[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "Fermi Level Pinning and Schottky Barrier Height Control at Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces of InP and Related Materials"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1098-1102 (1999)
[Publications] T.Muranaka: "Size-Controlled Formation of Decananometer InGaAs Quantum Wires by Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxy on InP Patterned Substrates"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1071-1074 (1999)
[Publications] H.Fujikura: "Extra-Side-Facet Control in Selective Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires for Improvement of Wire Uniformity"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1067-1070 (1999)
[Publications] M.B.Takeyama: "Interfacial Reaction and Electrical Properties in the Sputter-Deposited Al/Ti Ohmic Contact to n-InP"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1115-1118 (1999)
[Publications] C.Kaneshiro: "Electrochemical Etching of Indium Phosphide Surfaces Studied by Voltammetry and Scanned Probe Microscopes"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1147-1152 (1999)
[Publications] T.Sato: "The Strong Correlation Between Interface Microstructure and Barrier Height in n-InP Schottky Contacts Formed by In Situ Electrochemical Process"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1103-1106 (1999)
[Publications] H.Takahashi: "X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ultrahigh Vacuum Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Characterization of Novel Oxide-Free InP Passivation Process Using a Silicon Surface Quantum Well"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 1128-1132 (1999)
[Publications] Y.Sato: "Voltage Gain in GaAs-Based Lateral Single-Electron Transistors Having Three Schottky Wrap Gates"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 410-414 (1999)
[Publications] J.Nakamura: "Transport Properties of Schottky In-Plane-Gate GaAs Single and Coupled Quantum Wire Trasistors"IOP conference series. 162. 409-414 (1999)
[Publications] N.Ono: "Study of Selective MBE Growth on Patterned (001) InP Substrates Toward Realization of <100>-Oriented InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires"IOP conference series. 162. 385-390 (1999)
[Publications] C.Kaneshiro: "Realization of Strongly Metal-Dependent Schottky Barrier Heights on n-GaAs by In Situ Electrochemical Process"IOP conference series. 162(in press). (1999)
[Publications] T.Muranaka: "Realization of InP-Based InGaAs Single Electron Transistors on Wires and Dots Groen by Selective MBE"Microelectronic Engineering. 47. 201-203 (1999)
[Publications] H.Okada: "GaAs-Based Single Electron Logic and Memory Devices Using Electro-Deposited Nanometer Schottky Gates"Microelectronic Engineering. 285-287 (1999)
[Publications] H.Sai: "Growth of Device Quality InGaP/GaAs Heterostructures by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy using Tertiarybutylphosphine"Solid State Electron. 1541-1546 (1999)
[Publications] H.Sai: "Study of Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction Oscillation for Optimization of Tertiarybutylphosphine-Based Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of In_<0.48>Ga_<0.52>P on GaAs"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 824-831 (1999)
[Publications] H.Sai: "Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of In_<1-x>Ga_xP on GaAs Using Tertiarybutylphosphine"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 151-158 (1999)
[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "Properties of Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces Formed on n-type GaN"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 2637-2639 (1999)
[Publications] T.Sato: "Formation of Size- and Position-Controlled Nanometer Size Pt Dots on GaAs and InP Substrates by Pulsed Electrochemical Deposition"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 2448-2452 (1999)
[Publications] T.Yoshida: "A Novel Non-Destructive Characterization Method of Electronic Properties of Pre- and Post-Processing Silicon Surfaces Based on Ultrahigh-Vacuum Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Measurements"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 2349-2354 (1999)
[Publications] M.Mutoh: "Effects of Initial Surface Reconstruction on Silicon Interface Control Layer Based Passivation of(001)GaAs Surfaces Studied in an Ultrahigh-Vacuum Multichamber System"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 38. 2538-2543 (1999)
[Publications] H.Takahashi: "In-situ Characterization Technique of Compound Semiconductor Heterostructure Growth and Device Processing Steps Based on UHV Contactless Capacitance-Voltage Measurement"Solid-State Electronics. 43. 1561-1570 (1999)
[Publications] Y.Koyama: "Formation Processes and Properties of Schottky and Ohmic Contacts on n-type GaN form Field Effect Transistor Applications"Solid-State Electronics. 43. 1483-1488 (1999)
[Publications] A.Hamamatsu: "A.Hamamatsu, C.Kaneshiro, H.Fujikura and H.Hasegawa, "Formation of <001>-Aligned Nano-Scale Pores on (001) n-InP Surfaces by Photoelectrochemical Anodization in HCI"Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 223-229 (1999)
[Publications] B.Adamowicz: "Electronic Properties of Al_xGa_<1-x>As Surface Passivation by Ultrathin Silicon Interface Control Layer"Applied Surface Science. 141. 326-332 (1999)
[Publications] B.Adamowicz: "Computer simulation of the surface photovoltage on Si and GaAs surfaces with U-shaped surface state continuum"Vacuum. 54. 137-177 (1999)
[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "Molectular-Beam Epitaxy and Device Applications of III-V Semiconductor Nanowires"MRS Bulletin. 24. 25-30 (1999)
[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "Properties of nanometer-sized metal-semiconductor interfaces of GaAs and InP formed by an in situ electrochemical process"Journal of Vacuum Science and Techonolgy. B17. 1856-1866 (1999)
[Publications] H.Okada: "Characterization of GaAs Schottky in-plane gate quantum wire transistors fow switching of quantized conductance"Physica B. 272. 123-126 (1999)
[Publications] S.kasai: "Conductance oscillation characteristics of GaAs Schottky wrap-gate single-electron transistors"Physica B. 272. 88-91 (1999)
[Publications] H.Fujikura: "Selective growth of quantum wire-dot couple structures with novel high index facets for InGaAs single electron transistor arrays"Microelectronics Journal. 30. 397-401 (1999)
[Publications] T.Tanaka: "A novel GaAs flip-chip power MODFET with high gain and efficiency"Solid-State Electronics. 43. 1405-1411 (1999)
[Publications] D.Ueda: "Implementation of GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits with on-chip BST capacitors"Journal of Electroceramics. 3. 105-113 (1999)
[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "Advanced mesoscopic device concepts and technology"Microelectronic Engineering. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "MBE Growth and Applications of Silicon Interface Control Layers"Thin Solid Films. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] H.Hasegawa: "Unpinning of Fermi Level in Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on GaAs and InP"Applies Surface Science. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] H.Fujikura: "Formation of Device-Oriented InGaAs Coupled Quantum Structures by Selective MBE Growth on Patterned InP Substrates"Physica E. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] T.Sato: "Electrical Properties of Nanometer-Sized Schottky Contacts on n-GaAs and n-InP Formed by in situ Electrochemical Process"Japanese Journal Applies Physics. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] M.Iwaya: "Chemical can Electrochemical Nanofabrication Processes for Schottky In-Plane Gate GaAs Single and Coupled Quantum Wire Transistors"Japanese Journal Applies Physics. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] S.kasai: "GaAs quantum wire transistor and single electron transistors using Schottky wrap gates for quantum integrated circuits"IOP conference series. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] T.Muranaka: "Selective MBE growth of InGaAs quantum wire-dot coupled structures with controlled double-barrier potential profiles"IOP conference series. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] N.Negoro: "Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy Study of Ultrathin Si Interface Control Layers Grown on (001) GaAs for Surface Passivation"Applied Surface Science. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] S.Ootomo: "Nitridation of GaP(100)Surfaces by Rf Nitrogen Radicals and by ECR Nitrogen Plasma"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 39(in press). (2000)
[Publications] M.Yamada: "Fabrication and Characterization of Novel Oxide-Free InP MISFET Having and Ultra-Narrow Si Surface Quantum Well"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 39(in press). (2000)
[Publications] R.Nakasaki: "Insulator-GaN Interface Structures Formed by Plasma-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition"Physica E. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] C.Jiang: "Vertical Barrier Layer Formation during Selective MBE Growth of InGaAs Ridge Quantum Wires on InP Patterned Substrates"Physica E. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] S.Anantathanasarn: "Surface Passivation of GaAs by Ultra-thin Cubic GaN Layer"Applied Surface Science. (in press). (2000)
[Publications] K.Kawamura: "Theory of artificial atoms and molecules using semiconductor quantum dots"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. 38. 366-370 (1999)
[Publications] H.Sakaki: "Modelling inter-dot Coulomb interaction effects in field effect transistors with an embedded quantum dot layer"Superlattices and Microstructures. 25. 537-548 (1999)
[Publications] M.Kawabe: "Self-organization of high-density III-V quantum dots on high-index substrates"Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.. 38. 491-495 (1999)