 (1998)
[Publications] 岩崎 源 等: "高速超塑性とキャビテーション" 熱処理. 38. 13-17 (1998)
[Publications] M.Mabuchi et al.: "Superplastic Constitutive Eguation and Rate-Controlling Process in Aluminium Matrix Composites with Discontinvovs Fiber and Particle Reinforcements" J.Mater.Res.13. 640-648 (1998)
[Publications] H.Iwasaki et al.: "The Characteristics of Microcavitation in High Strain Rate Superplasticity" Mater.Sci.Eng.A246. 118-124 (1998)
[Publications] M.Mabuchi et al.: "Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminum Processed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion" J.Mater.Sci.17. 215-217 (1998)
[Publications] H.Iwasaki et al.: "Fracture Mechanism in a High Strain Rate Superplastic Aluminum Matrix Composite" Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming. 209-215 (1998)
[Publications] T.Mukai et al.: "Ductility and Canvitation at Elevated Temperatures in a Superplastic ZK60-Based Composite" Superplasticity and Superplastic Forming. 313-319 (1998)
[Publications] 岩崎 源 等: "実用5083合金の超塑性特性の実験的評価とその変形機構の解析" 日本機械学会論文集A編. 64. 260-266 (1998)
[Publications] M.Mabuchi et al.: "Grain Refinement and Superplasticity in MG Alloys" PCIRM-3 on Advanced Materials and Processing. 1813-1818 (1998)
[Publications] T.Mukai et al.: "Superplastic Behavior of Doubly-Extruded ZK60/SiC/17p Magnesium-Based Composite Over a Wide Range of Temperature" PCIRM-3 on Advanced Materials and Processing. 1891-1896 (1998)
[Publications] H.Iwasaki et al.: "Experimental Analysis of Superplastic Deformation Mechanisms in a Commertial 5083 Alloy" PCIRM-3 on Advanced Materials and Processing. 1885-1890 (1998)
[Publications] T.Hirata et al.: "Contribution of Grain Boundary Sliding in Superplastic 7475 Alloys Processed by Powder Metallvrgy and Ingot Metallvrgy" PCIRM-3 on Advanced Materials and Processing. 1765-1770 (1998)
[Publications] H.Kanahashi et al.: "Mechanical Properties in Al_<94>Cr_1Mn_3Cu_2 Alloy Strengthenerd by Nano-Quasicrystallin Particles" PCIRM-3 on Advanced Materials and Processing. 2091-2096 (1998)
[Publications] H.Iwasaki et al.: "Grain Size Refinement and Mechanical Properties of Foil Metallurgically Processed 7475 Aluminum Alloy" Mater.Sci.Teohnology. 14. 579-584 (1998)
[Publications] T.Mukai et al.: "Strain-Rate Dependence of Mechanical Properties in AA5056 Al-Mg Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel-Angular-Extrusion" Mater.Sci.Eng.A247. 270-274 (1998)
[Publications] M.Mabuchi et al.: "The Processing and Applications of High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Materials" JOM. 50. 34-39 (1998)
[Publications] T.Mukai et al.: "Experimental Study of a Structural Magnesium Alloy with High Absorption Energy under Dynamic Loading" Scripta Mater.39. 1249-1253 (1998)
[Publications] T.Mukai et al.: "Dynamic Mechanical Properties of a Near-Nano Aluminum Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel-Angvlar-Extrusion" Nano Structured Materials. 10. 755-765 (1998)
[Publications] M.Mabuchi et al.: "Investigation of Shear Deformation in a Semi-Solid State of a High Strainelastic Si_3N_4p/Al-Mg-Si Composite" Acta Mater.46. 5335-5343 (1998)
[Publications] H.Iwasaki et al.: "Quantitative Assessment of Superplastic Deformation Behavior in a Comercial 5083 Alloy" Mater.Sci.Eng.A252. 199-202 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Kawamura et al.: "Superplasticity in Pd_<40>Ni_<40>P_<20> Metallic Glass" Scripta Metall. Mater.39. 301-306 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Kawamura et al.: "Change in Stress Relaxation dve to Yilding in Zr_<65>Al_<10>Ni_<10>Cu_<15> Metallic Glass" Jpn.J.Jpn.Appl.Phys.37. L666-L668 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Kawamura et al.: "High Strain-Rate Superplasticity in Zr-and La-Based Metallic Glasses" PRICM 3. 1861-1866 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Kawamura et al.: "Superviscoplastic Forming of Zr-Based Metallic Glass" Proceeding of the Special Symposium on Advanced Materials-SSAM-4. 490-493 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Kawamura et al.: "Superviscoplastic Consolidation of Zr-Based Metallic Glass" Proceeding of the Special Symposium on Advanced Materials-SSAM-4. 486-489 (1998)
[Publications] T.Nakamura et al.: "Superviscoplasticity in Pd-Based Metallic Glass" Proceeding of the Special Symposium on Advanced Materials-SSAM-4. 494-497 (1998)
[Publications] 河村能人 等: "アモルファス合金粉末の固化成形" 日本金属学会報 まてりあ. 37. 133-141 (1998)