[Publications] Otsuki,M.,Segawa,J.,Yoshida,N.,Makinouchi,A.: "Visual Aids for Cataloging and Code Generation for SGML-based Documents of Design Patterns" Srd World Conf.on Integrated Design and Process Technology. 305-312 (1998)
[Publications] Z.Aghbari,K.Kaneko,A.Makinouchi: "A Motion-Location Based Indexing Method for Retrieving MPEG Videos" Ninth International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems AP-plications. 102-107 (1998)
[Publications] G.Wang,G.Yu,K.Kaneko,A.Makinouchi: "Design and Performance Evaluation of a DSVM Based Parallel Hash Join Algorithm for Object Databases in NOW Environments" Proceedings of the ISCA 11TH International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems(PDCS-98). 177-182 (1998)
[Publications] B.Wang,H.Horinouchi,K.Kaneko,A.Makinouchi: "Implementing Sequoia 2000 Benchmark on Shusse-Uo and Its Performance" The International Workshop on New Database Technologies for Collaborative Work Support and Spatio-Temporal Data Management(NewDB'98). 501-512 (1998)
[Publications] H.Horinouchi,B.Wang,S.Kuroki,A.Makinouchi: "A Spatiotemporal Query Processor Based on Simplicial Representation" The International Workshop on New Database Technologies for Collaborative Work Support and Spatio-Temporal Data Management(NewDB'98). 521-532 (1998)
[Publications] X.Du,K.Kaneko,and A.Makinouchi: "Two Fast Algorithms for Repeated Mining of Association Rules Based on Resource Reuse" Proc.of the 1999 International Conference on Enterprose Informa-tion Systems. 掲載決定. (1999)
[Publications] B.Wang,H.Horinouchi,K.Kaneko,A.Makinouchi: "Parallel R-tree Search Algorithm on DSm" Proc.Int,Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications. 掲載決定. (1999)
[Publications] Makinouchi,A.,Kakeshita,T.,Amano,H.: "Research on High Performnce Databases" IEICE Tran.on Inf.&Syst.E82-D,1. 13-21 (1999)
[Publications] 木村健一郎,堀渕高照,天野浩文,牧之内顕文: "並列オブジェクト指向データベースのための動的負荷分散機構の改良" 九州大学大型計算機センター計算機科学研究報告. 第16号(掲載予定). (1999)
[Publications] T.Eiter,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "Double Horn functions" Information and Computation. Vol.144. 155-190 (1998)
[Publications] T.Eiter,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "Computing intersections of Horn theories for reasoning with models" Proc.AAAI'98. 292-297 (1998)
[Publications] E.Boros,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "Logical analysis of data with missing bits" Artificial Intelligence. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] T.Ibaraki,A.Kogan and K.Makino: "Functional Dependencies in Horn Theories" Artificial Intelligence. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] T.Eiter,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "Disjunctions of Horn Theories and their Cores" Algorithms and Computation-ISAAC'98(Lecture Notes in Artifi-cial Intelligence). Vol.1533. 49-58 (1998)
[Publications] T.Eiter,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "On the difference of Horn theories" Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science-STACS'99(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] T.Eiter,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "Bidual Horn Functions and Extensions" Discrete Applied Mathematics. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] K.Makino,T.Suda,H.Ono, and T.Ibaraki: "Data Analysis by Positive Decision Trees" IEICE Transcations on Information and Systems. Vol.E82-D. 76-88 (1999)
[Publications] K.Makino,K.Hatanaka and T.Ibaraki: "Horn extensions of a partially defined Boolean function" SIAM J.on Computing. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] J.C.Bioch,T.Ibaraki and K.Makino: "Minimum self-dual decompositions of positive dual-minor Boolean fucntions" Discrete Apploed Mathematics. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] K.Makino and T.Ibaraki: "Inner-core and outer-core functially defined Boolean functions" DIscrete Applied Mathematics. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] 宮崎修一,岩間一雄: "NP完全集合によるcoNP集合の近似とその応用について" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J81-D-I,6. 677-684 (1998)
[Publications] Iwama,K.,Kambayashi,Y.and Miyano,E.: "New Bounds Oblivious Mesh Routing" Proc.ESA'98(LNCS1461). 295-306 (1998)
[Publications] Iwama,K.,Nozoe,M.and Yajima,S.: "Optimizing OBDDs Is Still Intractable for Monotone Functions" Proc.MFCS'98(LNCS1450). 625-635 (1998)
[Publications] Iwama,K.and Iwamoto,C.: "Improved Time and Space Hierarchies of One-Tape Off-Line TMs" Proc.MFCS'98(LNCS1450). 580-588 (1998)
[Publications] Iwama,K.,Miyano,E.,Tajima,S.and Tamaki,H.: "Efficient Randomized Routing Algorithms on the Two-Dimensional Mesh of Buses" Proc.COCOON'98(LNCS1449). 229-240 (1998)
[Publications] Iwama,K.and Miyano,E.: "An O(√<N>)Oblivious Routing Algorithms for 2-D Meshes of Constant Queue-Size" Proc.SODA‘99. (発表予定). (1999)
[Publications] Amano,M.and Iwama,K.: "Undecidability on Quantum Finite Automata" Proc.STOC‘99. (発表予定). (1999)
[Publications] Takahiko Shintani,Masaru Kitsuregawa: "Mining Algorithms for Sequential Patterns in Parallel:Hash Based Approach" Proc.ofPAKDD‘98. 231-238 (1998)
[Publications] Masaru Kitsuregawa,Masato Oguchi: "Parallel Database Processing/Data Mining on Large-Scale ATM Connected PC Cluster:Preliminary Performance Evaluation" International Journal Parallel and Distributed Systems and Net-works. Vol.1,No.2. 108-114 (1998)
[Publications] Yakahiko Shintani,Masaru Kitsuregawa: "Parallel Mining Algorithms for Generalized Association Rules with Classification Hier-archy" Proc.of SIGMOD‘98. 25-36 (1998)
[Publications] S.Muto,T.Tamura,M.Nakano,M.Kitsuregawa: "Implementation and Evaulation of Parallel Relational Query Processing Using Yranse-posed Files on Shared Memory Multiprocessors" Advanced Database Reserch and Development Series. Vol.8. 192-198 (1998)
[Publications] Masato Oguchi,Takahiko Shintani,Takayuki Tamura,Masaru KIturegawa: "Optimizing Protocol Parameters to Large Scale Scale PC Cluster and Evaluation of its Effec-tiveness with Parallel Data Mining" Proc.of HPDC-7. 34-41 (1998)
[Publications] 小口正人,田村孝之,新谷隆彦,喜連川優: "ATM結合PCクラスタにおける並列データマイニングの実装とTCP再送機構の性能解析" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J81-B-I,8. 461-472 (1998)
[Publications] 喜連川優: "データベースとデータマイニングにおける並列処理" 情報処理. Vo.39,No.11. 1089-1094 (1998)
[Publications] 中野美由紀,今井洋臣,喜連川優: " 分散共有メモリ計算における並列ハッシュ結合演算処理の性能解析" 電子情報通信学会論文誌D-I. Vol.83,No.1(掲載予定). (1999)
[Publications] T.Tamura,M.Oguchi,and M.Kitsuregawa: "High Performance Parallel Query Processing on a 100Node ATM Connected PC Cluster" IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. E82-D,1(掲載予定). (1999)
[Publications] S.Nishimura and A.Ohori: "Parallel Functional Programming on Recursively Defined Data via Data-Parallel Recur-sion" Journal of Functional Programming. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] A.Ohori: "Type-Directed Specialization of Polymorphism" Journal of Information and Computation. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] A.Ohori: "A Curry-Howard Isomorphism for Compilation and Program Execution" Proceedings of International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications(Lecture Notes in Computer Science). (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] 大堀淳,橋本政朋: "動的永続性へのアプローチ" 電気通信情報学会論文誌D-I. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] 村田美友紀,掛下哲郎: "集合間の相違を明確にする要素辞典" 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース. Vol.1,No.1(to appear). (1999)
[Publications] S.Inoue and M.Iwaihara: "Strctured Message Management for Group Interaction" Proc.Int.Workshop. New Database Technologies for CSCW and Spatio-Temporal Data Management(NewDB‘98). 391-402 (1998)
[Publications] S.Ichinose,M.Iwaihara and H.Yasuura: "Program Slicing on VHDL Descriptions and Its Evaluation" IEICE Trans Fundamentals. Vo.E81-A,No.12. 146-155 (1998)
[Publications] 宮崎純,横田治夫: "システムパラメタの変化に対する分散メモリ型並列プロダクションシステムCPPSの性能評価" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-I). J81-J-I,11. 1171-1180 (1998)
[Publications] 杉野栄二,横田治夫: "耐故障並列ソフトウェアの性能と信頼性に関する解析" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-I). J81-D-I,11. 1219-1227 (1998)
[Publications] 宮崎純,横田治夫: "並列アクティブデータベースにおける弁別ネットワークの楽観的な動的最適化方式" 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-I). J82-D-I,1(掲載予定). (1999)
[Publications] Haruo Yokota,Yasuhiko Kanemasa,Jun Miyazaki: "Fat-Btree:An Update-Conscious Parallel Directory Structure" IEEE Int.Conf.on Data Engineering‘99. (to appear). (1999)
[Publications] Hoshin,T.,Harada,M.,Nakata,M.,Tsuji,T.: "Virtual Multimedia Objecys As the Platform of Customizing Multimedia Data" Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Software. 20-27 (1998)
[Publications] Hochin,T.,Nakata,M.,Tsuji,T.: "A Flexible Kernel Data Model for Bottom-Up Databases and Management of Relation-ships" Proceedings of the 1998 International Database Engineerings & Ap-plications Symposium. 170-177 (1998)
[Publications] 樋口健,小倉一泰,都司達夫,宝珍輝尚: "複合オブジェクトに対する索引の分割を決定する確率アルゴリズムの実験的評価" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J82-D-I,1(掲載予定). (1999)
[Publications] 都司達夫,樋口健,小倉一泰,宝珍輝尚: "複合オブジェクト索引の並列検索終了判定法" 電子情報通信学会論文誌. J82-D-I,2(掲載予定). (1999)
[Publications] Vreto,A.,Tsuji,T.,Hochin,T.: "A Distributed Indexing Scheme for Inberited Nested Objects" International Journal of Computers and Their Applications. 6,1(to appear). (1999)
[Publications] 三浦孝夫、塩谷勇: " スキーマ発見のための型近似" 情報処理学会論文誌. 39-4. 834-845 (1998)
[Publications] 三浦孝夫、塩谷勇: "Learning Concepts From Databases" Database Experts ans Systems Application(DEXA)Conference,Wien,Austria. 826-840 (1998)
[Publications] 三浦孝夫、塩谷勇: "Concept Formation From Databases" IDEAL Conference,HongKong. 411-418 (1998)
[Publications] 塩谷勇,三浦孝夫: "Coodination Languages for Flexible Databases" IEEE Knowledge and Data Enginnering Exchange(KDEX). 95-102 (1998)
[Publications] 塩谷勇,三浦孝夫: "Object Clustering for Scheme Learning" IEEE Tools With Artificial Intelligence(TAI). 2-9 (1998)
[Publications] 三浦孝夫、塩谷勇: "A Design Methodology for Data Warehouse Based on Machine Learning" IASTED Applied Informatics(AI). (to appear). (1998)
[Publications] Ishizaka,H.,Arimura,H.,Shi-nohara,T.: "Finding tree patterns consistent with positive and negative examples using queries" Annals of Mathematics and Aetificial Intelligence. 23. 101-115 (1998)
[Publications] Arimura,H.,Shimozono,S.: "Maximizing agreement with a classification by bounded or unbounded number of associated words" Proc.ISAAC‘98(Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 1533. 39-48 (1998)
[Publications] Arimura,H.,Kasai,T.,Wataki,A.,Fujino,R.,Shimozono,S.,Arikawa,S.: "An efficient tool for discovering simple combinatorial patterns from large text databases" Proc.the first International Conference on Discovery Science(DS‘98)(Lecture Notes in Computer Science). 1532. 393-394 (1998)
[Publications] Arimura,H.,Wataki,A.,Fujino,R.,Arikawa,S.: "A Fast Algorithm for Discovering Optimal String Patterns Large Text Databases" Proc.the 8th International Workshop on Algorithmic Learning The-ory(ALT‘98)(Lecture Notes in Artificail Intelligence). 247-261 (1998)
[Publications] 茨木俊秀(共著)、編者 藤重悟: "近代科学社" 離散構造とアルゴリズムV(第4章), 254 (1998)
[Publications] J.Hsiang and A.Ohori(eds.): "Springer,Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.1538" Advances in Computer Science-Asian98, 305 (1998)