[Publications] N.Toshima: "Colloidal Silver Catalysts for Oxidation of Ethylene" J.Mol.Catal.A,Chem.141. 187-192 (1998)
[Publications] N.Toshima: "Nanostructural Metal Clusters in Polymeric Field as a Model of Artificial Enzyme" Supramol.Sci.5・3-4. 395-398 (1998)
[Publications] N.Toshima: "Bimetallic Nanoparticles-Novel Materials for Chemical and Physical Applications" New J.Chem.22・11. 1179-1201 (1998)
[Publications] T.Hashimoto: "Small-angle X-ray Scattering Analysis of Polymer-protected Platinum,Rhodium,and Platinum/Rhodium Colloidal Dispersions" J.Chem.Phys.109・13. 5627-5638 (1998)
[Publications] 戸嶋直樹: "高分子・金属ハイブリッド・ナノ構造体の触媒作用" 触媒. 40・7. 536-543 (1998)
[Publications] N.Nunomura: "Magnetization of Nano-Fine Particles of Pd/Ni Alloys" J.Magnetism Magnetic Materials. 177-181・II. 947-949 (1998)
[Publications] N.Toshima: "Enhanced Carrier-Transfer in Multi-Layered Organic Thin Film-Application to Electrochromism and Electroluminescence" Macromol.Symp.131. 147-153 (1998)
[Publications] T.Teranishi: "Promotion Effect of Lanthanoid Ions on Catalytic Activity of Polymer-Immobilized Palladium Nanoparticles" Reactive Functional Polym.37. 111-119 (1998)
[Publications] K.Muneyasu: "Electron Transfer Reaction of Myoglobin Containing DNA-Modified Hemin in PEO Oligomers" Solid State Ionlcs. (in press).
[Publications] F.Kurusu: "Electrochemical Responce of Glutaraldehyde-Cross-Linked Cytochrome C in PEO Oligomers" Solid State Ionics. (in press).
[Publications] N.Y.Kawahara: "Stability of Poly(ethylene oxide)-Modified Myoglobin in Ion Conductive Poymers at High _Temperatures" Solid State Ionics. (in press).
[Publications] Y.Nakai: "Ion Conduction in Molten Salts Prepared by Terminalcharged PEO Derivatives" Solid State Ionics. (in press).
[Publications] H.Ohno: "Electron Transfer Reaction of Cytochrome c at Poly(ethylene oxide)-thiolate-Modified Gold Electrode" Chem.Lett.(1998)
[Publications] K.Ito: "Design of Highly Ion Conductive Polyether/Salt Hybrids" Electrochim.Acta. 43. 1247-1252 (1998)
[Publications] N.Y.Kawahara: "Thermal Stability and Electron Transfer Reaction of PEO-Modified Hemoglobin Cast on ITO Electrode in Polymer Electrolytes" Electrochim.Acta. 43. 1493-1497 (1998)
[Publications] H.Ohno: "Electron Transfer Reaction of Heme-proteins in Ion Conductive Polyether Matrix" Electrochim.Acta. 43. 1581-1587 (1998)
[Publications] H.Ohno: "Room-Temperature Molten Salt Polymers as a Matrix for Fast Ion Conduction" Chem.Lett.751-752 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Tominaga: "Improved Ionic Conductivity of PEO/Sulfonamide Lithium Salt Hybrid by the Addition of LiTFS1" Chem.Lett.955-956 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kato: "A New Approach to Organic/Inorganic Composite Fibers.Thin Film Formation of CaCO_3 Crystals in the Presence of Acid-rich Macromolecules" Chem.Lett.(in press).
[Publications] T.Kato: "Liquid Crystal Gels Formed by the Aggregation of trans-(1R,2R)-Bis(dodecanoylamino)cyclohexame in a Thermotropic Nematic Liquid Crystal.Phase Behavior and Electrooptic Effects" Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.(in press).
[Publications] T.Kato: "Effects of Mocromolecules on the Crystallization of CaCO_3 and the Formation of Organic/Inorganic Composites" Supramol.Sci.(in press).
[Publications] T.Kato: "Gelation of Room,Temperature Liquid Crystals by the Association of a trans-1,2-Bis(amino)cyclohexane Derivative" Adv.Mater.10-8. 606-608 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kawakami: "Use of Intermdecular Hydrogen Bonding between Imidazolyt Moieties and Carboxylic Acids for the Supramoleculor Self-Association of Liquid-Crystalline Slde-Chain Polymers and Networks" Macromolecules. 31・14. 4475-4479 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kato: "Self-Assembly of Liquid-Crystalline Polyamide Complexes through the Formation of Double Hydrogen Bonds between a 2,6-Bis(amino)pyridine moiety and Benzoic Acids" Macromolecules. 31・11. 3551-3555 (1998)
[Publications] M.Sato: "Semirigid Homo-and Copdy(imide-carbonate)s Based on 3,4,3",4"-p-Terphenyltetracarboxdiimide" High Perform.Polym.10. 155-162 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kato: "Supramoleculer Self-Assembly of Liquid-Crystalline Polymers through the Formation of Double Hydrogen Bonds between 2,6-Bis(amino)pyridine and Carboxylic Acid Moieties" Korea Polym.J.6. 153-157 (1998)
[Publications] 加藤隆史: "液晶の超分子化とゲル化-水素結合によるモレキュラーマテリアルの構築" 化学工業. 49・11. 853-859 (1998)
[Publications] 加藤隆史: "高分子の組織化・機能化における水素結合の活用" 高分子. 47・8. 551-554 (1998)
[Publications] 加藤隆史: "水素結合を利用した液晶性超分子ネットワーク" 表面科学. 19・4. 230-236 (1998)
[Publications] Y-J.Pu: "High-Spin Oxyphenylbenzo-Annelated Dehydro[12]annulene" Chem.Lett.(in press).
[Publications] M.Takahashi: "Polyphenoxyl Radical Photochemically Generated from the Oxalate Derivative of Poly(1,2-phenylenevinylene)" Polymer J.(in press).
[Publications] Y-J.Pu: "Phenoxyl Radicals Ferromagnetically Attached to a Cyclic π-Conjugation:2,8-14-Trisoxyphenyl-tribenzotrisdehydro[12]annulene" Mol.Cryst.Lig.Cryst.(in press).
[Publications] H.Nishide: "High-Spin Polyphenoxyls Attached to Star-Shaped poly(phenylenevinylene)s" J.Org.Chem.63. 7399-7407 (1998)
[Publications] H.Nishide: "Average Octet Radical Polymer:A Stable Polyphenoxyl with Star-Shaped π Conjugation" Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.37. 2400-2402 (1998)
[Publications] 西出宏之: "ラジカルポリマーの設計とスピン整列" 応用物理. 67. 294-297 (1998)
[Publications] 吉岡直樹: "高スピン系磁性材料" 機能材料. 18. 59-68 (1998)
[Publications] K.Hanabusa: "Easy Preparation and Useful Character of Organogel Electrolytes Based on Low Molecular Weight Gelator" Chem.Mater.in press
[Publications] W.Kubo: "Fabrication of Quasi-solid-state Dye-sensitized TiO_2 Solar Cells Using Low Molecular Weight Gelaters" Chem.Lett.(in press).
[Publications] K.Hanabusa: "Organogel from L-Leucine-containing Surfoctarit in Nonpolar Solvents" Colloid & Polymer Sci.276. 252-259 (1998)
[Publications] 英 謙二: "オイルゲル化剤の開発・油や溶剤を固めることのできる化合物" 表面. 36. 291-303 (1998)
[Publications] 英 謙二: "低分子ゲル化剤の合成とその物理ゲル" 高分子論文集. 55. 585-594 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kato: "Gelation of Room-Temperature Liquid Crystals by the Association of a trans-1,2-Bis(amino)cyclohexane Derivative" Adv.Materials. 10. 606-608 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kato: "Thermoreversible Self-Organized Gels of a Liquid Crystal Formed by Aggregation of trans-1,2-Bis(amino)cyclohexane Containing a Mesogenic moiety" Chem.Lett.193-194 (1998)
[Publications] Y.Hishikawa: "A Novel Class of Organogelator Based on N-Isopropylcholamide and the First Observation of Fibrous Colloidal Aggregates" Chem.Lett.795-796 (1998)
[Publications] 英 謙二: "オイルゲル化剤の最新の展開" 化学. 52・12. 63-64 (1997)
[Publications] N.Toshima: "Nanostructured Materials in Biological and Artificial Systems" Elsevier, 395-398 (1998)
[Publications] 戸嶋直樹: "新版・吸着ハンドブック" エヌ・ティー・エス, 708-713 (1998)
[Publications] N.Toshima: "Reactive Organometallics" Kodansha, 87-90 (1998)
[Publications] 加藤隆史: "液晶便覧" 丸善(印刷中),
[Publications] 木原秀元: "液晶便覧" 丸善(印刷中),
[Publications] 蟹江澄志: "液晶便覧" 丸善(印刷中),
[Publications] 加藤隆史: "液晶材料研究の基礎と新展開" シグマ出版, 207-216 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kato: "Handbook of Liquid Crystals" VCH, 969-979 (1998)
[Publications] H.Nishide: "Magnetic Properties of Organic Materials" Marcel Dekker, (1999)