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[Publications] K.Aoi: "Globular Carbohydrate Macromolecule “Sugar Balls"2 Synthesis of Mono(glycopeptide)-Persubstituted Dendrimers by Polymer Reaction with Sugar-Substitut α-Amino-Acid N-Carboxydrides(GlycoNCA)s" Macromol.Rapid Commun.19・1. 5-9 (1998)
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[Publications] T.Takata: "Synthesis and Structure of Optically Active Polyarylcarbonates Consisting of Axially Chiral Moieties" J.Am.Chem.Soc.120-18. 4530-4531 (1998)
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[Publications] H.Murakami: "Sile-Directed incorporation of p-Nitropbenylalnine into Stroptavidin and Site-to-Site Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Pyrenyl(Group to Nitrophenyl Group on the Protein Framework" J.Am.Chem.Soc.120・30. 7520-7529 (1998)
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[Publications] M.Kuwahara: "Novel Peptide Nucleic Acid Shows High Sequence Specificity and All-or-None-Type Hybridization with the Complementary DNA" J.Am.Chem.Soc.121・1. 256-257 (1999)
[Publications] A.Hashidzume: "Polymerization of Azastyrene Derivties.3.Preparation and Polymerization of N-Methyleneaniline." Macromolecules. 31・2. 535-537 (1998)
[Publications] A.Harada: "Preparation and Characterization of Inclusion of Poly(alkyl vinyl ether)with Cyclodextrins" Bull.Chem.Soc.,Jpn.71・3. 535-542 (1998)
[Publications] A.Harada.: "Structures of Polyrotaxane Models" Carbohydr.Res.305. 127-131 (1998)
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[Publications] T.Nakanishi: "Aqueous Electrochemistry of a CGO-Hearing Artificial Lipid Bilayer Mombrane Film Immobilized on an Electrode Surface:Thermodynamics for te Tetraalkylammonium Ion to the Fullerene Anion" J.Phys.Chem.B. 103-2. 304-308 (1999)
[Publications] N.Nakashima: "Design and Synthesis of Cyclodextrin-Based Rotaxanes and Polyrotaxanes" J.Incl.Phenomena. 32. 363-373 (1998)
[Publications] N.Nakashima: "A Fullerene/Lipid Electrode Device:Roversible Electron Transfer Reaction of 〓 Embedded in a Cast Film of an Artificial Ammonium Lipid on an Electrode in Aqueous Solution" Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.37・19. 2671-2673 (1998)
[Publications] N.Nakashima: "Electrochemistry of a Fullerene/Ammonium Lipid Composite Film on an Electrode in Water.Generation of C_<60> Trianion," Chem.Lett.1998・7. 633-634 (1998)
[Publications] T.Kunitake: "Functionality of Molecular Systems 2" Springer-Verlag, 245 (1999)
[Publications] 岡田鉦彦: "機能性超分子の設計と将来展望" シーエムシー, 263 (1998)
[Publications] 青井啓悟: "自己組織化ポリマーの表面の解析と機能設計" シーエムシー, 248 (1999)
[Publications] T.Harada: "Polysaccharaide Association Structures in Food" Marcel Dekker, 338 (1998)
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[Publications] 中嶋直敏: "日刊工業新聞社" 表面技術便覧, 1836 (1998)