[Publications] M.Sano,: "Formation of Ultrathin Polymer Layers on Solid Substrates by Means of Polvmerization-Induced Epitaxy and AlternateAdsorption" Annu.Rev.Mater.Sci.,. 26. 153-187 (1996)
[Publications] I.Ichinose: "Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Aqueous Bilayer Membranes on Charged Surfaces" Chemistry Letters. 1996・4. 257-258 (1996)
[Publications] N.Kimizuka: "Organic Two-Dimensional Templates for the Fabrication of Inorganic Nanostructures:Organic/Inorganic Superlattice" Adv.Mater.8・1. 89-91 (1996)
[Publications] I.Ichinose: "Stepwise Adsorption of Metal Alkoxides on Hydrolyzed Surfaces:A Surface Sol-Gel Process" Chemistry Letters. 1996・10. 831-832 (1996)
[Publications] T.Kunitake: "Molecular recognition at the air-water interface and two-dimensional molecular organization" Supramolewlar Science. 3・1-3. 45-51 (1996)
[Publications] K.Aoi: "First Synthesis of Glycopeptide Macromonomers and Graft-Type Sugar-Containing Polymers with Glycopeptide Side Chains" Macromolecules. 29・12. 4456-4458 (1996)
[Publications] K.Aoi: "Polymerization of Oxazolines" Progress in Polymer Science. 21・1. 151-208 (1997)
[Publications] K.Naka: "Aggregate of Peptide-Containing Block Copolymer with Lipase" Macromolecular Rapid Communication. 17・4. 269-274 (1996)
[Publications] 岡田鉦彦: "球状糖鎖高分子シュガ-ボールの合成と応用" バイオインダストリー. 13・8. 42-50 (1996)
[Publications] 岡田鉦彦: "球状糖鎖高分子シュガ-ボール" 化学と工業. 49・9. 1259-1261 (1996)
[Publications] M.Sisido: "Photoinduced Elecron Transfers on α-Helical Polypeptides" Peptide Chemistry. 1995. 513-516 (1996)
[Publications] M.Kuragaki: "Long-Distance Singlet Energy Transfer along α-Helical Polypeptide Chains" Journal of Physical Chemistry. 100・39. 16019-16025 (1996)
[Publications] T.Hohsaka: "Incorporation of Nonnatural Amino Acids into Streptavidin through In Vitro Frame-Shift Suppression" Journal of American Chemical Society. 118・40. 9778-9779 (1996)
[Publications] M.Kuragaki: "Highly Efficient Energy Transfer from Tryptophans in Avidin Tetramer to Biotin-Linked Pyrenylalanine" Bulletin of Chemical Society,Japan. 70・1. 261-265 (1997)
[Publications] M.Kira: "Synthesis and Redox Property of Polypeptides Containing L-Ferrocenylalanine" Chemistry Letters. 1997・1. 89-90 (1997)
[Publications] A.Harada: "Preparation and Characterization of Inclusion Complexes of Polyisobutylene with Cyclodextrins" Macromolecules. 29・17. 5611-5614 (1996)
[Publications] A.Harada: "Complex Formation of Cyclodextrins with Cationic Polymers" Polym.J. 28・2. 159-163 (1996)
[Publications] A.Harada: "Supramolecular Architectures Consisting of Polymers and Cyclodextrins" Coord.Chem.Rev.148・1. 115-133 (1996)
[Publications] A.Harada: "Supramolecular Assemblies through Macromolecular Recognition by Cyclodextrins" Supramolecular Science. 3・1-3. 19-23 (1996)
[Publications] A.Hashizume: "Polymerization of an azastyrene derivative,1,1,6-Addition Polymerization of 2,6-diisopropyl-N-methyleneaniline" Macromol.Rapid Commun.17. 529-537 (1996)
[Publications] H.Murakami: "Fullerene Lipid Chemistry:Self-Organized Multibilayer Films of a C60-Bearing Lipid with Main and Subphase Transitions," J.Am.Chem.Soc.118. 4484-4485 (1996)
[Publications] N.Nakashima: "Electrochemical Characterization of an Assembled Monolayer of α-Methoxy-ω-mercaptopoly(ethylene glycol)on Gold and Complex Formation of the Monolayer with α-Cyclodextrin" Chem.Lett.1996. 731-732 (1996)
[Publications] A.-E.F.Nassar: "Electrochemistry of Cast films of Ferredoxin and Lipid Bilayers on Electrodes" J.Electroanal.Chem.416. 183-185 (1996)
[Publications] M.Tominaga: "Tuning of lipid bilayer fluidity regulates mediated electron transter reactions of glucose oxidase immobilized on lipid bilayer films on an electrode" Bioelectrochem.Bioenerg.(in press).
[Publications] M.Okada: "Glycoproteins(Synthesis by NCA Method)in"The Polymeric・Materials Encyclopedia"" J.C.Salamone,ed., CRC Press,Inc.,Boca Raton,FL.U.S.A, 9218 (1996)
[Publications] M.Okada: "Bicyclic Acetals,Ring-Opening Polymerization in"The Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia"" J.C.Salamone,ed., CRC Press,Inc.,Boca Raton,FL.U.S.A, 9218 (1996)
[Publications] 宍戸昌彦: "籏野昌弘監修「新タンパク質応用工学」" フジテクノシステム, 950 (1996)
[Publications] M.Sisido: "M.Rosoff,ed.,"Vesicles"" Marcel Dekker,Inc, 752 (1996)
[Publications] A.Harada: "New Macromolecular Architectures and Functions" Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 207 (1996)
[Publications] A.Harada: "Comprehensive Supramolecular Science" Pergamon, 693 (1996)
[Publications] 中嶋直敏: "タンパク質応用工学" フジテクノシステム社, 951 (1996)
[Publications] 冨永昌人: "蛋白質・核酸・酵素" 共立出版, 92 (1996)